TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

1 Raja-raja 5:1--7:51

Solomon Gathers Building Materials for the Temple

5:1 (5:15) 1  King Hiram of Tyre 2  sent messengers 3  to Solomon when he heard that he had been anointed king in his father’s place. (Hiram had always been an ally of David.) 5:2 Solomon then sent this message to Hiram: 5:3 “You know that my father David was unable to build a temple to honor the Lord 4  his God, for he was busy fighting battles on all fronts while the Lord subdued his enemies. 5  5:4 But now the Lord my God has made me secure on all fronts; there is no adversary or dangerous threat. 5:5 So I have decided 6  to build a temple to honor the Lord 7  my God, as the Lord instructed my father David, ‘Your son, whom I will put on your throne in your place, is the one who will build a temple to honor me.’ 8  5:6 So now order some cedars of Lebanon to be cut for me. My servants will work with your servants. I will pay your servants whatever you say is appropriate, for you know that we have no one among us who knows how to cut down trees like the Sidonians.”

5:7 When Hiram heard Solomon’s message, he was very happy. He said, “The Lord is worthy of praise today because he 9  has given David a wise son to rule over this great nation.” 5:8 Hiram then sent this message to Solomon: “I received 10  the message you sent to me. I will give you all the cedars and evergreens you need. 11  5:9 My servants will bring the timber down from Lebanon to the sea. I will send it by sea in raft-like bundles to the place you designate. 12  There I will separate the logs 13  and you can carry them away. In exchange you will supply the food I need for my royal court.” 14 

5:10 So Hiram supplied the cedars and evergreens Solomon needed, 15  5:11 and Solomon supplied Hiram annually with 20,000 cors 16  of wheat as provision for his royal court, 17  as well as 20,000 baths 18  of pure 19  olive oil. 20  5:12 So the Lord gave Solomon wisdom, as he had promised him. And Hiram and Solomon were at peace and made a treaty. 21 

5:13 King Solomon conscripted 22  work crews 23  from throughout Israel, 30,000 men in all. 5:14 He sent them to Lebanon in shifts of 10,000 men per month. They worked in Lebanon for one month, and then spent two months at home. Adoniram was supervisor of 24  the work crews. 5:15 Solomon also had 70,000 common laborers 25  and 80,000 stonecutters 26  in the hills, 5:16 besides 3,300 27  officials who supervised the workers. 28  5:17 By royal order 29  they supplied large valuable stones in order to build the temple’s foundation with chiseled stone. 5:18 Solomon’s and Hiram’s construction workers, 30  along with men from Byblos, 31  did the chiseling and prepared the wood and stones for the building of the temple. 32 

The Building of the Temple

6:1 In the four hundred and eightieth year after the Israelites left Egypt, in the fourth year of Solomon’s reign over Israel, during the month Ziv 33  (the second month), he began building the Lord’s temple. 6:2 The temple King Solomon built for the Lord was 90 feet 34  long, 30 feet 35  wide, and 45 feet 36  high. 6:3 The porch in front of the main hall of the temple was 30 feet 37  long, corresponding to the width of the temple. It was 15 feet 38  wide, extending out from the front of the temple. 6:4 He made framed windows for the temple. 6:5 He built an extension all around the walls of the temple’s main hall and holy place and constructed side rooms in it. 39  6:6 The bottom floor of the extension was seven and a half feet 40  wide, the middle floor nine feet 41  wide, and the third floor ten and a half 42  feet wide. He made ledges 43  on the temple’s outer walls so the beams would not have to be inserted into the walls. 44  6:7 As the temple was being built, only stones shaped at the quarry 45  were used; the sound of hammers, pickaxes, or any other iron tool was not heard at the temple while it was being built. 6:8 The entrance to the bottom 46  level of side rooms was on the south side of the temple; stairs went up 47  to the middle floor and then on up to the third 48  floor. 6:9 He finished building the temple 49  and covered it 50  with rafters 51  and boards made of cedar. 52  6:10 He built an extension all around the temple; it was seven and a half feet high 53  and it was attached to the temple by cedar beams.

6:11 54 The Lord said 55  to Solomon: 6:12 “As for this temple you are building, if you follow 56  my rules, observe 57  my regulations, and obey all my commandments, 58  I will fulfill through you the promise I made to your father David. 59  6:13 I will live among the Israelites and will not abandon my people Israel.”

6:14 So Solomon finished building the temple. 60  6:15 He constructed the walls inside the temple with cedar planks; he paneled the inside with wood from the floor of the temple to the rafters 61  of the ceiling. He covered the temple floor with boards made from the wood of evergreens. 6:16 He built a wall 30 feet in from the rear of the temple as a partition for an inner sanctuary that would be the most holy place. 62  He paneled the wall with cedar planks from the floor to the rafters. 63  6:17 The main hall in front of the inner sanctuary was 60 feet long. 64  6:18 The inside of the temple was all cedar and was adorned with carvings of round ornaments and of flowers in bloom. Everything was cedar; no stones were visible. 65 

6:19 He prepared the inner sanctuary inside the temple so that the ark of the covenant of the Lord could be placed there. 6:20 The inner sanctuary was 30 feet 66  long, 30 feet wide, and 30 feet high. He plated it with gold, 67  as well as the cedar altar. 68  6:21 Solomon plated the inside of the temple with gold. 69  He hung golden chains in front of the inner sanctuary and plated the inner sanctuary 70  with gold. 6:22 He plated the entire inside of the temple with gold, as well as the altar inside the inner sanctuary. 71 

6:23 In the inner sanctuary he made two cherubs of olive wood; each stood 15 feet 72  high. 6:24 Each of the first cherub’s wings was seven and a half feet long; its entire wingspan was 15 feet. 73  6:25 The second cherub also had a wingspan of 15 feet; it was identical to the first in measurements and shape. 74  6:26 Each cherub stood 15 feet high. 75  6:27 He put the cherubs in the inner sanctuary of the temple. 76  Their wings were spread out. One of the first cherub’s wings touched one wall and one of the other cherub’s wings touched the opposite wall. The first cherub’s other wing touched the second cherub’s other wing in the middle of the room. 77  6:28 He plated the cherubs with gold.

6:29 On all the walls around the temple, inside and out, 78  he carved 79  cherubs, palm trees, and flowers in bloom. 6:30 He plated the floor of the temple with gold, inside and out. 80  6:31 He made doors of olive wood at the entrance to the inner sanctuary; the pillar on each doorpost was five-sided. 81  6:32 On the two doors made of olive wood he carved 82  cherubs, palm trees, and flowers in bloom, and he plated them with gold. 83  He plated the cherubs and the palm trees with hammered gold. 84  6:33 In the same way he made doorposts of olive wood for the entrance to the main hall, only with four-sided pillars. 85  6:34 He also made 86  two doors out of wood from evergreens; each door had two folding leaves. 87  6:35 He carved cherubs, palm trees, and flowers in bloom and plated them with gold, leveled out over the carvings. 6:36 He built the inner courtyard with three rows of chiseled stones and a row of cedar beams.

6:37 In the month Ziv 88  of the fourth year of Solomon’s reign 89  the foundation was laid for the Lord’s temple. 6:38 In the eleventh year, in the month Bul 90  (the eighth month) the temple was completed in accordance with all its specifications and blueprints. It took seven years to build. 91 

The Building of the Royal Palace

7:1 Solomon took thirteen years to build his palace. 92  7:2 He named 93  it “The Palace of the Lebanon Forest”; 94  it was 150 feet 95  long, 75 feet 96  wide, and 45 feet 97  high. It had four rows of cedar pillars and cedar beams above the pillars. 7:3 The roof above the beams supported by the pillars was also made of cedar; there were forty-five beams, fifteen per row. 7:4 There were three rows of windows arranged in sets of three. 98  7:5 All of the entrances 99  were rectangular in shape 100  and they were arranged in sets of three. 101  7:6 He made a colonnade 102  75 feet 103  long and 45 feet 104  wide. There was a porch in front of this and pillars and a roof in front of the porch. 105  7:7 He also made a throne room, called “The Hall of Judgment,” where he made judicial decisions. 106  It was paneled with cedar from the floor to the rafters. 107  7:8 The palace where he lived was constructed in a similar way. 108  He also constructed a palace like this hall for Pharaoh’s daughter, whom he had married. 109  7:9 All of these were built with the best 110  stones, chiseled to the right size 111  and cut with a saw on all sides, 112  from the foundation to the edge of the roof 113  and from the outside to the great courtyard. 7:10 The foundation was made of large valuable stones, measuring either 15 feet or 12 feet. 114  7:11 Above the foundation 115  the best 116  stones, chiseled to the right size, 117  were used along with cedar. 7:12 Around the great courtyard were three rows of chiseled stones and one row of cedar beams, like the inner courtyard of the Lord’s temple and the hall of the palace. 118 

Solomon Commissions Hiram to Supply the Temple

7:13 King Solomon sent for Hiram 119  of Tyre. 120  7:14 He was the son of a widow from the tribe of Naphtali, 121  and his father was a craftsman in bronze from Tyre. He had the skill and knowledge 122  to make all kinds of works of bronze. He reported to King Solomon and did all the work he was assigned.

7:15 He fashioned two bronze pillars; each pillar was 27 feet 123  high and 18 feet 124  in circumference. 7:16 He made two bronze tops for the pillars; each was seven-and-a-half feet high. 125  7:17 The latticework on the tops of the pillars was adorned with ornamental wreaths and chains; the top of each pillar had seven groupings of ornaments. 126  7:18 When he made the pillars, there were two rows of pomegranate-shaped ornaments around the latticework covering the top of each pillar. 127  7:19 The tops of the two pillars in the porch were shaped like lilies and were six feet high. 128  7:20 On the top of each pillar, right above the bulge beside the latticework, there were two hundred pomegranate-shaped ornaments arranged in rows all the way around. 129  7:21 He set up the pillars on the porch in front of the main hall. He erected one pillar on the right 130  side and called it Jakin; 131  he erected the other pillar on the left 132  side and called it Boaz. 133  7:22 The tops of the pillars were shaped like lilies. So the construction of the pillars was completed.

7:23 He also made the large bronze basin called “The Sea.” 134  It measured 15 feet 135  from rim to rim, was circular in shape, and stood seven-and-a-half feet 136  high. Its circumference was 45 feet. 137  7:24 Under the rim all the way around it 138  were round ornaments 139  arranged in settings 15 feet long. 140  The ornaments were in two rows and had been cast with “The Sea.” 141  7:25 “The Sea” stood on top of twelve bulls. Three faced northward, three westward, three southward, and three eastward. “The Sea” was placed on top of them, and they all faced outward. 142  7:26 It was four fingers thick and its rim was like that of a cup shaped like a lily blossom. It could hold about 12,000 gallons. 143 

7:27 He also made ten bronze movable stands. Each stand was six feet 144  long, six feet 145  wide, and four-and-a-half feet 146  high. 7:28 The stands were constructed with frames between the joints. 7:29 On these frames and joints were ornamental lions, bulls, and cherubs. Under the lions and bulls were decorative wreaths. 147  7:30 Each stand had four bronze wheels with bronze axles and four supports. Under the basin the supports were fashioned on each side with wreaths. 148  7:31 Inside the stand was a round opening that was a foot-and-a-half deep; it had a support that was two and one-quarter feet long. 149  On the edge of the opening were carvings in square frames. 150  7:32 The four wheels were under the frames and the crossbars of the axles were connected to the stand. Each wheel was two and one-quarter feet 151  high. 7:33 The wheels were constructed like chariot wheels; their crossbars, rims, spokes, and hubs were made of cast metal. 7:34 Each stand had four supports, one per side projecting out from the stand. 152  7:35 On top of each stand was a round opening three-quarters of a foot deep; 153  there were also supports and frames on top of the stands. 7:36 He engraved ornamental cherubs, lions, and palm trees on the plates of the supports and frames wherever there was room, 154  with wreaths 155  all around. 7:37 He made the ten stands in this way. All of them were cast in one mold and were identical in measurements and shape.

7:38 He also made ten bronze basins, each of which could hold about 240 gallons. 156  Each basin was six feet in diameter; 157  there was one basin for each stand. 7:39 He put five basins on the south side of the temple and five on the north side. He put “The Sea” on the south side, in the southeast corner.

7:40 Hiram also made basins, shovels, and bowls. He 158  finished all the work on the Lord’s temple he had been assigned by King Solomon. 159  7:41 He made 160  the two pillars, the two bowl-shaped tops of the pillars, the latticework for the bowl-shaped tops of the two pillars, 7:42 the four hundred pomegranate-shaped ornaments for the latticework of the two pillars (each latticework had two rows of these ornaments at the bowl-shaped top of the pillar), 7:43 the ten movable stands with their ten basins, 7:44 the big bronze basin called “The Sea” with its twelve bulls underneath, 161  7:45 and the pots, shovels, and bowls. All these items King Solomon assigned Hiram to make for the Lord’s temple 162  were made from polished bronze. 7:46 The king had them cast in earth foundries 163  in the region of the Jordan between Succoth and Zarethan. 7:47 Solomon left all these items unweighed; there were so many of them they did not weigh the bronze. 164 

7:48 Solomon also made all these items for the Lord’s temple: the gold altar, the gold table on which was kept the Bread of the Presence, 165  7:49 the pure gold lampstands at the entrance to the inner sanctuary (five on the right and five on the left), the gold flower-shaped ornaments, lamps, and tongs, 7:50 the pure gold bowls, trimming shears, basins, pans, and censers, and the gold door sockets for the inner sanctuary (the most holy place) and for the doors of the main hall of the temple. 7:51 When King Solomon finished constructing the Lord’s temple, he 166  put the holy items that belonged to his father David (the silver, gold, and other articles) in the treasuries of the Lord’s temple.

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[5:1]  1 sn The verse numbers in the English Bible differ from those in the Hebrew text (BHS) here; 5:1-18 in the English Bible corresponds to 5:15-32 in the Hebrew text. See the note at 4:21.

[5:1]  2 map For location see Map1 A2; Map2 G2; Map4 A1; JP3 F3; JP4 F3.

[5:1]  3 tn Heb “his servants.”

[5:3]  4 tn Heb “a house for the name of the Lord.” The word “name” sometimes refers to one’s reputation or honor. The “name” of the Lord sometimes designates the Lord himself, being indistinguishable from the proper name.

[5:3]  5 tn Heb “because of the battles which surrounded him until the Lord placed them under the soles of his feet.”

[5:5]  6 tn Heb “Look, I am saying.”

[5:5]  7 tn Heb “a house for the name of the Lord.” The word “name” sometimes refers to one’s reputation or honor. The “name” of the Lord sometimes designates the Lord himself, being indistinguishable from the proper name.

[5:5]  8 tn Heb “a house for my name.” The word “name” sometimes refers to one’s reputation or honor. The “name” of the Lord sometimes designates the Lord himself, being indistinguishable from the proper name.

[5:7]  9 tn Or “Blessed be the Lord today, who….”

[5:8]  10 tn Heb “heard.”

[5:8]  11 tn Heb “I will satisfy all your desire with respect to cedar wood and with respect to the wood of evergreens.”

[5:9]  12 tn Heb “I will place them [on? as?] rafts in the sea to the place where you designate to me.” This may mean he would send them by raft, or that he would tie them in raft-like bundles, and have ships tow them down to an Israelite port.

[5:9]  13 tn Heb “smash them,” i.e., untie the bundles.

[5:9]  14 tn Heb “as for you, you will satisfy my desire by giving food for my house.”

[5:10]  15 tn Heb “and Hiram gave to Solomon cedar wood and the wood of evergreens, all his desire.”

[5:11]  16 sn As a unit of dry measure a cor was roughly equivalent to six bushels.

[5:11]  17 tn Heb “his house.”

[5:11]  18 tc The Hebrew text has “twenty cors,” but the ancient Greek version and the parallel text in 2 Chr 2:10 read “twenty thousand baths.”

[5:11]  sn A bath was a liquid measure equivalent to almost six gallons.

[5:11]  19 tn Or “pressed.”

[5:11]  20 tn Heb “and Solomon supplied Hiram with twenty thousand cors of wheat…pure olive oil. So Solomon would give to Hiram year by year.”

[5:12]  21 tn Heb “a covenant,” referring to a formal peace treaty or alliance.

[5:13]  22 tn Heb “raised up.”

[5:13]  23 sn Work crews. This Hebrew word (מַס, mas) refers to a group of laborers conscripted for royal or public service.

[5:14]  24 tn Heb “was over.”

[5:15]  25 tn Heb “carriers of loads.”

[5:15]  26 tn Heb “cutters” (probably of stones).

[5:16]  27 tc Some Greek mss of the OT read “3,600”; cf. 2 Chr 2:2, 18 and NLT.

[5:16]  28 tn Heb “besides thirty-three hundred from the officials of Solomon’s governors who were over the work, the ones ruling over the people, the ones doing the work.”

[5:17]  29 tn Heb “and the king commanded.”

[5:18]  30 tn Heb “builders.”

[5:18]  31 tn Heb “the Gebalites.” The reading is problematic and some emend to a verb form meaning, “set the borders.”

[5:18]  32 tc The LXX includes the words “for three years.”

[6:1]  33 sn During the month Ziv. This would be April-May, 966 b.c. by modern reckoning.

[6:2]  34 tn Heb “sixty cubits.” A cubit was a unit of measure roughly equivalent to 18 inches or 45 cm. Measurements in vv. 2-10 have been converted to feet in the translation for clarity.

[6:2]  35 tn Heb “twenty cubits.”

[6:2]  36 tn Heb “thirty cubits.”

[6:3]  37 tn Heb “twenty cubits.”

[6:3]  38 tn Heb “ten cubits.”

[6:5]  39 tn Heb “and he built on the wall of the temple an extension all around, the walls of the temple all around, for the main hall and for the holy place, and he made side rooms all around.”

[6:6]  40 tn Heb “five cubits.”

[6:6]  41 tn Heb “six cubits.”

[6:6]  42 tn Heb “seven cubits.”

[6:6]  43 tn Or “offsets” (ASV, NAB, NASB, NRSV); NIV “offset ledges.”

[6:6]  44 tn Heb “so that [the beams] would not have a hold in the walls of the temple.”

[6:7]  45 tn Heb “finished stone of the quarry,” i.e., stones chiseled and shaped at the time they were taken out of the quarry.

[6:8]  46 tc The Hebrew text has “middle,” but the remainder of the verse suggests this is an error.

[6:8]  47 tn Heb “by stairs they went up.” The word translated “stairs” occurs only here. Other options are “trapdoors” or “ladders.”

[6:8]  48 tc The translation reads with a few medieval Hebrew mss, the Syriac Peshitta, and Vulgate הַשְּׁלִשִׁית (hashÿlishit, “the third”) rather than MT הַשְּׁלִשִׁים (hashÿlishim, “the thirty”).

[6:9]  49 tn Heb “ built the house and completed it.”

[6:9]  50 tn Heb “the house.”

[6:9]  51 tn The word occurs only here; the precise meaning is uncertain.

[6:9]  52 tn Heb “and rows with cedar wood.”

[6:10]  53 tn Heb “five cubits.” This must refer to the height of each floor or room.

[6:11]  54 tc The LXX lacks vv. 11-14.

[6:11]  55 tn Heb “the word of the Lord was.”

[6:12]  56 tn Heb “walk in.”

[6:12]  57 tn Heb “do.”

[6:12]  58 tn Heb “and keep all my commandments by walking in them.”

[6:12]  59 tn Heb “I will establish my word with you which I spoke to David your father.”

[6:14]  60 tn Heb “ built the house and completed it.”

[6:15]  61 tc The MT reads קִירוֹת (qirot, “walls”), but this should be emended to קוֹרוֹת (qorot, “rafters”). See BDB 900 s.v. קוֹרָה.

[6:16]  62 tn Heb “He built twenty cubits from the rear areas of the temple with cedar planks from the floor to the walls, and he built it on the inside for an inner sanctuary, for a holy place of holy places.”

[6:16]  63 tc The MT has קְלָעִים (qÿlaim, “curtains”), but this should be emended to קוֹרוֹת (qorot, “rafters”). See BDB 900 s.v. קוֹרָה.

[6:17]  64 tn Heb “and the house was forty cubits, that is, the main hall before it.”

[6:18]  65 tn Heb “Cedar was inside the temple, carvings of gourds (i.e., gourd-shaped ornaments) and opened flowers; the whole was cedar, no stone was seen.”

[6:20]  66 tn Heb “twenty cubits” (this measurement occurs three times in this verse).

[6:20]  67 tn Heb “with plated gold” (or perhaps, “with pure gold”).

[6:20]  68 tn Heb “he plated [the] altar of cedar.”

[6:21]  69 tn Heb “with plated gold” (or perhaps, “with pure gold”).

[6:21]  70 tn Heb “it.”

[6:22]  71 tn Heb “all the temple he plated with gold until all the temple was finished; and the whole altar which was in the inner sanctuary he plated with gold.”

[6:23]  72 tn Heb “ten cubits” (a cubit was a unit of measure roughly equivalent to 18 inches or 45 cm).

[6:24]  73 tn Heb “The first wing of the [one] cherub was five cubits, and the second wing of the cherub was five cubits, ten cubits from the tips of his wings to the tips of his wings.”

[6:25]  74 tn Heb “and the second cherub was ten cubits, the two cherubs had one measurement and one shape.”

[6:26]  75 tn Heb “the height of the first cherub was ten cubits; and so was the second cherub.”

[6:27]  76 tn Heb “in the midst of the inner house,” i.e., in the inner sanctuary.

[6:27]  77 tn Heb “and their wings were in the middle of the room, touching wing to wing.”

[6:29]  78 sn Inside and out probably refers to the inner and outer rooms within the building.

[6:29]  79 tn Heb “carved engravings of carvings.”

[6:30]  80 sn Inside and out probably refers to the inner and outer rooms within the building.

[6:31]  81 tn Heb “the pillar, doorposts, a fifth part” (the precise meaning of this description is uncertain).

[6:32]  82 tn Heb “carved carvings of.”

[6:32]  83 tn Heb “he plated [with] gold” (the precise object is not stated).

[6:32]  84 tn Heb “and he hammered out the gold on the cherubs and the palm trees.”

[6:33]  85 tn Heb “and so he did at the entrance of the main hall, doorposts of olive wood, from a fourth.”

[6:34]  86 tn The words “he also made” are added for stylistic reasons.

[6:34]  87 tc Heb “two of the leaves of the first door were folding, and two of the leaves of the second door were folding.” In the second half of the description, the MT has קְלָעִים (qÿlaim, “curtains”), but this is surely a corruption of צְלָעִים (tsÿlaim, “leaves”) which appears in the first half of the statement.

[6:37]  88 sn In the month Ziv. This would be April-May, 966 b.c. by modern reckoning.

[6:37]  89 tn The words “of Solomon’s reign” are added for clarification. See v. 1.

[6:38]  90 sn In the month Bul. This would be October-November 959 b.c. in modern reckoning.

[6:38]  91 tn Heb “he built it in seven years.”

[7:1]  92 tn Heb “His house Solomon built in thirteen years and he completed all his house.”

[7:2]  93 tn Heb “he built.”

[7:2]  94 sn The Palace of the Lebanon Forest. This name was appropriate because of the large amount of cedar, undoubtedly brought from Lebanon, used in its construction. The cedar pillars in the palace must have given it the appearance of a forest.

[7:2]  95 tn Heb “one hundred cubits.”

[7:2]  96 tn Heb “fifty cubits.”

[7:2]  97 tn Heb “thirty cubits.”

[7:4]  98 tn Heb “and framed [windows in] three rows, and opening to opening three times.” The precise meaning of this description is uncertain. Another option might be, “overhung [in] three rows.” This might mean they were positioned high on the walls.

[7:5]  99 tn Heb “all of the doors and doorposts.”

[7:5]  100 sn Rectangular in shape. That is, rather than arched.

[7:5]  101 tn Heb “and all the entrances and the doorposts [had] four frames, and in front of opening to opening three times” (the precise meaning of the description is uncertain).

[7:6]  102 tn Heb “a porch of pillars.”

[7:6]  103 tn Heb “fifty cubits.”

[7:6]  104 tn Heb “thirty cubits.”

[7:6]  105 tn Heb “and a porch was in front of them (i.e., the aforementioned pillars) and pillars and a roof in front of them (i.e., the aforementioned pillars and porch).” The precise meaning of the term translated “roof” is uncertain; it occurs only here and in Ezek 41:25-26.

[7:7]  106 tn Heb “and a porch for the throne, where he was making judicial decisions, the Porch of Judgment, he made.”

[7:7]  107 tc The Hebrew text reads, “from the floor to the floor.” The second occurrence of the term הַקַּרְקָע (haqqarqa’, “the floor”) is probably an error; one should emend to הַקּוֹרוֹת (haqqorot, “the rafters”). See 6:16.

[7:8]  108 tn Heb “and his house where he lived, the other court [i.e., as opposed to the great court], separated from the house belonging to the hall, was like this work [i.e., this style of architecture].”

[7:8]  109 tn Heb “and a house he was making for the daughter of Pharaoh, whom Solomon had taken, like this porch.”

[7:9]  110 tn Or “valuable” (see 5:17).

[7:9]  111 tn Heb “according to the measurement of chiseled [stone].”

[7:9]  112 tn Heb “inside and out.”

[7:9]  113 tn The precise meaning of the Hebrew word טְפָחוֹת (tÿfakhot) is uncertain, but it is clear that the referent stands in opposition to the foundation.

[7:10]  114 tn Heb “stones of ten cubits and stones of eight cubits” (it is unclear exactly what dimension is being measured). If both numbers refer to the length of the stones (cf. NCV, CEV, NLT), then perhaps stones of two different sizes were used in some alternating pattern.

[7:11]  115 tn Heb “on top,” or “above.”

[7:11]  116 tn Or “valuable” (see 5:17).

[7:11]  117 tn Heb “according to the measurement of chiseled [stone].”

[7:12]  118 tn Or “the porch of the temple.”

[7:13]  119 tn Heb “King Solomon sent and took Hiram from Tyre.” In 2 Chr 2:13 (MT v. 12) and 4:11, 16 his name is spelled “Huram.”

[7:13]  120 map For location see Map1 A2; Map2 G2; Map4 A1; JP3 F3; JP4 F3.

[7:14]  121 tn 2 Chr 2:14 (13 HT) says “from the daughters of Dan.”

[7:14]  122 tn Heb “he was filled with the skill, understanding, and knowledge.”

[7:15]  123 tn Heb “eighteen cubits.”

[7:15]  124 tn Heb “twelve cubits.”

[7:16]  125 tn Heb “two capitals he made to place on the tops of the pillars, cast in bronze; five cubits was the height of the first capital, and five cubits was the height of the second capital.”

[7:17]  126 tn Heb “there were seven for the first capital, and seven for the second capital.”

[7:18]  127 tn Heb “he made the pillars, and two rows surrounding one latticework to cover the capitals which were on top of the pomegranates, and so he did for the second latticework.” The translation supplies “pomegranates” after “two rows,” and understands “pillars,” rather than “pomegranates,” to be the correct reading after “on top of.” The latter change finds support from many Hebrew mss and the ancient Greek version.

[7:19]  128 tn Heb “the capitals which were on the top of the pillars were the work of lilies, in the porch, four cubits.” It is unclear exactly what dimension is being measured.

[7:20]  129 tn Heb “and the capitals on the two pillars, also above, close beside the bulge which was beside the latticework, two hundred pomegranates in rows around, on the second capital.” The precise meaning of the word translated “bulge” is uncertain.

[7:21]  130 tn Or “south.”

[7:21]  131 sn The name Jakin appears to be a verbal form and probably means, “he establishes.”

[7:21]  132 tn Or “north.”

[7:21]  133 sn The meaning of the name Boaz is uncertain. For various proposals, see BDB 126-27 s.v. בעז. One attractive option is to revocalize the name as בְּעֹז (beoz, “in strength”) and to understand it as completing the verbal form on the first pillar. Taking the words together and reading from right to left, one can translate the sentence, “he establishes [it] in strength.”

[7:23]  134 tn Heb “He made the sea, cast.”

[7:23]  sn This large basin that was mounted on twelve bronze bulls and contained water for the priests to bathe themselves (2 Chr 4:6; cf. Exod 30:17-21).

[7:23]  135 tn Heb “ten cubits.”

[7:23]  136 tn Heb “five cubits.”

[7:23]  137 tn Heb “and a measuring line went around it thirty cubits all around.”

[7:24]  138 tn Heb “The Sea.” The proper noun has been replaced by the pronoun (“it”) in the translation for stylistic reasons.

[7:24]  139 tn Or “gourd-shaped ornaments.”

[7:24]  140 tn Heb “ten cubits surrounding the sea all around.” The precise meaning of this description is uncertain.

[7:24]  141 tn Heb “the gourd-shaped ornaments were in two rows, cast in its casting.”

[7:25]  142 tn Heb “all their hindquarters were toward the inside.”

[7:26]  143 tn Heb “two thousand baths” (a bath was a liquid measure roughly equivalent to six gallons).

[7:27]  144 tn Heb “four cubits.”

[7:27]  145 tn Heb “four cubits.”

[7:27]  146 tn Heb “three cubits.”

[7:29]  147 tn The precise meaning of these final words is uncertain. A possible literal translation would be, “wreaths, the work of descent.”

[7:30]  148 tn The precise meaning of this last word, translated “wreaths,” is uncertain.

[7:31]  149 tn Heb “And its opening from the inside to the top and upwards [was] a cubit, and its opening was round, the work of a stand, a cubit-and-a-half.” The precise meaning of this description is uncertain.

[7:31]  150 tn Heb “also over its opening were carvings and their frames [were] squared, not round.”

[7:32]  151 tn Heb “a cubit-and-a-half” (a cubit was a unit of measure roughly equivalent to 18 inches or 45 cm).

[7:34]  152 tn Heb “four shoulders to the four sides of each stand, from the stand its shoulders.” The precise meaning of the description is uncertain.

[7:35]  153 tn Heb “and on top of the stand, a half cubit [in] height, round all around” (the meaning of this description is uncertain).

[7:36]  154 tn Heb “according to the space of each.”

[7:36]  155 tn The precise meaning of this last word, translated “wreaths,” is uncertain.

[7:38]  156 tn Heb “forty baths” (a bath was a liquid measure roughly equivalent to six gallons).

[7:38]  157 tn Heb “four cubits, each basin.” It is unclear which dimension is being measured.

[7:40]  158 tn Heb “Hiram.” The proper name has been replaced by the pronoun (“he”) in the translation for stylistic reasons.

[7:40]  159 tn Heb “Hiram finished doing all the work which he did for King Solomon [on] the house of the Lord.

[7:41]  160 tn The words “he made” are added for stylistic reasons.

[7:44]  161 tn Heb “underneath ‘The Sea.’”

[7:45]  162 tn Heb “which Hiram made for King Solomon [for] the house of the Lord.

[7:46]  163 tn Or perhaps, “molds.”

[7:47]  164 tn Heb “Solomon left all the items, due to their very great abundance; the weight of the bronze was not sought.”

[7:48]  165 tn Heb “the bread of the face [or presence].” Many recent English versions employ “the bread of the Presence,” although this does not convey much to the modern reader.

[7:48]  sn This bread was viewed as a perpetual offering to God and was regarded as holy. See Lev 24:5-9.

[7:51]  166 tn Heb “Solomon.” The proper name has been replaced by the pronoun (“he”) in the translation for stylistic reasons.

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