Jumlah dalam TB : 18 dalam 17 ayat
(dalam OT: 14 dalam 13 ayat)
(dalam NT: 4 dalam 4 ayat)
Keluarga Kata untuk kata "ganjaran" dalam TB (25/4) : diganjar (1x/0x); diganjar-Nya (1x/0x); ganjaran (14x/4x); ganjarannya (1x/0x); Ganjarilah (2x/0x); mengganjar (5x/0x); pengganjaran (1x/0x);
Hebrew : <01576> 4x; <08478> 1x; <07939> 1x; <01578> 1x; <02506> 1x; <06118> 1x; <02896> 1x; <04148> 1x; <04242> 1x; <01116> 1x;
Greek : <3809> 3x; <3810> 1x;
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Strong# / Frek.Definisi & Terjemahan
<01576> 4 (dari 19)
lwmg g@muwl
Definisi : --n m (noun masculine)-- 1) dealing, recompense, benefit 1a) dealing (of one's hand) 1b) recompense 1c) benefit
Dalam TB :
<01116> 1 (dari 102)
hmb bamah
Definisi : --n f (noun feminime)-- 1) high place, ridge, height, bamah (technical name for cultic platform) 1a) high place, mountain 1b) high places, battlefields 1c) high places (as places of worship) 1d) funeral mound?
Dalam TB :
<01578> 1 (dari 3)
hlwmg g@muwlah
Definisi : --n f (noun feminime)-- 1) dealing, recompense
Dalam TB :
<02506> 1 (dari 67)
qlx cheleq
Definisi : --n m (noun masculine)-- 1) portion, share, part, territory 1a) portion, share 1b) portion, tract, parcel (of land) 1c) one's portion, one's possession 1d) (chosen) portion 1e) portion, award (from God) 2) smoothness, seductiveness, flattery
Dalam TB :
<02896> 1 (dari 562)
bwj towb
Definisi : --adj, n m, n f (adjective, noun masculine, noun feminime)-- adj 1) good, pleasant, agreeable 1a) pleasant, agreeable (to the senses) 1b) pleasant (to the higher nature) 1c) good, excellent (of its kind) 1d) good, rich, valuable in estimation 1e) good, appropriate, becoming 1f) better (comparative) 1g) glad, happy, prosperous (of man's sensuous nature) 1h) good understanding (of man's intellectual nature) 1i) good, kind, benign 1j) good, right (ethical) n m 2) a good thing, benefit, welfare 2a) welfare, prosperity, happiness 2b) good things (collective) 2c) good, benefit 2d) moral good n f 3) welfare, benefit, good things 3a) welfare, prosperity, happiness 3b) good things (collective) 3c) bounty
Dalam TB :
<04148> 1 (dari 50)
rowm muwcar
Definisi : --n m (noun masculine)-- 1) discipline, chastening, correction 1a) discipline, correction 1b) chastening
Dalam TB :
<04242> 1 (dari 15)
ryxm m@chiyr
Definisi : --n m (noun masculine)-- 1) price, hire 1a) price 1b) hire, reward, gain
Dalam TB :
<06118> 1 (dari 15)
bqe `eqeb
Definisi : --n m, adv, conj (noun masculine, adverb, conjunction)-- n m 1) consequence 1a) consequence 1b) consequence, gain, reward 1c) end adv 2) as a consequence, because, consequently conj 3) as a consequence of, that, because
Dalam TB :
<07939> 1 (dari 28)
rks sakar
Definisi : --n m (noun masculine)-- 1) hire, wages 1a) wages 1b) reward, pay 1c) fare, fee, passage-money
Dalam TB :
<08478> 1 (dari 504)
txt tachath
Definisi : --n m (noun masculine)-- 1) the under part, beneath, instead of, as, for, for the sake of, flat, unto, where, whereas n m 1a) the under part adv accus 1b) beneath prep 1c) under, beneath 1c1) at the foot of (idiom) 1c2) sweetness, subjection, woman, being burdened or oppressed (fig) 1c3) of subjection or conquest 1d) what is under one, the place in which one stands 1d1) in one's place, the place in which one stands (idiom with reflexive pronoun) 1d2) in place of, instead of (in transferred sense) 1d3) in place of, in exchange or return for (of things mutually interchanged) conj 1e) instead of, instead of that 1f) in return for that, because that in compounds 1g) in, under, into the place of (after verbs of motion) 1h) from under, from beneath, from under the hand of, from his place, under, beneath
Dalam TB :
<00000> 1
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Strong# / Frek.Definisi & Terjemahan
<3809> 3 (dari 6)
paideia paideia
Definisi : --n f (noun feminime)-- 1) the whole training and education of children (which relates to the cultivation of mind and morals, and employs for this purpose now commands and admonitions, now reproof and punishment) It also includes the training and care of the body 2) whatever in adults also cultivates the soul, esp. by correcting mistakes and curbing passions. 2a) instruction which aims at increasing virtue 2b) chastisement, chastening, (of the evils with which God visits men for their amendment)
Dalam TB :
<3810> 1 (dari 2)
paideuthv paideutes
Definisi : --n m (noun masculine)-- 1) an instructor, preceptor, teacher 2) a chastiser
Dalam TB :

Konkordansi PL

hlwmgh <01578> 2Sam 19:36 ... raja. Mengapa raja memberikan ganjaran yang sedemikian kepadaku?
qlx <02506> Ayb 20:29 Itulah ganjaran Allah bagi orang fasik, milik ...
bqe <06118> Ams 22:4   Ganjaran kerendahan hati dan takut ...
bwj <02896> Ams 24:25 ... mereka akan mendapat ganjaran berkat.
-- Pkh 8:14 ... benar, yang menerima ganjaran yang layak untuk perbuatan ...
lwmg <01576> Yes 35:4 ... dengan pembalasan dan dengan ganjaran Allah. Ia sendiri datang ...
rowm <04148> Yes 53:5 ... oleh karena kejahatan kita; ganjaran yang mendatangkan keselamatan ...
lwmg <01576> Yes 59:18 ... murka kepada lawan-lawan-Nya, ganjaran kepada musuh-musuh-Nya; ...
lwmg <01576> Yes 59:18 ... yang jauh Ia memberi ganjaran .
ryxmb <04242> Yer 15:13 ... Kuberikan dirampas sebagai ganjaran atas segala dosamu di segenap ...
Kytmb <01116> Yer 17:3 ... Kuberikan dirampas sebagai ganjaran atas dosamu di segenap ...
txt <08478> Yer 29:19 sebagai ganjaran bahwa mereka tidak ...
rkv <07939> Yer 31:16 ... sebab untuk jerih payahmu ada ganjaran , demikianlah firman TUHAN; ...
lwmg <01576> Yer 51:6 ... bagi TUHAN; Ia membayar ganjaran kepadanya.

Konkordansi PB

paideian <3809> Ibr 12:7 Jika kamu harus menanggung ganjaran ; Allah memperlakukan kamu ...
paideiav <3809> Ibr 12:8 ... jikalau kamu bebas dari ganjaran , yang harus diderita setiap ...
paideutav <3810> Ibr 12:9 ... yang sebenarnya kita beroleh ganjaran , dan mereka kita hormati; ...
paideia <3809> Ibr 12:11 Memang tiap-tiap ganjaran pada waktu ia diberikan tidak ...

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