Jumlah dalam TB : 9 dalam 9 ayat
(dalam OT: 5 dalam 5 ayat)
(dalam NT: 4 dalam 4 ayat)
Keluarga Kata untuk kata "berkepala" dalam TB (722/205) : berkepala (5x/4x); dikepalai (1x/0x); kepala (460x/159x); kepala-kepala (72x/3x); kepala-Ku (2x/1x); kepala-Nya (1x/12x); kepalaku (26x/1x); kepalamu (23x/4x); kepalanya (88x/16x); mengepalai (44x/2x); kepala-kepalanya (0x/1x); kepalamupun (0x/2x);
Hebrew : <04696> 3x; <07119> 1x; <07217> 1x;
Greek : <2192 2776> 3x; <2776> 1x;
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Strong# / Frek.Definisi & Terjemahan
<04696> 3 (dari 13)
xum metsach
Definisi : --n m (noun masculine)-- 1) brow, forehead
Dalam TB :
<07119> 1 (dari 4)
rq qar
Definisi : --adj (adjective)-- 1) cool 1a) cool, calm, self-possessed (of spirit)
Dalam TB :
<07217> 1 (dari 14)
var re'sh (Aramaic)
Definisi : --n m (noun masculine)-- 1) chief, head 1a) head (of man) 1b) head (as seat of visions) 1c) chief 1d) sum (essential content)
Dalam TB :
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Strong# / Frek.Definisi & Terjemahan
<2776> 4 (dari 75)
kefalh kephale
Definisi : --n f (noun feminime)-- 1) the head, both of men and often of animals. Since the loss of the head destroys life, this word is used in the phrases relating to capital and extreme punishment. 2) metaph. anything supreme, chief, prominent 2a) of persons, master lord: of a husband in relation to his wife 2b) of Christ: the Lord of the husband and of the Church 2c) of things: the corner stone
Dalam TB :
<2192> 3 (dari 708)
ecw echo including an alternate form scew scheo
Definisi : --v (verb)-- 1) to have, i.e. to hold 1a) to have (hold) in the hand, in the sense of wearing, to have (hold) possession of the mind (refers to alarm, agitating emotions, etc.), to hold fast keep, to have or comprise or involve, to regard or consider or hold as 2) to have i.e. own, possess 2a) external things such as pertain to property or riches or furniture or utensils or goods or food etc. 2b) used of those joined to any one by the bonds of natural blood or marriage or friendship or duty or law etc, of attendance or companionship 3) to hold one's self or find one's self so and so, to be in such or such a condition 4) to hold one's self to a thing, to lay hold of a thing, to adhere or cling to 4a) to be closely joined to a person or a thing
Dalam TB :

Konkordansi PL

xwr <07119> Ams 17:27 ... orang yang berpengertian berkepala dingin.
Kxumw <04696> Yes 48:4 ... tengkuk, keras kepala dan berkepala batu,
xum <04696> Yeh 3:7 ... karena seluruh kaum Israel berkepala batu dan bertegar hati.
Kxum <04696> Yeh 3:8 ... hatimu melawan mereka yang berkepala batu dan membajakan ...
Nysar <07217> Dan 7:6 ... lagipula binatang itu berkepala empat, dan kepadanya ...

Konkordansi PB

ecousai kefalav <2192 2776> Why 9:19 ... sama seperti ular; mereka berkepala dan dengan kepala mereka itu ...
ecwn kefalav <2192 2776> Why 12:3 ... naga merah padam yang besar, berkepala tujuh dan bertanduk sepuluh, ...
kefalav <2776> Why 13:1 ... laut, bertanduk sepuluh dan berkepala tujuh; di atas ...
econtov kefalav <2192 2776> Why 17:7 ... memikulnya, binatang yang berkepala tujuh dan bertanduk sepuluh ...

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