Jumlah dalam TB : 8 dalam 8 ayat
(dalam OT: 4 dalam 4 ayat)
(dalam NT: 4 dalam 4 ayat)
Keluarga Kata untuk kata "dapati" dalam TB (1580/702) : berpendapat (1x/8x); dapat (803x/440x); dapati (4x/4x); Dapatkah (47x/14x); dapatlah (3x/3x); didapat (8x/2x); didapati (30x/4x); Didapati-Nya (2x/0x); didapatilah (3x/0x); didapatinya (7x/4x); didapatinyalah (4x/1x); didapatlah (1x/0x); didapatnya (6x/0x); kaudapat (2x/0x); kaudapati (5x/0x); kedapatan (10x/5x); kedapatanlah (2x/0x); kudapat (5x/1x); Kudapati (19x/0x); kudapatkan (1x/0x); mendapat (383x/98x); mendapati (11x/30x); mendapatinya (1x/1x); mendapatkan (75x/19x); mendapatkannya (11x/2x); mendapatnya (10x/5x); pendapat (1x/4x); pendapatannya (2x/0x); pendapatku (3x/5x); pendapatmu (1x/7x); sedapat-dapatnya (2x/0x); terdapat (115x/37x); terdapatlah (2x/0x); didapati-Nya (0x/2x); kudapati (0x/2x); pendapatnya (0x/1x); sedapat (0x/2x); Sedapat-dapatnya (0x/1x);
Hebrew : <04672> 3x;
Greek : <2147> 3x;
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Strong# / Frek.Definisi & Terjemahan
<04672> 3 (dari 455)
aum matsa'
Definisi : --v (verb)-- 1) to find, attain to 1a) (Qal) 1a1) to find 1a1a) to find, secure, acquire, get (thing sought) 1a1b) to find (what is lost) 1a1c) to meet, encounter 1a1d) to find (a condition) 1a1e) to learn, devise 1a2) to find out 1a2a) to find out 1a2b) to detect 1a2c) to guess 1a3) to come upon, light upon 1a3a) to happen upon, meet, fall in with 1a3b) to hit 1a3c) to befall 1b) (Niphal) 1b1) to be found 1b1a) to be encountered, be lighted upon, be discovered 1b1b) to appear, be recognised 1b1c) to be discovered, be detected 1b1d) to be gained, be secured 1b2) to be, be found 1b2a) to be found in 1b2b) to be in the possession of 1b2c) to be found in (a place), happen to be 1b2d) to be left (after war) 1b2e) to be present 1b2f) to prove to be 1b2g) to be found sufficient, be enough 1c) (Hiphil) 1c1) to cause to find, attain 1c2) to cause to light upon, come upon, come 1c3) to cause to encounter 1c4) to present (offering)
Dalam TB :
<00000> 1
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Strong# / Frek.Definisi & Terjemahan
<2147> 3 (dari 175)
euriskw heurisko
Definisi : --v (verb)-- 1) to come upon, hit upon, to meet with 1a) after searching, to find a thing sought 1b) without previous search, to find (by chance), to fall in with 1c) those who come or return to a place 2) to find by enquiry, thought, examination, scrutiny, observation, to find out by practice and experience 2a) to see, learn, discover, understand 2b) to be found i.e. to be seen, be present 2c) to be discovered, recognised, detected, to show one's self out, of one's character or state as found out by others (men, God, or both) 2d) to get knowledge of, come to know, God 3) to find out for one's self, to acquire, get, obtain, procure
Dalam TB :
<0000> 1

Konkordansi PL

wnaum <04672> Kej 37:32 ... dengan pesan: "Ini kami dapati . Silakanlah bapa periksa ...
wnaum <04672> Kej 44:8 Bukankah uang yang kami dapati di dalam mulut karung kami ...
-- Hak 18:8 ... mereka: "Apakah yang kamu dapati di sana?"
taumw <04672> Neh 9:8 Engkau dapati bahwa hatinya setia ...

Konkordansi PB

euron <2147> Kis 24:20 ... kejahatan apakah yang mereka dapati , ketika aku dihadapkan di ...
euriskw <2147> Rm 7:21 Demikianlah aku dapati hukum ini: jika aku ...
-- 2Kor 2:12 ... Injil Kristus, aku dapati , bahwa Tuhan telah membuka ...
eurhka <2147> Why 3:2 ... satupun dari pekerjaanmu Aku dapati sempurna di hadapan Allah-Ku.

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