Jumlah dalam TB : 46 dalam 45 ayat
(dalam OT: 9 dalam 8 ayat)
(dalam NT: 37 dalam 37 ayat)
Keluarga Kata untuk kata "sabda" dalam TL (20/87) : bersabda (5x/20x); disabdakan (1x/12x); sabda (9x/37x); sabda-Nya (1x/4x); sabdanya (3x/3x); sabdanyapun (1x/0x); bersabdalah (0x/9x); disabdakan-Nya (0x/1x); disabdakannya (0x/1x);
Hebrew : <05002> 3x; <01697> 3x; <01696> 2x; <0559> 1x;
Greek : <3592 3004> 6x; <3004> 6x; <4483 1223> 4x; <3056> 4x; <2036> 3x; <2036 4314> 3x; <3592> 2x; <4487> 2x; <3056 5207> 1x; <4483 1223 3004> 1x; <5456> 1x; <4280> 1x; <4314> 1x;
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Strong# / Frek.Definisi & Terjemahan
<05002> 3 (dari 376)
Man n@'um
Definisi : --n m (noun masculine)-- 1) (Qal) utterance, declaration (of prophet) 1a) utterance, declaration, revelation (of prophet in ecstatic state) 1b) utterance, declaration (elsewhere always preceding divine name)
Dalam TL : firman 355, berkata 3, berfirman 3, sabda 3, bersabda 3, Firman 1, kata 1, berfirmanlah 1, fiman 1, berkata-kata 1
<01697> 3 (dari 1441)
rbd dabar
Definisi : --n m (noun masculine)-- 1) speech, word, speaking, thing 1a) speech 1b) saying, utterance 1c) word, words 1d) business, occupation, acts, matter, case, something, manner (by extension)
Dalam TL : firman 383, perkataan 191, perkara 171, kisah 51, kata 45, tawarikh 41, firman-Ku 37, titah 31, firman-Nya 28, firman-Mu 25, hal 21, barang 15, demikian 14, katamu 14, kabar 14, sesuatu 13, perkataanmu 12, sembah 11, perkataannya 11, sepatah 10, bunyi 10, pesan 9, jawab 9, satupun 9, katanya 8, perkataanku 7, sepatah katapun 7, perbuatan 6, sebab 6, Perkataan 5, pekerjaan 5, sembahmu 5, hal ihwal 5, sepatah kata 4, berkata-kata 4, karena 4, peri 4, perbuatanmu 4, kelakuan 4, janji 4, halmu 3, kataku 3, wahyu 3, menyahut 3, halnya 3, perkaranya 3, suaranya 3, bicara 3, sabda 3, honar 2, hukum 2, bohong 2, banyaknya 2, barang sesuatu 2, sebabnya 2, masing-masing 2, sekata 2, kisahnya 2, katapun 2, tersebut 2, Demikianlah 2, janji-Mu 2, suatupun 2, sahut 2, itu 2, ini 2, seperkara 2, dikatakannya 2, perjanjian-Mu 2, doa 2, beramah-ramahan 2, demikianlah 1, janji-Nya 1, Menyahut 1, janji-Ku 1, Bermula 1, Demikian 1, janjian 1, berkata 1, Firman 1, bermufakatlah 1, janjimu 1, Katamu 1, binatang 1, berjanjilah 1, janjinya 1, dipesan 1, begitu 1, benda 1, hal ihwalnya 1, begini 1, firman-Mupun 1, barang suatu 1, hikayat 1, alkalam 1, disahut 1, inilah 1, hukum-Nya 1, Satupun 1, disampaikan 1, firman-Nyapun 1, maknanya 1, permintaanmu 1, perkataanya 1, perselisihan 1, persembahan 1, pikiran 1, petuturan 1, perkataanpun 1, perkataannyapun 1, perkarapun 1, perkaramu 1, perkataaan 1, perkataan angin 1, perkataan-Ku 1, pinta 1, riasa 1, tegur 1, tanggungan 1, titahmu 1, ukuran 1, umpat 1, syak 1, surat 1, satu 1, sahutan 1, sebilang 1, seperkarapun 1, sesuatupun 1, peristiwa 1, perintah kuasa-Nya 1, kuatnya 1, kitab 1, kukatakan 1, memanggil 1, meskipun 1, membesarkan dirinya 1, ketuduhan 1, keputusan 1, kegenapan 1, katamupun 1, kehendak 1, kehidupannya 1, kemegahan 1, nubuat 1, nubuatnyapun 1, perdakwaan 1, perbuatannya 1, peri hal 1, perihal 1, perintah 1, perbuatan-Nya 1, perbuatan-Mu 1, pekerjaannya 1, patut 1, pekerjaanya 1, penghidupan 1, penyakitnya 1, kata-Mu 1
<01696> 2 (dari 1144)
rbd dabar
Definisi : --v (verb)-- 1) to speak, declare, converse, command, promise, warn, threaten, sing 1a) (Qal) to speak 1b) (Niphal) to speak with one another, talk 1c) (Piel) 1c1) to speak 1c2) to promise 1d) (Pual) to be spoken 1e) (Hithpael) to speak 1f) (Hiphil) to lead away, put to flight
Dalam TL : berfirman 147, berkata-kata 128, berfirmanlah 91, firman 72, berkata 66, dikatakan 42, Katakanlah 41, mengatakan 38, kata 28, dikatakannya 26, katakanlah 23, dikatakan-Nya 19, kaukatakan 15, berkatalah 15, katakan 15, bersembah 15, firman-Nya 14, Kukatakan 12, katanya 12, titah 11, sembah 10, katamu 7, firman-Ku 7, firman-Mu 7, kukatakan 7, menyampaikan 6, disampaikannyalah 5, kataku 5, Kaukatakan 5, difirmankan 5, sembahnya 4, Berkatalah 4, berbantah-bantah 4, Suruhlah 3, disampaikan 3, menyahut 3, bertitah 3, dijanji-Nya 3, mempersembahkan 3, perkataan 3, berfirmankan 3, persembahkan 2, persembahkanlah 2, sabda 2, disampaikan-Nya 2, Kauberfirman 2, disuratkan 2, disuruh 2, bertitahlah 2, disuruhnya 2, Kaujanji 2, dijanjinya 2, berjanji 2, memberitahu 2, menaklukkan 2, Kujanji 2, dipersembahkan 2, Sampaikanlah 2, berbicara 2, befirmanlah 2, bersabda 1, dibilanglah 1, bunyikanlah 1, bicarakanlah 1, diberinya tahu 1, bertutur 1, berkata-katakan 1, bahasa 1, berbantah-bantahlah 1, berbicaralah 1, Suruhkanlah 1, Kuputuskan 1, Katakan 1, Katamu 1, berdatang sembah 1, Berfirmanlah 1, berkta-kata 1, bermegah-megah 1, bernubuatlah 1, berkata-katalah 1, Adapun 1, berjanjilah 1, diceriterakannya 1, berpesan 1, disebutkannya 1, mengucap 1, menyanyikan 1, menyatakan 1, menyuruh 1, mengatakanlah 1, menegur 1, memutuskan 1, memutuskan hukum 1, mendatangkan 1, mendurhaka 1, pembohonglah 1, perintah 1, sampaikanlah 1, setuju 1, suruhlah 1, terkata-kata 1, sampaikan 1, sahutnya 1, perkataannya 1, pesan 1, sabdanyapun 1, mempersembahkan kehendak 1, memohon 1, disampaikanlah 1, disampaikannyakah 1, titahkan 1, disenangkannyalah 1, disahut 1, dipesannya 1, dikarangkan 1, dikenakan 1, dilanjutkan 1, dipesan 1, diturutnya 1, firmankan 1, memakai 1, memasyhurkan 1, memberi 1, membujuk-bujuk 1, kusampaikan 1, keluar 1, hampir 1, janji 1, kausebutkan 1, dijanji 1
<0559> 1 (dari 5308)
rma 'amar
Definisi : --v (verb)-- 1) to say, speak, utter 1a) (Qal) to say, to answer, to say in one's heart, to think, to command, to promise, to intend 1b) (Niphal) to be told, to be said, to be called 1c) (Hithpael) to boast, to act proudly 1d) (Hiphil) to avow, to avouch
Dalam TL : kata 877, katanya 844, firman 523, titah 260, sembah 183, sembahnya 179, bunyinya 177, berkata 171, firman-Nya 162, demikian 142, sahut 139, katakanlah 113, katamu 94, kataku 94, sahutnya 92, titahnya 83, mengatakan 75, Katakanlah 47, berfirman 44, firman-Ku 40, berfirmanlah 38, dikatakan 32, katakan 24, ini 24, kaukatakan 22, sembahku 20, menyahut 10, Bahwa 9, bertitah 9, bersembah 8, Kata 7, kausahut 7, Katanya 6, sahutku 6, dikatakannya 6, kata-Ku 6, Katamu 5, bertanyalah 5, bertanya 5, jawabnya 5, berkata-kata 5, kata-Nya 5, sangkaku 4, Titah 4, sembahmu 4, ujar 4, titahku 3, firman-Mu 3, kukatakan 3, sabdanya 3, Kukatakan 3, disuruh 3, Sebermula 3, berkatalah 3, berjanji 2, berbicara 2, disahut 2, berseru-seru 2, Firman 2, firmah 2, pesanku 2, kusuruh 2, sambil 2, beritakanlah 1, pesanmu 1, berbunyilah 1, begini 1, sabda 1, pesan 1, perkataannya 1, perintah 1, berseru 1, niatnya 1, berniat 1, perkataan 1, bahwa 1, berkata-katalah 1, persembahkanlah 1, Suruhlah 1, suruh 1, Katakan 1, soraknya 1, Firman-Ku 1, tersebutlah 1, titahkan 1, Demikian 1, Kataku 1, sembahkan 1, Sembahlah 1, bersorak-sorak 1, Sembahku 1, sahutlah 1, sangkamu 1, Lalulah 1, sabda-Nya 1, bersorak-soraklah bunyinya 1, dipuji-pujinya 1, menamai 1, diserukannya 1, dipintanya 1, dipesan 1, menentukan 1, dipakai 1, mempersembahkan 1, disuruhkan-Nya 1, kehendaki 1, jawab 1, kutunjuk 1, doaku 1, dititah 1, dititahkan 1, dikatakanlah 1, mengaku 1, bertitahlah 1, bertutur 1, menitah 1, menitahkan 1, menyampaikan 1, menyuruhkan 1, bertanyakan 1, datanglah pikirannya 1, mengingatkan 1, dikabarkan 1, dikata 1, dijanji-Nya 1, diberinya tahu 1, demikianlah 1, diajak 1, halnya 1
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Strong# / Frek.Definisi & Terjemahan
<3004> 13 (dari 1465)
legw lego
Definisi : --v (verb)-- 1) to say, to speak 1a) affirm over, maintain 1b) to teach 1c) to exhort, advise, to command, direct 1d) to point out with words, intend, mean, mean to say 1e) to call by name, to call, name 1f) to speak out, speak of, mention
<3592> 8 (dari 10)
ode hode including the feminine hde hede and the neuter tode tode
Definisi : --pron (pronoun)-- 1) this one here, these things, as follows, thus
Dalam TL : Inilah 1, demikian 1
<2036> 6 (dari 793)
epw epo
Definisi : --v (verb)-- 1) to speak, say
<4483> 5 (dari 24)
rew rheo for certain tenses of which a prolonged form erew ereo
Definisi : --v (verb)-- 1) to pour forth, to utter
<1223> 5 (dari 668)
dia dia
Definisi : --prep (preposition)-- 1) through 1a) of place 1a1) with 1a2) in 1b) of time 1b1) throughout 1b2) during 1c) of means 1c1) by 1c2) by the means of 2) through 2a) the ground or reason by which something is or is not done 2a1) by reason of 2a2) on account of 2a3) because of for this reason 2a4) therefore 2a5) on this account
<3056> 5 (dari 330)
logov logos
Definisi : --n m (noun masculine)-- 1) of speech 1a) a word, uttered by a living voice, embodies a conception or idea 1b) what someone has said 1b1) a word 1b2) the sayings of God 1b3) decree, mandate or order 1b4) of the moral precepts given by God 1b5) Old Testament prophecy given by the prophets 1b6) what is declared, a thought, declaration, aphorism, a weighty saying, a dictum, a maxim 1c) discourse 1c1) the act of speaking, speech 1c2) the faculty of speech, skill and practice in speaking 1c3) a kind or style of speaking 1c4) a continuous speaking discourse - instruction 1d) doctrine, teaching 1e) anything reported in speech; a narration, narrative 1f) matter under discussion, thing spoken of, affair, a matter in dispute, case, suit at law 1g) the thing spoken of or talked about; event, deed 2) its use as respect to the MIND alone 2a) reason, the mental faculty of thinking, meditating, reasoning, calculating 2b) account, i.e. regard, consideration 2c) account, i.e. reckoning, score 2d) account, i.e. answer or explanation in reference to judgment 2e) relation, i.e. with whom as judge we stand in relation 2e1) reason would 2f) reason, cause, ground 3) In John, denotes the essential Word of God, Jesus Christ, the personal wisdom and power in union with God, his minister in creation and government of the universe, the cause of all the world's life both physical and ethical, which for the procurement of man's salvation put on human nature in the person of Jesus the Messiah, the second person in the Godhead, and shone forth conspicuously from His words and deeds. ++++ This term was familiar to the Jews and in their writings long before a Greek philosopher named Heraclitus used the term Logos around 600 B.C. to designate the divine reason or plan which coordinates a changing universe. This word was well suited to John's purpose in John 1. \\See Gill on "Joh 1:1"\\.
<4314> 4 (dari 695)
prov pros
Definisi : --prep (preposition)-- 1) to the advantage of 2) at, near, by 3) to, towards, with, with regard to
<4487> 2 (dari 69)
rhma rhema
Definisi : --n n (noun neuter)-- 1) that which is or has been uttered by the living voice, thing spoken, word 1a) any sound produced by the voice and having definite meaning 1b) speech, discourse 1b1) what one has said 1c) a series of words joined together into a sentence (a declaration of one's mind made in words) 1c1) an utterance 1c2) a saying of any sort as a message, a narrative 1c2a) concerning some occurrence 2) subject matter of speech, thing spoken of 2a) so far forth as it is a matter of narration 2b) so far as it is a matter of command 2c) a matter of dispute, case at law
Dalam TL : perkataan 31, firman 14, perkataan-Ku 4, sabda 2, firman-Mu 1, katamu 1, perkataannya 1, kabar 1
<5456> 1 (dari 139)
fwnh phone
Definisi : --n f (noun feminime)-- 1) a sound, a tone 1a) of inanimate things, as musical instruments 2) a voice 2a) of the sound of uttered words 3) speech 3a) of a language, tongue
Dalam TL : suara 80, suaranya 18, bunyi 13, suara-Nya 5, suara-Ku 3, Suara 2, berbunyi 1
<4280> 1 (dari 8)
proerew proereo
Definisi : --v (verb)-- 1) to say before 1a) to say in what precedes, to say above 1b) to say before i.e. heretofore, formerly 1c) to say beforehand i.e. before the event: prophecies
<5207> 1 (dari 374)
uiov huios
Definisi : --n m (noun masculine)-- 1) a son 1a) rarely used for the young of animals 1b) generally used of the offspring of men 1c) in a restricted sense, the male offspring (one born by a father and of a mother) 1d) in a wider sense, a descendant, one of the posterity of any one, 1d1) the children of Israel 1d2) sons of Abraham 1e)) used to describe one who depends on another or is his follower 1e1) a pupil 2) son of man 2a) term describing man, carrying the connotation of weakness and mortality 2b) son of man, symbolically denotes the fifth kingdom in Da 7:13 and by this term its humanity is indicated in contrast with the barbarity and ferocity of the four preceding kingdoms (the Babylonian, the Median and the Persian, the Macedonian, and the Roman) typified by the four beasts. In the book of Enoch (2nd Century) it is used of Christ. 2c) used by Christ himself, doubtless in order that he might intimate his Messiahship and also that he might designate himself as the head of the human family, the man, the one who both furnished the pattern of the perfect man and acted on behalf of all mankind. Christ seems to have preferred this to the other Messianic titles, because by its lowliness it was least suited to foster the expectation of an earthly Messiah in royal splendour. 3) son of God 3a) used to describe Adam (Lu 3:38) 3b) used to describe those who are born again (Lu 20:36) and of angels and of Jesus Christ 3c) of those whom God esteems as sons, whom he loves, protects and benefits above others 3c1) in the OT used of the Jews 3c2) in the NT of Christians 3c3) those whose character God, as a loving father, shapes by chastisements (Heb 12:5-8) 3d) those who revere God as their father, the pious worshippers of God, those who in character and life resemble God, those who are governed by the Spirit of God, repose the same calm and joyful trust in God which children do in their parents (Ro 8:14, Ga 3:26), and hereafter in the blessedness and of the life eternal will openly wear this dignity of the sons glory of God. Term used preeminently of Jesus Christ, as enjoying the supreme love of God, united to him in affectionate intimacy, privy to his saving councils, obedient to the Father's will in all his acts Sinonim : Lihat Definisi 5868 dan 5943
<0000> 2

Konkordansi PL

rmayw <0559> Bil 9:8 Maka sabda Musa kepada mereka itu: ...
Man <05002> 2Sam 23:1 ... Daud yang terkemudian, yaitu sabda Daud bin Isai, sabda orang ...
Manw <05002> 2Sam 23:1 ... yaitu sabda Daud bin Isai, sabda orang yang diangkat ...
rbd <01697> 1Raj 13:4 Demi didengar baginda sabda aziz Allah, yang diserunya ...
rbdk <01697> 2Raj 2:22 ... hari ini, setuju dengan sabda Elisa, yang telah ...
rbd <01696> 2Raj 4:17 ... umur hidup, setuju dengan sabda Elisa itu kepadanya.
rbd <01696> 2Raj 7:17 ... matilah ia, setuju dengan sabda aziz Allah, yang dikatakannya ...
Man <05002> Ams 30:1 ... perkataan Agur bin Yakai; sabda perumpamaan orang itu kepada ...
yrbd <01697> Hag 1:12 ... Tuhan, Allahnya, dan akan sabda nabi Hajai, yang telah ...

Konkordansi PB

rhyen dia <4483 1223> Mat 2:23 ... Nazaret, supaya sampailah sabda segala nabi, bahwa Yesus akan ...
rhyen dia legontov <4483 1223 3004> Mat 4:14 supaya sampailah sabda Nabi Yesaya, demikian:
rhyen dia <4483 1223> Mat 8:17 supaya sampailah sabda Nabi Yesaya, demikian ...
rhyen dia <4483 1223> Mat 12:17 Supaya sampailah sabda Nabi Yesaya, bunyinya:
-- Mat 13:14 ... bagi mereka itu sabda Nabi Yesaya, bunyinya: Bahwa ...
rhyen dia <4483 1223> Mat 21:4 ... berlaku supaya sampailah sabda nabi, demikian:
legei <3004> Mat 28:10 Lalu sabda Yesus kepadanya, "Janganlah ...
eipen <2036> Yoh 1:23 ... jalan Tuhan! menurut seperti sabda Nabi Yesaya."
logov <3056> Yoh 12:38 supaya sampailah sabda Nabi Yesaya yang telah ...
eipen <2036> Yoh 12:39 ... mereka itu percaya, karena sabda Nabi Yesaya pula:
legei <3004> Yoh 21:15 ... ini mengasihi Tuhan." Maka sabda Yesus kepadanya, ...
legei <3004> Yoh 21:16 ... ini mengasihi Tuhan." Maka sabda Yesus kepadanya, ...
eipen <2036> Yoh 21:23 ... kelak; tetapi bukan demikian sabda Yesus, bahwa murid itu tiada ...
eipen prov <2036 4314> Kis 1:7 Maka sabda Yesus kepada mereka itu, ...
legei <3004> Kis 7:48 ... tangan manusia, seperti sabda nabi:
eipen prov <2036 4314> Kis 9:10 ... murid bernama Ananias. Maka sabda Tuhan kepadanya di dalam ...
prov <4314> Kis 9:11 Maka sabda Tuhan kepadanya, "Bangkit ...
eipen prov <2036 4314> Kis 9:15 Tetapi sabda Tuhan kepadanya, "Pergilah ...
logon uioiv <3056 5207> Kis 10:36 Maka itulah sabda yang disampaikan kepada bani ...
rhmatov <4487> Kis 11:16 Maka teringatlah aku akan sabda Tuhan seperti yang ...
fwnav <5456> Kis 13:27 ... demikian digenapkannya segala sabda nabi-nabi, yang dibacakan ...
logoi <3056> Kis 15:15 ... itu bersetuju dengan segala sabda nabi-nabi, seperti yang ...
tade <3592> Kis 21:11 ... serta berkata, "Inilah sabda Rohulkudus, bahwa orang yang ...
-- Kis 26:32 Maka sabda Agerippa kepada Pestus, ...
proeirhken <4280> Rm 9:29 Dan seperti sabda Yesaya terdahulu: Jikalau ...
legei <3004> Rm 10:16 ... menurut Injil itu. Karena sabda Yesaya demikian: Ya Tuhan, ...
rhmatov <4487> Rm 10:17 ... tetapi berita itu atas sabda Kristus.
legei <3004> Rm 15:12 Dan sabda Yesaya pula: Bahwa akar Isai ...
logon <3056> Ef 1:13 ... juga (setelah kamu mendengar sabda kebenaran, yaitu Injil ...
logw <3056> Kol 1:5 ... sudah mendengar dahulu dengan sabda kebenaran, yaitu Injil,
tade legei <3592 3004> Why 2:1 ... yang demikian: Bahwa inilah sabda daripada Dia yang memegang ...
tade legei <3592 3004> Why 2:8 ... seperti yang demikian: Inilah sabda daripada Dia yang awal dan ...
tade legei <3592 3004> Why 2:12 ... seperti yang demikian: Inilah sabda daripada Dia yang berpedang ...
tade legei <3592 3004> Why 2:18 ... seperti yang demikian: Inilah sabda Anak Allah, yang mata-Nya ...
tade legei <3592 3004> Why 3:1 ... seperti yang demikian: Inilah sabda daripada Dia yang mempunyai ...
tade legei <3592 3004> Why 3:7 ... seperti yang demikian: Inilah sabda daripada Dia yang kudus dan ...
tade <3592> Why 3:14 ... seperti yang demikian: Inilah sabda daripada Dia yang bernama ...

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