Teks -- Genesis 47:1-31 (NET)

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Wesley: Gen 47:3 - What is your occupation? Pharaoh takes it for granted they had something to do. All that have a place in the world should have an employment in it according to their capacity,...
Pharaoh takes it for granted they had something to do. All that have a place in the world should have an employment in it according to their capacity, some occupation or other. Those that need not work for their bread, yet must have something to do to keep them from idleness.

Wesley: Gen 47:4 - To sojourn in the land are we cane Not to settle there for ever; only to sojourn, while the famine prevailed so in Canaan, which lay high, that it was not habitable for shepherds, the g...
Not to settle there for ever; only to sojourn, while the famine prevailed so in Canaan, which lay high, that it was not habitable for shepherds, the grass being burnt up much more than in Egypt, which lay low, and where the corn chiefly failed, but there was tolerable good pasture.

Wesley: Gen 47:8 - How old art thou? A question usually put to old men, for it is natural to us to admire old age, and to reverence it. Jacob's countenance no doubt shewed him to be old, ...
A question usually put to old men, for it is natural to us to admire old age, and to reverence it. Jacob's countenance no doubt shewed him to be old, for be had been a man of labour and sorrow.

Wesley: Gen 47:8 - In Egypt people were not so long lived as in Canaan, and therefore Pharaoh looks upon Jacob with wonder.
lived as in Canaan, and therefore Pharaoh looks upon Jacob with wonder.

Wesley: Gen 47:9 - -- Observe Jacob calls his life a pilgrimage, looking upon himself as a stranger in this world, and a traveller towards another. He reckoned himself not ...
Observe Jacob calls his life a pilgrimage, looking upon himself as a stranger in this world, and a traveller towards another. He reckoned himself not only a pilgrim now he was in Egypt, a strange country in which he never was before, but his life even in the land of his nativity was a pilgrimage. He reckoned his life by days; for even so it is soon reckoned, and we are not sure of the continuance of it for a day to an end, but may be turned out of this tabernacle at less than an hours warning. The character he gives of them was, That they were few. Though he had now lived 130 years, they seemed to him but as a few days, in comparison of the days of eternity, in which a thousand years are but as one day; That they were evil. This is true concerning man in general, Job 14:1, he is of few days and full of trouble: Jacob's life particularly had been made up of evil days. the pleasantest days of his life were yet before him. That they were short of the days of his fathers; not so many, not so pleasant as their days. Old age came sooner upon him than it had done upon some of his ancestors.

Wesley: Gen 47:10 - And Jacob blessed Pharaoh Which was not only an act of civility but an act of piety; he prayed for him, as one having the authority of a prophet and a patriarch: and a patriarc...
Which was not only an act of civility but an act of piety; he prayed for him, as one having the authority of a prophet and a patriarch: and a patriarch's blessing was not a thing to be despised, no not by a potent prince.

Wesley: Gen 47:21 - He removed them to cities He transplanted them, to shew Pharaoh's sovereign power over them, and that they might, in time, forget their titles to their lands, and be the easier...
He transplanted them, to shew Pharaoh's sovereign power over them, and that they might, in time, forget their titles to their lands, and be the easier reconciled to their new condition of servitude. How hard soever this seems to have been upon them, they themselves were sensible of it as a great kindness, and were thankful they were not worse used.

Wesley: Gen 47:28 - -- Jacob lived seventeen years after he came into Egypt, far beyond his own expectation: seventeen years he had nourished Joseph, for so old he was when ...
Jacob lived seventeen years after he came into Egypt, far beyond his own expectation: seventeen years he had nourished Joseph, for so old he was when he was sold from him, and now, seventeen years Joseph nourished him. Observe how kindly Providence ordered Jacob's affairs; that when he was old, and least able to bear care and fatigue, he had least occasion for it, being well provided for by his son without his own forecast.

Wesley: Gen 47:29 - And the time drew nigh that Israel must die Israel, that had power over the angel, and prevailed, yet must yield to death. He died by degrees; his candle was not blown out, but gradually burnt d...
Israel, that had power over the angel, and prevailed, yet must yield to death. He died by degrees; his candle was not blown out, but gradually burnt down, so that he saw, at some distance, the time drawing nigh. He would be buried in Canaan, not because Canaan was the land of his nativity, but in faith, because it was the land of promise, which he desired thus, as it were to keep possession of 'till the time should come when his posterity should be masters of it: and because it was a type of heaven, that better country, which he was in expectation of. When this was done, Israel bowed himself upon the bed's head - Worshipping God, as it is explained, Heb 11:21, giving God thanks for all his favours, and particularly for this, that Joseph was ready, to put his hand upon his eyes. Thus they that go down to the dust should, with humble thankfulness, bow before God, the God of their mercies.
JFB -> Gen 47:1; Gen 47:2; Gen 47:4; Gen 47:7; Gen 47:8; Gen 47:9; Gen 47:11; Gen 47:13-15; Gen 47:16; Gen 47:21; Gen 47:22; Gen 47:23-28; Gen 47:29-31; Gen 47:31
JFB: Gen 47:1 - Joseph . . . told Pharaoh, My father and my brethren Joseph furnishes a beautiful example of a man who could bear equally well the extremes of prosperity and adversity. High as he was, he did not forget ...
Joseph furnishes a beautiful example of a man who could bear equally well the extremes of prosperity and adversity. High as he was, he did not forget that he had a superior. Dearly as he loved his father and anxiously as he desired to provide for the whole family, he would not go into the arrangements he had planned for their stay in Goshen until he had obtained the sanction of his royal master.

JFB: Gen 47:2 - he took some of his brethren Probably the five eldest brothers: seniority being the least invidious principle of selection.
Probably the five eldest brothers: seniority being the least invidious principle of selection.

JFB: Gen 47:4 - For to sojourn . . . are we come The royal conversation took the course which Joseph had anticipated (Gen 46:33), and they answered according to previous instructions--manifesting, ho...
The royal conversation took the course which Joseph had anticipated (Gen 46:33), and they answered according to previous instructions--manifesting, however, in their determination to return to Canaan, a faith and piety which affords a hopeful symptom of their having become all, or most of them, religious men.

JFB: Gen 47:7 - Joseph brought in Jacob his father There is a pathetic and most affecting interest attending this interview with royalty; and when, with all the simplicity and dignified solemnity of a ...
There is a pathetic and most affecting interest attending this interview with royalty; and when, with all the simplicity and dignified solemnity of a man of God, Jacob signalized his entrance by imploring the divine blessing on the royal head, it may easily be imagined what a striking impression the scene would produce (compare Heb 7:7).

JFB: Gen 47:8 - Pharaoh said unto Jacob, How old art thou? The question was put from the deep and impressive interest which the appearance of the old patriarch had created in the minds of Pharaoh and his court...
The question was put from the deep and impressive interest which the appearance of the old patriarch had created in the minds of Pharaoh and his court. In the low-lying land of Egypt and from the artificial habits of its society, the age of man was far shorter among the inhabitants of that country than it had yet become in the pure bracing climate and among the simple mountaineers of Canaan. The Hebrews, at least, still attained a protracted longevity.

JFB: Gen 47:9 - The days of the years of my pilgrimage, &c. Though a hundred thirty years, he reckons by days (compare Psa 90:12), which he calls few, as they appeared in retrospect, and evil, because his life ...
Though a hundred thirty years, he reckons by days (compare Psa 90:12), which he calls few, as they appeared in retrospect, and evil, because his life had been one almost unbroken series of trouble. The answer is remarkable, considering the comparative darkness of the patriarchal age (compare 2Ti 1:10).

JFB: Gen 47:11 - Joseph placed his father and his brethren . . . in the best of the land Best pasture land in lower Egypt. Goshen, "the land of verdure," lay along the Pelusiac or eastern branch of the Nile. It included a part of the distr...
Best pasture land in lower Egypt. Goshen, "the land of verdure," lay along the Pelusiac or eastern branch of the Nile. It included a part of the district of Heliopolis, or "On," the capital, and on the east stretched out a considerable length into the desert. The ground included within these boundaries was a rich and fertile extent of natural meadow, and admirably adapted for the purposes of the Hebrew shepherds (compare Gen 49:24; Psa 34:10; Psa 78:72).

JFB: Gen 47:13-15 - there was no bread in all the land This probably refers to the second year of the famine (Gen 45:6) when any little stores of individuals or families were exhausted and when the people ...
This probably refers to the second year of the famine (Gen 45:6) when any little stores of individuals or families were exhausted and when the people had become universally dependent on the government. At first they obtained supplies for payment. Before long money failed.

JFB: Gen 47:16 - And Joseph said, Give your cattle "This was the wisest course that could be adopted for the preservation both of the people and the cattle, which, being bought by Joseph, was supported...
"This was the wisest course that could be adopted for the preservation both of the people and the cattle, which, being bought by Joseph, was supported at the royal expense, and very likely returned to the people at the end of the famine, to enable them to resume their agricultural labors."

JFB: Gen 47:21 - as for the people, he removed them to cities Obviously for the convenience of the country people, who were doing nothing, to the cities where the corn stores were situated.
Obviously for the convenience of the country people, who were doing nothing, to the cities where the corn stores were situated.

JFB: Gen 47:22 - Only the land of the priests bought he not These lands were inalienable, being endowments by which the temples were supported. The priests for themselves received an annual allowance of provisi...
These lands were inalienable, being endowments by which the temples were supported. The priests for themselves received an annual allowance of provision from the state, and it would evidently have been the height of cruelty to withhold that allowance when their lands were incapable of being tilled.

JFB: Gen 47:23-28 - Joseph said, Behold, &c. The lands being sold to the government (Gen 47:19-20), seed would be distributed for the first crop after the famine; and the people would occupy them...
The lands being sold to the government (Gen 47:19-20), seed would be distributed for the first crop after the famine; and the people would occupy them as tenants-at-will on the payment of a produce rent, almost the same rule as obtains in Egypt in the present day.

JFB: Gen 47:29-31 - the time drew nigh that Israel must die One only of his dying arrangements is recorded; but that one reveals his whole character. It was the disposal of his remains, which were to be carried...
One only of his dying arrangements is recorded; but that one reveals his whole character. It was the disposal of his remains, which were to be carried to Canaan, not from a mere romantic attachment to his native soil, nor, like his modern descendants, from a superstitious feeling for the soil of the Holy Land, but from faith in the promises. His address to Joseph--"if now I have found grace in thy sight," that is, as the vizier of Egypt--his exacting a solemn oath that his wishes would be fulfilled and the peculiar form of that oath, all pointed significantly to the promise and showed the intensity of his desire to enjoy its blessings (compare Num 10:29).

JFB: Gen 47:31 - Israel bowed himself upon the bed's head Oriental beds are mere mats, having no head, and the translation should be "the top of his staff," as the apostle renders it (Heb 11:21).
Oriental beds are mere mats, having no head, and the translation should be "the top of his staff," as the apostle renders it (Heb 11:21).
Clarke: Gen 47:2 - He took some of his brethren He took some of his brethren - There is something very strange in the original; literally translated it signifies "from the end or extremity ( מק...
He took some of his brethren - There is something very strange in the original; literally translated it signifies "from the end or extremity (

Clarke: Gen 47:6 - In the best of the land make thy father and brethren to dwell; in the land of Goshen let them dwell In the best of the land make thy father and brethren to dwell; in the land of Goshen let them dwell - So it appears that the land of Goshen was the ...
In the best of the land make thy father and brethren to dwell; in the land of Goshen let them dwell - So it appears that the land of Goshen was the best of the land of Egypt

Clarke: Gen 47:6 - Men of activity Men of activity - אנשי חיל anshey chayil , stout or robust men - such as were capable of bearing fatigue, and of rendering their authority r...
Men of activity -

Clarke: Gen 47:6 - Rulers over my cattle Rulers over my cattle - מקנה mikneh signifies not only cattle, but possessions or property of any kind; though most usually cattle are intend...
Rulers over my cattle -

Clarke: Gen 47:7 - Jacob blessed Pharaoh Jacob blessed Pharaoh - Saluted him on his entrance with Peace be unto thee, or some such expression of respect and good will. For the meaning of th...
Jacob blessed Pharaoh - Saluted him on his entrance with Peace be unto thee, or some such expression of respect and good will. For the meaning of the term to bless, as applied to God and man, See Clarke on Gen 2:3 (note).

Clarke: Gen 47:9 - The days of the years of my pilgrimage The days of the years of my pilgrimage - מגורי megurai , of my sojourning or wandering. Jacob had always lived a migratory or wandering life, ...
The days of the years of my pilgrimage -

Clarke: Gen 47:9 - Have not attained unto the - life of my fathers Have not attained unto the - life of my fathers - Jacob lived in the whole one hundred and forty-seven years; Isaac his father lived one hundred and...
Have not attained unto the - life of my fathers - Jacob lived in the whole one hundred and forty-seven years; Isaac his father lived one hundred and eighty; and Abraham his grandfather, one hundred and seventy-five. These were days of years in comparison of the lives of the preceding patriarchs, some of whom lived nearly ten centuries!

Clarke: Gen 47:14 - Gathered up all the money Gathered up all the money - i. e., by selling corn out of the public stores to the people; and this he did till the money failed, Gen 47:15, till al...
Gathered up all the money - i. e., by selling corn out of the public stores to the people; and this he did till the money failed, Gen 47:15, till all the money was exchanged for corn, and brought into Pharaoh’ s treasury. Be sides the fifth part of the produce of the seven plentiful years, Joseph had bought additional corn with Pharaoh’ s money to lay up against the famine that was to prevail in the seven years of dearth; and it is very likely that this was sold out at the price for which it was bought, and the fifth part, which belonged to Pharaoh, sold out at the same price. And as money at that time could not be plentiful, the cash of the whole nation was thus exhausted as far as that had circulated among the common people.

Clarke: Gen 47:16 - Give your cattle Give your cattle - This was the wisest measure that could be adopted, both for the preservation of the people and of the cattle also. As the people ...
Give your cattle - This was the wisest measure that could be adopted, both for the preservation of the people and of the cattle also. As the people had not grain for their own sustenance, consequently they could have none for their cattle; hence the cattle were in the most imminent danger of starving; and the people also were in equal danger, as they must have divided a portion of that bought for themselves with the cattle, which for the sake of tillage, etc., they wished of course to preserve till the seven years of famine should end. The cattle being bought by Joseph were supported at the royal expense, and very likely returned to the people at the end of the famine; for how else could they cultivate their ground, transport their merchandise, etc., etc.? For this part of Joseph’ s conduct he certainly deserves high praise and no censure.

Clarke: Gen 47:18 - When that year was ended When that year was ended - The sixth year of the famine, they came unto him the second year, which was the last or seventh year of the famine, in wh...
When that year was ended - The sixth year of the famine, they came unto him the second year, which was the last or seventh year of the famine, in which it was necessary to sow the land that there might be a crop the succeeding year; for Joseph, on whose prediction they relied, had foretold that the famine should continue only seven years, and consequently they expected the eighth year to be a fruitful year provided the land was sowed, without which, though the inundation of the land by the Nile might amount to the sixteen requisite cubits, there could be no crop.

Clarke: Gen 47:19 - Buy us and our land for bread Buy us and our land for bread - In times of famine in Hindostan, thousands of children have been sold to prevent their perishing. In the Burman empi...
Buy us and our land for bread - In times of famine in Hindostan, thousands of children have been sold to prevent their perishing. In the Burman empire the sale of whole families to discharge debts is very common - Ward’ s Customs.

Clarke: Gen 47:21 - And as for the people, he removed them to cities And as for the people, he removed them to cities - It is very likely that Joseph was influenced by no political motive in removing the people to the...
And as for the people, he removed them to cities - It is very likely that Joseph was influenced by no political motive in removing the people to the cities, but merely by a motive of humanity and prudence. As the corn was laid up in the cities he found it more convenient to bring them to the place where they might be conveniently fed; each being within the reach of an easy distribution. Thus then the country which could afford no sustenance was abandoned for the time being, that the people might be fed in those places where the provision was deposited.

Clarke: Gen 47:22 - The land of the priests bought he not The land of the priests bought he not - From this verse it is natural to infer that whatever the religion of Egypt was, it was established by law an...
The land of the priests bought he not - From this verse it is natural to infer that whatever the religion of Egypt was, it was established by law and supported by the state. Hence when Joseph bought all the lands of the Egyptians for Pharaoh, he bought not the land of the priests, for that was a portion assigned them by Pharaoh; and they did eat - did live on, that portion. This is the earliest account we have of an established religion supported by the state.

Clarke: Gen 47:23 - I have bought you this day and your land for Pharaoh I have bought you this day and your land for Pharaoh - It fully appears that the kingdom of Egypt was previously to the time of Joseph a very limite...
I have bought you this day and your land for Pharaoh - It fully appears that the kingdom of Egypt was previously to the time of Joseph a very limited monarchy. The king had his estates; the priests had their lands; and the common people their patrimony independently of both. The land of Rameses or Goshen appears to have been the king’ s land, Gen 47:11. The priests had their lands, which they did not sell to Joseph, Gen 47:22, Gen 47:26; and that the people had lands independent of the crown, is evident from the purchases Joseph made, Gen 47:19, Gen 47:20; and we may conclude from those purchases that Pharaoh had no power to levy taxes upon his subjects to increase his own revenue until he had bought the original right which each individual had in his possessions. And when Joseph bought this for the king he raised the crown an ample revenue, though he restored the lands, by obliging each to pay one fifth of the product to the king, Gen 47:24. And it is worthy of remark that the people of Egypt well understood the distinction between subjects and servants; for when they came to sell their land, they offered to sell themselves also, and said: Buy us and our land, and we and our land will be servants unto Pharaoh, Gen 47:19
Diodorus Siculus, lib. i., gives the same account of the ancient constitution of Egypt. "The land,"says he, "was divided into three parts
1. One belonged to the Priests, with which they provided all sacrifices, and maintained all the ministers of religion
2. A second part was the King’ s, to support his court and family, and to supply expenses for wars if they should happen. Hence there were no taxes, the king having so ample an estate
3. The remainder of the land belonged to the Subjects, who appear (from the account of Diodorus) to have been all soldiers, a kind of standing militia, liable, at the king’ s expense, to serve in all wars for the preservation of the state.
This was a constitution something like the British; the government appears to have been mixed, and the monarchy properly limited, till Joseph, by buying the land of the people, made the king in some sort despotic. But it does net appear that any improper use was made of this, as in much later times we find it still a comparatively limited monarchy.

Clarke: Gen 47:24 - Ye shall give the fifth part unto Pharaoh Ye shall give the fifth part unto Pharaoh - This is precisely the case in Hindostan; the king has the fifth part of all the crops.
Ye shall give the fifth part unto Pharaoh - This is precisely the case in Hindostan; the king has the fifth part of all the crops.

Clarke: Gen 47:26 - And Joseph made it a law And Joseph made it a law - That the people should hold their land from the king, and give him the fifth part of the produce as a yearly tax. Beyond ...
And Joseph made it a law - That the people should hold their land from the king, and give him the fifth part of the produce as a yearly tax. Beyond this it appears the king had no farther demands. The whole of this conduct of Joseph has been as strongly censured by some as applauded by others. It is natural for men to run into extremes in attacking or defending any position. Sober and judicious men will consider what Joseph did by Divine appointment as a prophet of God, and what he did merely as a statesman from the circumstances of the case, the complexion of the times, and the character of the people over whom he presided. When this is dispassionately done, we shall see much reason to adore God, applaud the man, and perhaps in some cases censure the minister. Joseph is never held up to our view as an unerring prophet of God. He was an honored instrument in the hands of God of saving two nations from utter ruin, and especially of preserving that family from which the Messiah was to spring, and of perpetuating the true religion among them. In this character he is represented in the sacred pages. His conduct as the prime minister of Pharaoh was powerfully indicative of a deep and consummate politician, who had high notions of prerogative, which led him to use every prudent means to aggrandize his master, and at the same time to do what he judged best on the whole for the people he governed. See the conclusion at Gen 50:26 (note).

Clarke: Gen 47:29 - Put - thy hand under my thigh Put - thy hand under my thigh - See Clarke on Gen 24:2 (note).
Put - thy hand under my thigh - See Clarke on Gen 24:2 (note).

Clarke: Gen 47:30 - I will lie with my fathers I will lie with my fathers - As God had promised the land of Canaan to Abraham and his posterity, Jacob considered it as a consecrated place, under ...
I will lie with my fathers - As God had promised the land of Canaan to Abraham and his posterity, Jacob considered it as a consecrated place, under the particular superintendence and blessing of God: and as Sarah, Abraham, and Isaac were interred near to Hebron, he in all probability wished to lie, not only in the same place, but in the same grave; and it is not likely that he would have been solicitous about this, had he not considered that promised land as being a type of the rest that remains for the people of God, and a pledge of the inheritance among the saints in light.

Clarke: Gen 47:31 - And Israel bowed himself upon the bed’ s head And Israel bowed himself upon the bed’ s head - Jacob was now both old and feeble, and we may suppose him reclined on his couch when Joseph cam...
And Israel bowed himself upon the bed’ s head - Jacob was now both old and feeble, and we may suppose him reclined on his couch when Joseph came; that he afterwards sat up erect (see Gen 48:2) while conversing with his son, and receiving his oath and promise; and that when this was finished he bowed himself upon the bed’ s head - exhausted with the conversation, he again reclined himself on his bed as before. This seems to be the simple meaning, which the text unconnected with any religious system or prejudice, naturally proposes. But because
Calvin: Gen 47:1 - Then Joseph came 1.Then Joseph came. Joseph indirectly intimates to the king, his desire to obtain a habitation for his brethren in the land of Goshen. Yet this modes...
1.Then Joseph came. Joseph indirectly intimates to the king, his desire to obtain a habitation for his brethren in the land of Goshen. Yet this modesty was (as we have said) free from cunning. For Pharaoh both immediately recognizes his wish, and liberally grants it to him; declaring beforehand that the land of Goshen was most excellent. Whence we gather, that what he gave, he gave in the exercise of his own judgment, not in ignorance; and that he was not unacquainted with the wish of Joseph, who yet did not dare to ask for what was the best. Joseph may be easily excused for having commanded his father, with the greater part of his brethren, to remain in that region. For neither was it possible for them to bring their cattle along with them, nor yet to leave their cattle in order to come and salute the king; until some settled abode was assigned them, where, having pitched their tents, they might arrange their affairs. For it would have shown a want of respect, to take possession of a place, as if it had been granted to them; when they had not yet received the permission of the king. They, therefore, remain in that district, in a state of suspense, until, having ascertained the will of the king, they may, with greater certainty, fix their abode there. That Joseph “brought five from the extreme limits of his brethren,” 183 is commonly thus explained, that they who were of least stature were brought into the presence of the king: because it was to be feared lest he might take the stronger into his army. But since the Hebrew word

Calvin: Gen 47:3 - Thy servants are shepherds 3.Thy servants are shepherds. This confession was humiliating to the sons of Jacob, and especially to Joseph himself, whose high, and almost regal di...
3.Thy servants are shepherds. This confession was humiliating to the sons of Jacob, and especially to Joseph himself, whose high, and almost regal dignity, was thus marked with a spot of disgrace: for among the Egyptians (as we have said) this kind of life was disgraceful and infamous. Why, then, did not Joseph adopt the course, which he might easily have done, of describing his brethren as persons engaged in agriculture, or any other honest and creditable method of living? They were not so addicted to the feeding of cattle as to be altogether ignorant of agriculture, or incapable of accustoming themselves to other modes of gaining a livelihood: and although they would not immediately have found it productive, we see how ready the liberality of the king was to help them. Indeed it would not have been difficult for them to become invested with offices at court. How then does it happen that Joseph, knowingly and purposely, exposes his brethren to an ignominy, which must bring dishonor also on himself, except because he was not very anxious to escape from worldly contempt? To live in splendor among the Egyptians would have had, at first, a plausible appearance; but his family would have been placed in a dangerous position. Now, however, their mean and contemptible mode of life proves a wall of separation between them and the Egyptians: yea, Joseph seems purposely to labor to cast off, in a moment, the nobility he had acquired, that his own posterity might not be swallowed up in the population of Egypt, but might rather merge in the body of his ancestral family. If, however, this consideration did not enter their minds, there is no doubt that the Lord directed their tongues, so as to prevent the noxious admixture, and to keep the body of the Church pure and distinct. This passage also teaches us, how much better it is to possess a remote corner in the courts of the Lord, than to dwell in the midst of palaces, beyond the precincts of the Church. Therefore, let us not think it grievous to secure a sacred union with the sons of God, by enduring the contempt and reproaches of the world; even as Joseph preferred this union to all the luxuries of Egypt. But if any one thinks that he cannot otherwise serve God in purity, than by rendering himself disgusting to the world; away with all this folly! The design of God was this, to keep the sons of Jacob in a degraded position, until he should restore them to the land of Canaan: for the purpose, then, of preserving themselves in unity till the promised deliverance should take place, they did not conceal the fact that they were shepherds. We must beware, therefore, lest the desire of empty honor should elate us: whereas the Lord reveals no other way of salvation, than that of bringing us under discipline. Wherefore let us willingly be without honor, for a time, that, hereafter, angels may receive us to a participation of their eternal glory. By this example also, they who are brought up in humble employments, are taught that they have no need to be ashamed of their lot. It ought to be enough, and more than enough, for them, that the mode of living which they pursue is lawful, and acceptable to God. The remaining confession of the brethren (Gen 47:4) was not unattended with a sense of shame; in which they say, that they had come to sojourn there, compelled by hunger; but hence arose advantage not to be despised. For as they came down few, and perishing with hunger, and so branded with infamy that scarcely any one would deign to speak with them; the glory of God afterwards shone so much the more illustriously out of this darkness, when, in the third century from that time, he wonderfully led them forth, a mighty nation.

Calvin: Gen 47:5 - And Pharaoh spake unto Joseph 5.And Pharaoh spake unto Joseph. It is to be ascribed to the favor of God that Pharaoh was not offended when they desired that a separate dwelling-pl...
5.And Pharaoh spake unto Joseph. It is to be ascribed to the favor of God that Pharaoh was not offended when they desired that a separate dwelling-place might be granted to them; for we know that nothing is more indignantly borne by kings, than that their favors should be rejected. Pharaoh offers them a perpetual home, but they rather wish to depart from him. Should any one ascribe this to modesty, on the ground that it would have been proud to ask for the right of citizenship, in order that they might enjoy the same privilege as natives; the suggestion is indeed plausible. It is, however, fallacious, for in asking to be admitted as guests and strangers, they took timely precaution that Pharaoh should not hold them bound in the chains of servitude. The passage of Sophocles is known: —
Kei>nou ojti< dou>lov, ka n ejleu>qerov mo>lh|
Who refuge seeks within a tyrant’s door,
When once he enters there, is free no more.
Langhorne’s Plutarch
It was therefore of importance to the sons of Jacob to declare, in limine , on what condition they wished to live in Egypt. And so much the more inexcusable was the cruelty exercised towards them, when, in violation of this compact, they were most severely oppressed, and were denied that opportunity of departure, for which they had stipulated. Isaiah indeed says that the king of Egypt had some pretext for his conduct, because the sons of Jacob had voluntarily placed themselves under his authority, (Isa 52:4;) but he is speaking comparatively, in order that he may the more grievously accuse the Assyrians, who had invaded the posterity of Jacob, when they were quiet in their own country, and expelled them thence by unjust violence. Therefore the law of hospitality was wickedly violated when the Israelites were oppressed as slaves, and when the return into their own country, for which they had silently covenanted, was denied them; though they had professed that they had come thither as guests; for fidelity and humanity ought to have been exercised towards them, by the king, when once they were received under his protection. It appears, therefore, that the children of Israel so guarded themselves, as in the presence of God, that they had just ground of complaint against the Egyptians. But seeing that the pledge given them by the king proved of no advantage to them according to the flesh; let the faithful learn, from their example, to train themselves to patience. For it commonly happens, that he who enters the court of a tyrant, is under the necessity of laying down his liberty at the door.

Calvin: Gen 47:6 - The land of Egypt 6.The land of Egypt. This is recorded not only to show that Jacob was courteously received, but also, that nothing was given him by Joseph but at the...
6.The land of Egypt. This is recorded not only to show that Jacob was courteously received, but also, that nothing was given him by Joseph but at the command of the king. For the greater was his power, the more strictly was he bound to take care, lest, being liberal with the king’s property, he might defraud both him and his people. And I would that this moderation so prevailed among the nobles of the world, that they would conduct themselves, in their private affairs, no otherwise than if they were plebeians: but now, they seem to themselves to have no power, unless they may prove it by their license to sin. And although Joseph, by the king’s permission, places his family amidst the best pastures; yet he does not avail himself of the other portion of the royal beneficence, to make his brethren keepers of the king’s cattle; not only because this privilege would have excited the envy of many against them, but because he was unwilling to be entangled in such a snare.

Calvin: Gen 47:7 - And Joseph brought in Jacob his father 7.And Joseph brought in Jacob his father. Although Moses relates, in a continuous narrative, that Jacob was brought to the king, yet I do not doubt t...
7.And Joseph brought in Jacob his father. Although Moses relates, in a continuous narrative, that Jacob was brought to the king, yet I do not doubt that some time had intervened; at least, till he had obtained a place wherein he might dwell; and where he might leave his family more safely, and with a more tranquil mind; and also, where he might refresh himself, for a little while, after the fatigue of his journey. And whereas he is said to have blessed Pharaoh, by this term Moses does not mean a common and profane salutation, but the pious and holy prayer of a servant of God. For the children of this world salute kings and princes for the sake of honor, but, by no means, raise their thoughts to God. Jacob acts otherwise; for he adjoins to civil reverence that pious affection which causes him to commend the safety of the king to God. And Jeremiah prescribes this rule to the Jews, that they should pray for the peace of Babylon as long as they were to live in exile; because in the peace of that land and empire their own peace would be involved. (Jer 29:7.) If this duty was enjoined on miserable captives, forcibly deprived of their liberty, and torn from their own country; how much more did Jacob owe it to a king so humane and beneficent? But of whatever character they may be who rule over us, we are commanded to offer up public prayers for them. (1Ti 2:1.) Therefore the same subjection to authority is required severally from each of us.

Calvin: Gen 47:8 - How old art thou? 8.How old art thou? This familiar question proves that Jacob was received courteously and without ceremony. But the answer is of far greater moment, ...
8.How old art thou? This familiar question proves that Jacob was received courteously and without ceremony. But the answer is of far greater moment, in which Jacob declares that the time of his pilgrimage was a hundred and thirty years. For the Apostle, in his epistle to the Hebrews, (Heb 11:13,) gathers hence the memorable doctrine, that God was not ashamed to be called the God of the patriarchs, because they had confessed themselves to be strangers and pilgrims on the earth. Of one man only this is mentioned; but because he had been instructed by his forefathers, and had handed down the same instruction to his son, the Apostle honors them all with the same eulogy. Therefore, as they were not ashamed to wander during the whole course of their life, and to be opprobriously called foreigners and strangers wherever they came; so God vouchsafed to them the incomparable dignity, that they should be heirs of heaven. But (as it has been said before) no persons ever had a more peculiar and hereditary possession in the world, than the holy fathers had in the land of Canaan. The Lord is said to have cast his line, in order that he might assign to each nation its bounds: but an eternal possession, through a continual succession of ages, was never promised to any nation, as it was to the posterity of Abraham. In what spirit, then, ought we to dwell in a world, where no certain repose, or fixed abode is promised us? Moreover, this is described by Paul as the common condition of all pious persons under the reign of Christ, that they should “have no certain dwelling-place;” (1Co 4:11;) not that all should be alike cast out as exiles, but because the Lord calls all his people, as by the sound of the trumpet, to be wanderers, lest they should become fixed in their nests on earth. Therefore, whether any one remains in his own country, or is compelled continually to change his place, let him diligently exercise himself in the meditation, that he is sojourning, for a short time, upon earth, till, having completed his course, he shall depart to the heavenly country.

Calvin: Gen 47:9 - Few and evil have the days of the years of my life been 9.Few and evil have the days of the years of my life been. Jacob may here seem to complain that he had lived but a little while, and that, in this sh...
9.Few and evil have the days of the years of my life been. Jacob may here seem to complain that he had lived but a little while, and that, in this short space of time, he had endured many and grievous afflictions. Why does he not rather recount the great and manifold favors of God which formed an abundant compensation for every kind of evil? Besides, his complaint respecting the shortness of life seems unworthy of him; for why did he not deem a whole century and a third part of another sufficient for him? But if any one will rightly weigh his words, he rather expresses his own gratitude, in celebrating the goodness of God towards his fathers. For he does not so much deplore his own decrepitude, as he extols the vigor divinely afforded to his fathers. Certainly it was no new and unwonted thing to see a man, at his age, broken down and failing, and already near to the grave. Wherefore, this comparison (as I have said) was only intended to ascribe glory to God, whose blessing towards Abraham and Isaac had been greater than to himself. But he does not compare himself with his fathers in sufferings, as if they had been treated with greater indulgence; for we know that they had been tried to the utmost with all kinds of temptations: he merely states that he had not attained their age; as if he had said, “I, indeed, have arrived at those years which, by others, is deemed a mature old age, and which complete the proper term of life; but the Lord so prolonged the life of my fathers, that they far exceeded this limit.” He makes mention of evil days, in order to show that he was not so much broken down and consumed by years, as by labors and troubles; as if he had said, “My senses might yet have flourished in their vigor, if my strength had not been exhausted by continual labors, by excessive cares, and by most grievous sufferings.” We now see that nothing was less in the mind of the holy man than to expostulate with God. Yet it may seem absurd that he speaks of his life as being shorter than that of his fathers. For, whence does he conjecture that so little time should still remain for him, as to prevent him from attaining their age? Should any one answer, that he formed this conjecture from the weakness of his body, which was half dead; the solution will not prove satisfactory. For Isaac had dimness of sight and trembling limbs thirty years before his death. But it is not absurd to suppose that Jacob was every moment giving himself over to death, as if the sepulcher were before his eyes. He was, however, uncertain what length of time was decreed for him in the secret counsel of God. Wherefore, being unconcerned about the remainder of his life, he speaks just as if he were about to die on the next day.

Calvin: Gen 47:12 - And Joseph nourished his father, etc., according to their families 12.And Joseph nourished his father, etc., according to their families 185 Some explain the expression, “the mouth of the little one,” as if Josep...
12.And Joseph nourished his father, etc., according to their families 185 Some explain the expression, “the mouth of the little one,” as if Joseph nourished his father and his whole family, in the manner in which food is conveyed to the mouths of children. These interpreters regard the form of speech as emphatical, because, during the famine, Jacob and his family had no more anxiety about the providing of food than children, who cannot even stretch out their hand to receive it. Others translate it “youth,” but I know not with what meaning. 186 Others take it, simply, according to the proportion and number of the little children. To me the genuine sense seems to be that he fed all, from the greatest to the least. Therefore, there was sufficient bread for the whole family of Jacob, because, by the care of Joseph, provision was made to supply nourishment even to the little ones. In this manner Moses commemorates both the clemency of God, and the piety of Joseph; for it was an instance of uncommon attention, that these hungry husband men, who had not a grain of corn, were entirely fed at his expense.

Calvin: Gen 47:13 - And all the land of Canaan fainted 13.And all the land of Canaan fainted. It was a memorable judgment of God, that the most fertile regions, which were accustomed to supply provisions ...
13.And all the land of Canaan fainted. It was a memorable judgment of God, that the most fertile regions, which were accustomed to supply provisions for distant and transmarine nations, were reduced to such poverty that they were almost consumed. The word

Calvin: Gen 47:14 - And Joseph gathered up all the money 14.And Joseph gathered up all the money. Moses first declares that the Egyptian king had acted well and wisely, in committing the work of providing c...
14.And Joseph gathered up all the money. Moses first declares that the Egyptian king had acted well and wisely, in committing the work of providing corn to the sole care and authority of Joseph. He then commends the sincere and faithful administration of Joseph himself. We know how few persons can touch the money of kings without defiling themselves by peculation. Amid such vast heaps of money, the opportunity of plundering was not less than the difficulty of self-restraint. But Moses says, that whatever money Joseph collected, he brought into the house of the king. It was a rare and unparalleled integrity, to keep the hands pure amidst such heaps of gold. And he would not have been able to conduct himself with such moderation, unless his divine calling had proved as a bridle to hold him in; for they who are restrained from thefts and rapaciousness by worldly motives alone, would immediately put forth their hand to the prey, unless they feared the eyes and the judgments of men. But inasmuch as Joseph might have sinned without a witness of his fault; it follows that the true fear of God flourished in his breast. Plausible and well coloured pretexts, in excuse of the theft, would doubtless present themselves. “When you are serving a tyrant, why may it not be lawful for you to apply some part of the gain to your own advantage?” So much the more does it appear that he was fortified by downright honesty; since he repelled all temptations, lest he should desire fraudulently to enrich himself at the expense of another.

Calvin: Gen 47:15 - And when money failed 15.And when money failed. Moses does not mean that all the money in Egypt had been brought into the royal treasury; for there were many of the nobles...
15.And when money failed. Moses does not mean that all the money in Egypt had been brought into the royal treasury; for there were many of the nobles of the court free from the effects of the famine; but the simple meaning of the expression is that nearly all had been exhausted; that now the common people had not money enough to buy corn; and that, at length, extreme necessity had driven the Egyptians to the second remedy of which he is about to speak. Moreover, although, like persons driven to desperation, they might seem arrogantly to rise up against Joseph; yet the context shows that nothing was farther from their minds than to terrify, by their boldness, the man whose compassion they suppliantly implore. Wherefore the question, Why should we die in thy presence? has no other signification than that they felt themselves ruined, unless his clemency should afford them relief. But it may be asked how the Canaanites supported their lives. There is indeed no doubt that a grievous pestilence, the attendant on famine, would carry off many, unless they received assistance from other regions, or were miserally fed on herbs and roots. And perhaps the barrenness was not there so great, but that they might gather half, or a third part of their food, from the fields,

Calvin: Gen 47:16 - Give your cattle 16.Give your cattle. It was a miserable spectacle, and one which might have softened hearts of iron, to see rich farmers, who previously had kept pro...
16.Give your cattle. It was a miserable spectacle, and one which might have softened hearts of iron, to see rich farmers, who previously had kept provision stored in their granaries for others, now begging food. Therefore, Joseph might be deemed cruel, because he does not give bread gratuitously to those who are poor and exhausted, but robs them of all their cattle, sheep, and asses. Seeing, however, that Joseph is transacting the business of another, I dare not charge his strictness with cruelty. If, during the seven fruitful years, he had extorted corn by force from an unwilling people, he would now have acted tyrannically in seizing their flocks and herds. But seeing that they had been at liberty to lay up, in their private stores, what they had sold to the king, they now pay the just penalty of their negligence. Joseph also perceived that they were deprived of their possessions by a divine interposition, in order that the king alone might be enriched by the spoils of all. Besides, since it was lawful for him to offer corn for sale, it was also lawful for him to exchange it for cattle. Truly, the corn belonged to the king; why then should he not demand a price from the purchasers? But they were poor, and therefore it was but just to succor them in their want. Were this rule to prevail, the greater part of sales would be unlawful. For no one freely parts with what he possesses. Wherefore, if his valuation of the cattle was fair, I do not see what was deserving of reprehension in the conduct of Joseph; especially as he was not dealing with his own property, but had been appointed prefect over the corn, with this condition, that he should acquire gain, not for himself, but for the king. If any one should object that he ought at least to have exhorted the lying to content himself with the abundant pecuniary wealth which he had obtained; I answer, that Moses relates, by the way, but a few things out of many. Any one, therefore, may easily conjecture, that a business of such great consequence, was not transacted by Joseph, without the cognizance and judgment of the king. But what, if it appeared to the king’s counselors, an equitable arrangement, that the farmers should receive, in return for their cattle, food for the whole year? Lastly, seeing that we stand or fall by the judgment of God alone, it is not for us to condemn what his law has left undecided.

Calvin: Gen 47:18 - They came to him the second year 18.They came to him the second year. Moses does not reckon the second year from the date of the famine, but from the time when the money had failed. ...
18.They came to him the second year. Moses does not reckon the second year from the date of the famine, but from the time when the money had failed. But since they knew, from the oracle, that the termination of the dearth was drawing near, they desired not only that corn should be given them for food, but also for seed. Whence it appears that they had become wise too late, and had neglected the useful admonition of God, at the time when they ought to have made provision for the future. Moreover, when they declare that their money and cattle had failed, they do it, not for the purpose of expostulating with Joseph, as if they had been unjustly deprived of these things by him; but for the purpose of showing that the only thing remaining for them was to purchase food and seed at the price of their lands, and that they could not otherwise be preserved, unless Joseph would enter into this compact. For it would have been the part of impudence to offer no price or compensation. They begin by saying, that they had nothing at hand, and that, therefore, their lives would be lost, unless Joseph were willing to buy their lands; and in order to excite his compassion, they ask again, why he would suffer them to die, and their very land to perish? For this is the death of the earth, when the cultivation of it is neglected, and when, being reduced to a desert, it can bring forth nothing more.

Calvin: Gen 47:20 - And Joseph bought all the land 20.And Joseph bought all the land. Any one might suppose it to be the height of cruel and inexplicable avarice, that Joseph should take away from the...
20.And Joseph bought all the land. Any one might suppose it to be the height of cruel and inexplicable avarice, that Joseph should take away from the miserable husband men, the very fields, by the produce of which they nourished the kingdom. But I have before showed, that unless every kind of purchase is to be condemned, there is no reason why Joseph should be blamed. If any one should say that he abused their penury; this alone would suffice for his excuse, that no wiles of his, no circumvention, no force, no threats, had reduced the Egyptians to this necessity. He transacted the king’s business with equal fidelity and industry; and fulfilled the duties of his office, without resorting to violent edicts. When the famine became urgent, it was lawful to expose wheat to sale, as well to the rich as to the poor: afterwards it was not less lawful to buy the cattle; and now, at last, why should it not be lawful to acquire the land for the king, at a just price? To this may be added, that he extorted nothing, but entered into treaty with them, at their own request. I confess, indeed, that it is not right to take whatever may be offered without discrimination: for if severe necessity presses, then he who wishes, by all means, to escape it, will submit to hard conditions. Therefore, when any one thus invites us, to defraud him, we are not, by his necessities, rendered excusable. But I do not defend Joseph, on this sole ground, that the Egyptians voluntarily offered him their lands, as men who were ready to purchase life, at any price; but I say, this ought also to be considered, that he acted with equity, even though he left them nothing. The terms would have been more severe, if they themselves had been consigned to perpetual slavery; but he now concedes to them personal liberty, and only covenants for their fields, which, perhaps, the greater part of the people had bought from the poor. If he had stripped of their clothing those whom he was feeding with corn, this would have been to put them indirectly and slowly to death. For what difference does it make, whether I compel a man to die by hunger or by cold? But Joseph so succors the Egyptians, that in future they should be free, and should be able to obtain a moderate subsistence by their labor. For though they might have to change their abode, yet they are all made stewards of the king: and Joseph restores to them, not only the lands, but the implements which he had bought. Whence it appears that he had used what clemency he was able, in order to relieve them. Meanwhile, let those who are too intent on wealth beware lest they should falsely employ Joseph’s example as a pretext: because it is certain that all contracts, which are not formed according to the rule of charity, are vicious in the sight of God; and that we ought, according to that equity which is inwardly dictated to us by a secret instinct of nature, so to act towards others, as we wish to be dealt with ourselves.

Calvin: Gen 47:21 - And as for the people, he removed them to cities 21.And as for the people, he removed them to cities. This removal was, indeed, severe; but if we reflect how much better it was to depart to another ...
21.And as for the people, he removed them to cities. This removal was, indeed, severe; but if we reflect how much better it was to depart to another place; in order that they might be free cultivators of the land, than to be attached to the soil, and employed as slaves in servile work; no one will deny that this was a tolerable, and even a humane exercise of authority. Had each person cultivated his field, as he had been accustomed to do, the exaction of tribute would have seemed to be grievous. Joseph, therefore, contrived a middle course, which might mitigate the new and unwonted burden, by assigning new lands to each, with a tribute attached to them. The passage may, however, be differently expounded; namely, that Joseph caused all the farmers to go to the cities to receive the provisions, and to settle their public accounts. If this sense is approved, the fact that Egypt was divided into provinces, afterwards called nomes, may probably hence have received its origin. This removing from place to place would, however, have been alike injurious to the king and to the people at large, because they would not be able to make their skill and practice applicable to new situations. Yet, since the matter is not of great moment, and the signification of the word is ambiguous, I leave the question undecided.

Calvin: Gen 47:22 - Only the land of the priests 22.Only the land of the priests. The priests were exempted from the common law, because the king granted them a maintenance. It is, indeed, doubtful,...
22.Only the land of the priests. The priests were exempted from the common law, because the king granted them a maintenance. It is, indeed, doubtful, whether this was a supply for their present necessity, or whether he was accustomed to nourish them at his own expense. But seeing that Moses makes mention of their lands, I rattler incline to the conjecture, that, whereas they had before been rich, and this dearth had deprived them of their income, the king conferred this privilege upon them; and hence it arose that their lands remained unto them free. 187 The ancient historians, however, injudiciously invent many fables concerning the state of that land. I know not whether the statement that the farmers, content with small wages, sow and reap for the king and the priests, is to be traced to this regulation of Joseph or not. But, passing by these things, it is more to the purpose to observe, what Moses wished distinctly to testify; namely, that a heathen king paid particular attention to Divine worship, in supporting the priests gratuitously, for the purpose of sparing their lands and their property. Truly this is placed before our eyes, as a mirror, in which we may discern that a sentiment of piety which they cannot wholly efface, is implanted in the minds of men. It was the part of foolish, as well as of wicked superstition, that Pharaoh nourished such priests as these, who infatuated the people by their impostures: yet this was, in itself, a design worthy of commendation, that he did not suffer the worship of God to fall into decay; which, in a short time, must have happened, if the priests had perished in the famine. Whence we infer how sedulously we ought to be on our guard, that we undertake nothing with an indiscreet zeal; because nothing is more easy, in so great a corruption of human nature, than for religion to degenerate into frivolous trifles. Nevertheless, because this inconsiderate devotion (as it may be called) flowed from a right principle, what should be the conduct of our princes, who desire to be deemed Christians? If Pharaoh was so solicitous about his priests, that he nourished them to his own destruction, and that of his whole kingdom, in order that he might not be guilty of impiety against false gods; what sacrilege is it, in Christian princes, that the lawful and sincere ministers of holy things should be neglected, whose work they know to be approved by God, and salutary to themselves? But it may be asked, whether it was lawful for holy Joseph to undertake this office, for by so doing, he employed his labor in cherishing impious superstitions? But though I can readily grant that in such great, and arduous, and manifold offices of trust, it was easy for him to slide into various faults; yet I dare not absolutely condemn this act; nor can I, however, deny that he may have erred, in not resisting these superstitions with sufficient boldness. But since he was required by no law, to destroy the priests by hunger, and was not altogether allowed to dispense the king’s corn at his own pleasure; if the king wished that food should be gratuitously supplied to the priests, he was no more at liberty to deny it to them than to the nobles at court. Therefore, though he did not willingly take charge of such dependents, yet when the king imposed the duty upon him, he could not refuse it, though he knew them to be unworthy to be fed on the dirt of oxen.

Calvin: Gen 47:23 - Then Joseph said unto the people 23.Then Joseph said unto the people. Here Moses describes the singular humanity of Joseph, which, as it then repressed all complaints, so, at this ti...
23.Then Joseph said unto the people. Here Moses describes the singular humanity of Joseph, which, as it then repressed all complaints, so, at this time, it justly dispels and refutes the calumnies with which he is assailed. The men, who were entirely destitute, and, in a sense, exiles, he reinstates in their possessions, on the most equitable condition, that they should pay a fifth part of the produce to the king. It is well known that formerly, in various places, kings have demanded by law the payment of tenths; but that, in the time of war, they doubled this tax. Therefore, what injury, can we say, was done to the Egyptians, when Joseph burdened the land, bought for the king, with a fifth part of its income; especially seeing that country is so much richer than others, that with less labor than elsewhere, it brings forth fruit for the maintenance of its cultivators? Should any one object that the king would have acted more frankly had he taken the fifth part of the land; the answer is obvious, that this was useful not only as an example, but also, for the purpose of quieting the people, by shutting the mouths of the captious. And certainly this indirect method, by which Joseph introduced the tax of a fifth part, had no other object than that of inducing the Egyptians to cultivate their lands with more alacrity, when they were convinced that, by such a compact, they were treated with clemency. And to this effect was their confession, which is recorded by Moses, expressed. For, first, they acknowledge that they owe their lives to him; secondly, they do not refuse to be the servants of the king. Whence we gather, that the holy man so conducted himself between the two parties, as greatly to enrich the king, without oppressing the people by tyranny. And I wish that all governors would practice this moderation, that they would only so far study the advantage of kings, as could be done without injury to the people. There is a celebrated saying of Tiberius Caesar, which savored little of tyranny, though he appears to have been a sanguinary and insatiable tyrant, that it is the part of a shepherd to shear the flock, but not to tear off the skin. At this day, however, kings do not believe that they rule freely, unless they not only flay their subjects, but entirely devour them. For they do not generally invest any with authority, except those who are sworn to the practice of slaughter. So much the more does the clemency of Joseph deserve praise, who so administered the affairs of Egypt, as to render the immense gains of the king compatible with a tolerable condition of the people.

Calvin: Gen 47:27 - And Israel dwelt in the land 27.And Israel dwelt in the land. Moses does not mean that Jacob and his sons were proprietors of that land which Pharaoh had granted them as a dwelli...
27.And Israel dwelt in the land. Moses does not mean that Jacob and his sons were proprietors of that land which Pharaoh had granted them as a dwelling-place, in the same manner in which the other parts of Egypt were given to the inhabitants for a perpetual possession: but that they dwelt there commodiously for a time, and thus were in possession by favor, provided they continued to be peaceable. Hence the cause that they so greatly increased, in a very short space of time. Therefore, what is here related by Moses belongs to the history of the following period; and he now returns to the proper thread of his narrative, in which he purposed to show how God protected his Church from many deaths; and not that only, but wonderfully exalted it by his own secret power.

Calvin: Gen 47:28 - And Jacob lived 28.And Jacob lived. It was no common source of temptation to the holy old man, to be an exile from the land of Canaan, for so many years. Be it so, t...
28.And Jacob lived. It was no common source of temptation to the holy old man, to be an exile from the land of Canaan, for so many years. Be it so, that on account of the famine, he was compelled to go to Egypt; why could he not return when the fifth year was passed? For he did not stupidly lie there in a state of torpor, but he remained quiet, because free egress was not allowed him. Wherefore, also, in this respect, God did not lightly exercise his patience. For, however sweet might be the delights of Egypt, yet he was more than miserable to be deprived of the sight of that land which was the lively figure of his celestial country. With the men of this world, indeed, earthly advantage would have prevailed: but such was the piety of the holy man, that the profit of the flesh weighed nothing against the loss of spiritual good. But he was more deeply wounded, when he saw his death approaching: because, not only was he himself deprived of the inheritance promised to him, but he was leaving his sons, of doubtful, or at least of feeble, faith, buried in Egypt as in a sepulcher. Moreover, his example is proposed to us, that our minds may not languish or become enfeebled by the weariness of a protracted warfare: yea, the more Satan attempts to depress them to the earth, the more fervently let them look and soar towards heaven.

Calvin: Gen 47:29 - And he called his son Joseph 29.And he called his son Joseph. Hence we infer, not only the anxiety of Jacob, but his invincible magnanimity. It is a proof of great courage, that ...
29.And he called his son Joseph. Hence we infer, not only the anxiety of Jacob, but his invincible magnanimity. It is a proof of great courage, that none of the wealth or the pleasures of Egypt could so allure him, as to prevent him from sighing for the land of Canaan, in which he had always passed a painful and laborious life. But the constancy of his faith appeared still more excellent, when he, commanding his dead body to be carried back to Canaan, encouraged his sons to hope for deliverance. Thus it happened that he, being dead, animated those who were alive and remained, as with the sound of a trumpet. For, to what purpose was this great care respecting his sepulture, except that the promise of God might be confirmed to his posterity? Therefore, though his faith was tossed as upon the waves, yet it was so far from suffering shipwreck, that it conducted others into the haven. Moreover, he demands an oath from his son Joseph, not so much on account of distrust, as to show that a matter of the greatest consequence was in hand. Certainly he would not, by lightly swearing, profane the name of God: but the more sacred and solemn the promise was, the more ought all his sons to remember, that it was of great importance that his body should be carried to the sepulcher of his fathers. It is also probable that he prudently thought of alleviating any enmity which might be excited against his son Joseph. For he knew that this choice of his sepulcher would be, by no means, gratifying to the Egyptians; seeing it seemed like casting a reproach on their whole kingdom. This stranger, forsooth, as if he could find no fit place for his body in this splendid and noble country, wishes to be buried in the land of Canaan. Therefore, in order that Joseph might more freely dare to ask, and might more easily obtain, this favor from the king, Jacob binds him by an oath. And certainly Joseph afterwards makes use of this pretext, to avoid giving offense. This also was the reason why he required Joseph to do for him that last office, which was a duty devolving on the brothers in common; for such a favor would scarcely have been granted to the rest; and they would not have ventured on the act, unless permission had been obtained. But, as strangers and mean men, they had neither favor nor authority. Besides, it was especially necessary for Joseph to be on his guard, lest becoming ensnared by the allurements of Egypt, he should gradually forsake his own kindred. It must, however, be known, that the solemnity of an oath was designedly interposed by Jacob, to show that he did not, in vain, desire for himself, a sepulcher in the land where he had met with an unfavorable reception; where he had endured many sufferings; and from which, at length, being expelled by hunger, he had become an exile. As to his commanding the hand to be put under his thigh, we have explained what this symbol means in Gen 24:2

Calvin: Gen 47:30 - But I will lie with my fathers 30.But I will lie with my fathers 188 It appears from this passage, that the word “sleep,” whenever it is put for “die,” does not refer to th...
30.But I will lie with my fathers 188 It appears from this passage, that the word “sleep,” whenever it is put for “die,” does not refer to the soul, but to the body. For, what did it concern him, to be buried with his fathers in the double cave, 189 unless to testify that he was associated with them after death? And by what bond were he and they joined together, except this, that not even death itself could extinguish the power of their faith; which would seem to utter this voice from the same sepulcher, Now also we have a common inheritance.

Calvin: Gen 47:31 - And Israel bowed himself upon the bed’s head 31.And Israel bowed himself upon the bed’s head. By this expression, Moses again affirms that Jacob esteemed it a singular kindness, that his son s...
31.And Israel bowed himself upon the bed’s head. By this expression, Moses again affirms that Jacob esteemed it a singular kindness, that his son should have promised to do what he had required respecting his burial. For he exerts his weak body as much as he is able, in order to give thanks unto God, as if he had obtained something most desirable. He is said to have worshipped towards the head of his bed: because, seeing he was quite unable to rise from the bed on which he lay, he yet composed himself with a solemn air in the attitude of one who was praying. The same is recorded of David (1Kg 1:47) when, having obtained his last wish, he celebrates the grace of God. The Greeks have translated it, at the top of his staff: which the Apostle has followed in the Epistle to the Hebrews, (Heb 11:21.) And though the interpreters seem to have been deceived by the similitude of words; because, with the Hebrews,
Defender: Gen 47:9 - an hundred and thirty years Jacob died at 147 (Gen 47:28), while Isaac had lived to 180, Abraham to 185, and Terah to 205. Their distant ancestor Shem lived to age 600. Life-span...
Jacob died at 147 (Gen 47:28), while Isaac had lived to 180, Abraham to 185, and Terah to 205. Their distant ancestor Shem lived to age 600. Life-spans were still declining after the traumatic changes of the Great Flood and would continue to do so until about the time of Moses.

Defender: Gen 47:9 - days of their pilgrimage Jacob considered his life on earth to be merely a "pilgrimage," like that of his fathers. Though not much is said about it, all the fathers evidently ...
Jacob considered his life on earth to be merely a "pilgrimage," like that of his fathers. Though not much is said about it, all the fathers evidently recognized their eternal home would be with God. "These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off, and were persuaded of them, and embraced them, and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth" (Heb 11:13)."

Defender: Gen 47:10 - Jacob blessed Pharaoh It is significant that "Jacob blessed Pharaoh," not the other way around. Even though Pharaoh was probably the greatest king on Earth at the time, "wi...
It is significant that "Jacob blessed Pharaoh," not the other way around. Even though Pharaoh was probably the greatest king on Earth at the time, "without all contradiction the less is blessed of the better" (Heb 7:7), and in God's sight, Jacob was the greatest man of his generation."
TSK -> Gen 47:1; Gen 47:2; Gen 47:3; Gen 47:4; Gen 47:6; Gen 47:7; Gen 47:8; Gen 47:9; Gen 47:10; Gen 47:11; Gen 47:12; Gen 47:13; Gen 47:14; Gen 47:15; Gen 47:16; Gen 47:17; Gen 47:18; Gen 47:19; Gen 47:21; Gen 47:22; Gen 47:23; Gen 47:24; Gen 47:25; Gen 47:26; Gen 47:27; Gen 47:28; Gen 47:29; Gen 47:30; Gen 47:31
TSK: Gen 47:1 - Joseph // in the land Joseph : Gen 45:16, Gen 46:31; Heb 2:11
in the land : Gen 45:10, Gen 46:28, Gen 46:34; Exo 8:22, Exo 9:26

TSK: Gen 47:3 - What is // shepherds What is : Gen 46:33, Gen 46:34; Amo 7:14, Amo 7:15; Jon 1:8; 2Th 3:10
shepherds : Gen 4:2

TSK: Gen 47:4 - For to // for the famine // let thy For to : Gen 12:10, Gen 15:13; Deu 26:5; Psa 105:23; Isa 52:4; Act 7:6
for the famine : Gen 43:1; Act 7:11
let thy : Gen 46:34

TSK: Gen 47:6 - is // Goshen // men of activity // rulers // cattle is : Gen 47:11, Gen 13:9, Gen 20:15, Gen 34:10, Gen 45:18-20; Pro 21:1; Joh 17:2
Goshen : Gen 47:4, Gen 47:11
men of activity : Anshey chayil , men...
is : Gen 47:11, Gen 13:9, Gen 20:15, Gen 34:10, Gen 45:18-20; Pro 21:1; Joh 17:2
men of activity :
rulers : Exo 18:21; 1Sa 21:7; 1Ch 27:29-31; 2Ch 26:10; Pro 22:29
cattle :

TSK: Gen 47:7 - And Jacob And Jacob : Gen 47:10, Gen 35:27; Exo 12:32; Num 6:23, Num 6:24; Jos 14:13; 1Sa 2:20; 2Sa 8:10; 2Sa 19:39; 1Ki 1:47; 2Ki 4:29; Mat 26:26; Luk 22:19; 1...

TSK: Gen 47:8 - How old art thou How old art thou : Heb. How many are the days of the years of thy life, Gen 47:9
How old art thou : Heb. How many are the days of the years of thy life, Gen 47:9

TSK: Gen 47:9 - The days // an hundred // have not The days : 1Ch 29:15; Psa 39:12, Psa 119:19, Psa 119:54; 2Co 5:6; Heb 11:9-16, Heb 13:14; 1Pe 2:11
an hundred : Job 14:1; Psa 39:5, Psa 89:47, Psa 89:...
The days : 1Ch 29:15; Psa 39:12, Psa 119:19, Psa 119:54; 2Co 5:6; Heb 11:9-16, Heb 13:14; 1Pe 2:11
an hundred : Job 14:1; Psa 39:5, Psa 89:47, Psa 89:48, Psa 90:3-12; Jam 4:14
have not : Gen 47:28, Gen 5:27, Gen 11:11, Gen 11:24, Gen 11:25, Gen 25:7, Gen 25:8, Gen 35:28, Gen 50:26; Exo 6:4, Exo 7:7; Deu 34:7; Jos 24:29; 2Sa 19:32-35; Job 8:8, Job 8:9, Job 42:16, Job 42:17

TSK: Gen 47:10 - -- Gen 47:7, Gen 14:19; Num 6:23-27; Deu 33:1; Rth 2:4; 2Sa 8:10, 2Sa 19:39; Psa 119:46; Psa 129:8; Heb 7:7

TSK: Gen 47:11 - Rameses Rameses : Gen 47:6; Exo 1:11, Exo 12:37; Joh 10:10, Joh 10:28, Joh 14:2, Joh 14:23, Joh 17:2, Joh 17:24

TSK: Gen 47:12 - nourished // his father // according to their families nourished : Rth 4:15
his father : Exo 20:12; Mat 15:4-6; Mar 7:10-13; 1Ti 4:8, 1Ti 5:4, 1Ti 5:8
according to their families : or, as a little child is...

TSK: Gen 47:13 - so that // fainted am 2300, bc 1704
so that : Gen 41:30, Gen 41:31; 1Ki 18:5; Jer 14:1-6; Lam 2:19, Lam 2:20, Lam 4:9; Act 7:11
fainted : Jer 9:12; Joe 1:10-12
am 2300, bc 1704
so that : Gen 41:30, Gen 41:31; 1Ki 18:5; Jer 14:1-6; Lam 2:19, Lam 2:20, Lam 4:9; Act 7:11
fainted : Jer 9:12; Joe 1:10-12

TSK: Gen 47:14 - the money // Joseph brought the money : Gen 41:56
Joseph brought : Luk 16:1, Luk 16:2, Luk 16:10-12; 1Co 4:2; 1Pe 4:10

TSK: Gen 47:15 - Give us bread am 2301, bc 1703
Give us bread : Gen 47:18, Gen 47:19, Gen 47:24; Jdg 8:5, Jdg 8:8; 1Sa 21:3, 1Sa 25:8; Psa 37:3; Isa 33:16; Mat 6:11

TSK: Gen 47:16 - Give your cattle Give your cattle : This was the wisest measure that could be adopted, both for the preservation of the people and the cattle. As the people had not g...
Give your cattle : This was the wisest measure that could be adopted, both for the preservation of the people and the cattle. As the people had not grain for their own sustenance, consequently they could have none for their cattlecaps1 . hcaps0 ence they were in the most imminent danger of starving; and the people also were in equal danger; as they must have divided a portion of that bought for themselves with the cattle, which, for the sake of tillage, etc., they wished of course to preserve till the seven years’ famine should end. Dan 6:5-7; Pro 12:17; 1Co 10:32; Phi 4:8; Col 4:5

TSK: Gen 47:17 - for horses // fed them for horses : Exo 9:3; 1Ki 10:28; Job 2:4; Isa 31:1; Mat 6:24
fed them : Heb. led them

TSK: Gen 47:19 - buy us // and give buy us : Neh 5:2, Neh 5:3; Job 2:4; Lam 1:11, Lam 5:6, Lam 5:9; Mat 16:26; Phi 3:8, Phi 3:9
and give : Gen 47:23

TSK: Gen 47:21 - And as // to cities am 2303, bc 1701
And as : It is highly probable, that Joseph was influenced by no political motive in removing the people to the cities, but merely by...
am 2303, bc 1701
And as : It is highly probable, that Joseph was influenced by no political motive in removing the people to the cities, but merely by motives of prudence and humanity; for, as the corn was laid up in the cities, it would be more eligible to bring then from distant towns and villages to places where they might be more conveniently supplied with food.
to cities : Gen 41:48

TSK: Gen 47:22 - of the priests // for the priests of the priests : or, princes, Gen 14:18, Gen 41:45, Gen 41:50 *marg. 2Sa 8:18
for the priests : Deu 12:19; Josh. 21:1-45; Ezr 7:24; Neh 13:10; Mat 10:...

TSK: Gen 47:23 - bought // here is seed bought : Gen 47:19
here is seed : Gen 41:27, Gen 45:6; Psa 41:1, Psa 107:36, Psa 107:37, Psa 112:5; Pro 11:26, Pro 12:11, Pro 13:23; Ecc 11:6; Isa 28:...

TSK: Gen 47:24 - the fifth part the fifth part : Gen 47:25, Gen 41:34; Lev 27:32; 1Sa 8:15-17; Psa 41:1, Psa 112:5

TSK: Gen 47:25 - Thou hast // let us Thou hast : Gen 6:19, Gen 41:45 *marg. Gen 45:6-8, Gen 50:20; Pro 11:26, Pro 11:27
let us : Gen 18:3, Gen 33:15; Rth 2:13

TSK: Gen 47:26 - made it a law // except // priests made it a law : From this history, and from Diodorus Siculus ( lib. i. ), we learn that the land of Egypt was divided into three parts: one belonged t...
made it a law : From this history, and from Diodorus Siculus ( lib. i. ), we learn that the land of Egypt was divided into three parts: one belonged to the Priests (Gen 47:22 and Gen 47:26); a second was the king’ s (which appears to have been the land of Rameses, or Goshen, Gen 47:11); the remainder was the subjects’ . Now Joseph, having purchased the land of the people (Gen 47:19 and Gen 47:20), restored it, on the condition of their paying a fifth part of the produce to the king, beyond which he appears to have made no demand.
priests : or, princes, Gen 47:22

TSK: Gen 47:27 - dwelt // grew dwelt : Gen 47:11
grew : Gen 8:7, Gen 8:9, Gen 13:16, Gen 26:4, Gen 28:14, Gen 46:3; Exo 1:7, Exo 1:12; Deu 10:22, Deu 26:5; Neh 9:23; Psa 105:24, Psa...

TSK: Gen 47:28 - seventeen // the whole age am 2315, bc 1689
seventeen : Gen 37:2
the whole age : Heb. the days of the years of his life, Gen 47:8 *marg. Gen 47:9; Psa 90:10, Psa 90:12, Psa 119:...

TSK: Gen 47:29 - must die // put // deal kindly // bury me not must die : Gen 47:9, Gen 3:19, Gen 50:24; Deu 31:14; 2Sa 7:12, 2Sa 14:14; 1Ki 2:1; Job 7:1; Job 14:14, Job 30:23; Psa 6:5, Psa 49:7, Psa 49:9, Psa 89:...

TSK: Gen 47:30 - -- Gen 23:19, Gen 25:9, Gen 49:29-32, Gen 50:5-14, Gen 50:25; 2Sa 19:37; 1Ki 13:22; Neh 2:3, Neh 2:5

TSK: Gen 47:31 - Swear // And Israel bowed Swear : Gen 24:3
And Israel bowed : As shachah , which primarily signifies to bow, denotes also to worship; and as mittah , a bed, pronounced mat...
Swear : Gen 24:3
And Israel bowed : As

kecilkan semuaTafsiran/Catatan -- Catatan Kata/Frasa (per Ayat)
Poole: Gen 47:2 - Some of his brethren Some of his brethren or part, as this Hebrew word is used, Dan 1:2 ; or the extremity, or end, or tail of them, i.e. the meanest of them f...
Some of his brethren or part, as this Hebrew word is used, Dan 1:2 ; or the extremity, or end, or tail of them, i.e. the meanest of them for person and presence, as the word is taken 1Ki 12:31 , lest if he, had presented the goodliest of them, Pharaoh might have required their attendance upon him, either at court or camp. And for the same reason for which he did industriously represent them to Pharaoh as contemptible in their employment, he might also present those to him who were so in their persons.

Poole: Gen 47:3 - -- This employment is not pretended nor taken up by us in design, or in contempt of thee or thy people, but was handed to us by our fathers, and hath b...
This employment is not pretended nor taken up by us in design, or in contempt of thee or thy people, but was handed to us by our fathers, and hath been our business to this day.

Poole: Gen 47:4 - To sojourn in the land are we come // Canaan To sojourn in the land are we come not to defraud thy people of their lands and habitations, but only to be here for a season, as strangers and sojou...
To sojourn in the land are we come not to defraud thy people of their lands and habitations, but only to be here for a season, as strangers and sojourners, till we can conveniently return to our own land.
Canaan being a higher ground than Egypt, and watered in a manner only by rain from heaven, must needs sooner and sorer feel the effects of a drought and scarcity than Egypt, which had relief from Nilus in that kind.

Poole: Gen 47:6 - The land of Egypt is before thee // Any man of activity The land of Egypt is before thee to view it, and take thy choice where thou pleasest, it is in thy power. See Gen 13:9 .
Any man of activity or, o...
The land of Egypt is before thee to view it, and take thy choice where thou pleasest, it is in thy power. See Gen 13:9 .
Any man of activity or, of strength, or vigour of body and mind, fit for the employment. By which expression it seems probable that those five presented to Pharaoh were of the meanest sort of them. See Poole on "Gen 47:2" .

Poole: Gen 47:7 - -- Not in an authoritative way, as the greater blesseth the less, but in a general manner, i.e. he saluted him, thanked him for all his favours to him ...
Not in an authoritative way, as the greater blesseth the less, but in a general manner, i.e. he saluted him, thanked him for all his favours to him and his, and prayed to God to bless and recompense him for it. Thus blessing is put for saluting, 1Sa 13:10 2Ki 4:29 ; for praying, Num 6:23,24 ; for thanksgiving, Mat 26:26 , compare with Luk 22:19 .

Poole: Gen 47:9 - My pilgrimage My pilgrimage i.e. my unstable or unsettled life, in which I have been flitting from place to place. See Gen 17:8 Psa 119:19 Heb 11:9,13 . And though...
My pilgrimage i.e. my unstable or unsettled life, in which I have been flitting from place to place. See Gen 17:8 Psa 119:19 Heb 11:9,13 . And though I seem old in comparison of thy people, yet I fall much short of my progenitors, Isaac, and Abraham, and Terah.

Poole: Gen 47:11 - The land of Rameses The land of Rameses a part of the land of Goshen, possibly that part where afterwards the city Rameses was built by the Israelites, Exo 1:11 12:37 , ...
The land of Rameses a part of the land of Goshen, possibly that part where afterwards the city Rameses was built by the Israelites, Exo 1:11 12:37 , whence it is so called here by anticipation; for the Israelites were not now numerous enough to possess the whole land of Goshen, which was given to them, but contented themselves with a part of it, leaving the rest to the management of the Egyptians; and therefore when they increased greatly, they were forced to spread their habitations amongst the Egyptians. See Exo 12:7,23,35,37 .

Poole: Gen 47:12 - -- Or, according to the mouth of the family; mouth being put for their will or desire, as it is Gen 24:57 Isa 30:2 , as much as every one desired, wi...
Or, according to the mouth of the family; mouth being put for their will or desire, as it is Gen 24:57 Isa 30:2 , as much as every one desired, without any restraint; or, according to the manner of a little child, he put their meat into their very months; it was brought to them without any more care or pains of theirs than an infant takes for its food.

Poole: Gen 47:13 - Quest // Answ Quest Whence came it that the people in this extremity did not take the corn by force out of the several store-houses?
Answ Besides that singular p...
Quest Whence came it that the people in this extremity did not take the corn by force out of the several store-houses?
Answ Besides that singular providence of God which watcheth over kings and rulers, and stilleth the tumults of the people, Joseph had no doubt foreseen this difficulty, and took due care to prevent it, partly, by disposing the stores in strong and well-guarded places; partly, by adding wealth and strength to the king, whereby he might more easily suppress any seditious risings; and principally, by not permitting the people to despair, or come to the utmost extremity, but giving them relief in all their exigences.

Poole: Gen 47:14 - -- Wherein he did no more than any of the subjects might have done; he bought great store of corn in the plentiful years with the king’ s money, a...
Wherein he did no more than any of the subjects might have done; he bought great store of corn in the plentiful years with the king’ s money, and kept it till a time of famine, and sold it at a rate which was agreeable to the Season.

Poole: Gen 47:15 - -- 1702 Why shouldst thou see and suffer us to perish for our want of money, when thou canst relieve us?
1702 Why shouldst thou see and suffer us to perish for our want of money, when thou canst relieve us?

Poole: Gen 47:18 - The second year The second year not the second from the beginning of the famine, but from their great extremity, the second year after that last mentioned, wherein t...
The second year not the second from the beginning of the famine, but from their great extremity, the second year after that last mentioned, wherein they had sold their cattle; but this seems to have been the last year of the famine, because he now gives them corn for food and for seed too, Gen 47:23 , whereas in the first six years there was no sowing nor reaping, Gen 45:6 .

Poole: Gen 47:19 - Wherefore shall we die before thine eyes // We and our land will be servants unto Pharaoh // Give us seed // That the land be not desolate Wherefore shall we die before thine eyes i.e. whilst thou lookest upon us like an idle spectator, not pitying and relieving us? The land is said to d...
Wherefore shall we die before thine eyes i.e. whilst thou lookest upon us like an idle spectator, not pitying and relieving us? The land is said to die improperly, when it is desolate and barren, and when the fruits of it die, or, which is equivalent to it, do not live.
We and our land will be servants unto Pharaoh Pharaoh shall be the sole proprietor, and we are content to be his tenants, to manage it for his use.
Give us seed because this was the last year of famine, as Joseph informed them, and therefore they tilled and sowed the ground for the following year.
That the land be not desolate without inhabitants, as it will be if thou sufferest us to die for want of bread.

Poole: Gen 47:21 - cities // From one end of the borders of Egypt even to the other end thereof Under the cities are here comprehended the villages and lands belonging to the territory and government of each city; for the seed which he gave the...
Under the cities are here comprehended the villages and lands belonging to the territory and government of each city; for the seed which he gave them was not to be sown in cities, but in the country: but the
cities only are here mentioned, because they were sent thither first, either for the conveniency of nourishing them during this famine out of the public storehouses which were there; or that they might all profess their subjection to the governments of the several cities, which was convenient for the management of that numerous and tumultuous people; or that the cities might be first and most replenished with inhabitants, as being the principal honour, and strength, and security of a kingdom, and that arts, and trades, and merchandise might flourish, without which the commodities of the country would have been of less price and use. But the cities being first supplied, the residue, which doubtless was vast, were dispersed in the country.
From one end of the borders of Egypt even to the other end thereof far from their native soil and ancient patrimonies, that none of them might plead prescription, but that all might be forced to acknowledge that they owed their estates not to their own wit and industry, nor to their parents’ gift, but wholly to the king’ s favour; and that the remembrance of their patrimonial lands might be worn out, and therewith the grief which would arise from their resentment of their loss of them, which probably would be matter of tumults and seditions, to which that people were very prone. And it is probable that he so disposed of this affair, that those who were apt, and likely, and used to unite together in seditious insurrections, whether kindred or others, should be separated one from another as far as might be. If any think that Joseph dealt hardly with them, and made an ill use of their necessity, he will see how moderately and mercifully he deals with them, Gen 47:24 .

Poole: Gen 47:22 - The priests The priests: under this name he understands chiefly those who administered the worship of the gods or idols of Egypt, and withal those who applied th...
The priests: under this name he understands chiefly those who administered the worship of the gods or idols of Egypt, and withal those who applied themselves to the study of the arts and virtues, called their wise men and magicians; though some understand it of the princes (as that word sometimes signifies) or officers of Pharaoh, who were nourished out of the king’ s treasures. And possibly the same Hebrew word may here comprehend both, viz. the ministers of the king, and of their idols too, for both enjoyed the same privileges, as Diodorus Siculus relates. And that the priests are included, if not mainly intended here, will be evident enough to any one that considers the state of Egypt, how mad that people universally were upon their idols, how numerous their priests were, and in how great honour and veneration both with prince and people: besides, reason of state obliged Pharaoh to engage and secure to himself that sort of men, which bore so great sway with the old inhabitants of their several places, and were likely to have the same authority with the new inhabitants, to quiet and satisfy them at their first change, which must needs be very ungrateful to them.
Of this immunity of the priests, that ancient writer Diodorus Siculus makes mention. But this is not to be ascribed to Joseph’ s will or choice; for he who abhorred their idolatry, could not have a kindness for, nor would have given encouragement to, the great upholders and promoters of it; but in this he was overruled either by Pharaoh’ s express command, (it being not probable that so great an interest as that of the priests should not have friends at court, or that their friends should not plead for them, or that their pleas and desires should not be granted by an idolatrous king,) or by the laws of Egypt, or by their customs and usages in things of a like nature, which would have the force of a law among them.

For this was the last year of the famine, as was noted before.

Poole: Gen 47:24 - -- Whereas he might have reserved four parts to Pharaoh, and have allowed them only the fifth. Herein he showed both his humanity and kindness, in miti...
Whereas he might have reserved four parts to Pharaoh, and have allowed them only the fifth. Herein he showed both his humanity and kindness, in mitigating that hard bargain which themselves had made, and were necessitated to make, and his prudence in composing, sweetening, and winning the hearts of the people to the king, and making them pay their tribute for the future with more cheerfulness.

Poole: Gen 47:25 - We will be Pharaoh’ s servants Without thy care and providence we had all been dead men; and therefore if thou hadst kept us to the first bargain, thou hadst done us more kindness...
Without thy care and providence we had all been dead men; and therefore if thou hadst kept us to the first bargain, thou hadst done us more kindness than wrong, much more when thou hast used us with so much equity and clemency. Be thou our friend with Pharaoh in this and upon all other occasions.
We will be Pharaoh’ s servants to manage his land for him upon the terms which thou hast proposed.

Poole: Gen 47:26 - That Pharaoh should have the fifth part That Pharaoh should have the fifth part that the propriety of the land should be Pharaoh’ s; and that in token thereof the people should pay the...
That Pharaoh should have the fifth part that the propriety of the land should be Pharaoh’ s; and that in token thereof the people should pay the fifth part of the products of it to Pharaoh.

Poole: Gen 47:27 - They had possessions They had possessions i.e. lands, not for the dominion or propriety of them, for that rested in Pharaoh, but for the use and profit of them for their ...
They had possessions i.e. lands, not for the dominion or propriety of them, for that rested in Pharaoh, but for the use and profit of them for their present subsistence.

Poole: Gen 47:29 - Put thy hand under my thigh // And deal kindly and truly Put thy hand under my thigh i.e. swear to me, as Gen 47:31 , that thou wilt do what I am now desiring of thee; See Poole on "Gen 24:2" . He requires...
Put thy hand under my thigh i.e. swear to me, as Gen 47:31 , that thou wilt do what I am now desiring of thee; See Poole on "Gen 24:2" . He requires this, not out of any distrust of Joseph’ s promise, but partly, as a more solemn protestation of his right to and affection for that promised land; partly, us a motive to all his children to have their minds and hearts there, even when their bodies were in Egypt; and partly, to give Joseph an argument and excuse to Pharaoh, that he might more willingly permit Joseph to fulfil his father’ s desire, because of his own oath.
And deal kindly and truly or, that thou wilt deal; as the Hebrew vau joined with the future tense is elsewhere used, as Psa 24:7 35:24 51:15 . Kindly in promising, and truly in performing thy promise.

Poole: Gen 47:30 - I will lie with my fathers I will lie with my fathers Abraham and Isaac, in Canaan. See Gen 23:19 25:9 35:29 . Which he desired not so much for himself, as knowing that whereve...
I will lie with my fathers Abraham and Isaac, in Canaan. See Gen 23:19 25:9 35:29 . Which he desired not so much for himself, as knowing that wherever he was buried he should rise to glory; as for his children, to show his own, and confirm their faith in God’ s promise of Canaan; to discover his high valuation of that land, not only for itself, but as it was a type and pledge of the heavenly inheritance; to keep his children’ s minds and hearts loose from Egypt, a place of so much sin and danger, and fixed upon Canaan, that they might be more willing to go thither when God called them, by virtue of that inclination which is in most persons to be buried with their fathers; and in the mean time to declare his detestation of idolaters, with whom he would have no communion either in life, as far as he could avoid it, or in the place of burial; and on the contrary, to profess his communion with his godly ancestors, by his desire to be joined with them in burial. And for the same reasons Joseph desired the translation of his bones thither, Gen 50:25 .

Poole: Gen 47:31 - Israel bowed himself Israel bowed himself not to Joseph, who being now not upon his throne, nor amongst the Egyptians, but in his father’ s house, was doubtless more...
Israel bowed himself not to Joseph, who being now not upon his throne, nor amongst the Egyptians, but in his father’ s house, was doubtless more ready to pay that reverence (as he did Gen 48:12 ) than to receive veneration from him, which he owed to his father; but to God, who is here to be understood, as he is in the same phrase, 1Ki 1:47 , whom with this gesture he worshipped and praised, as for the promise of Canaan, and the assurance which he had now received from Joseph of his being buried there, so for all his favours to him and to Joseph, and by him to all his family.
Jacob at this time was bedrid, through age and infirmity; but being now to give God solemn thanks, though the words and manner of it be not here expressed, he raised himself and sat upon the head or uppermost part of his bed, as he did also Gen 48:2 , that he might express his reverence to God as much as he could by bowing, when he could not do it as much as he would, being unable to do it kneeling. Others for bed read staff the discussion whereof I refer unto its proper place, Heb 11:21 .
Haydock: Gen 47:2 - The last. Extremos The last. Extremos. Some interpret this word of the chiefest, and most sightly: but Joseph seems rather to have chosen out such as had the mean...
The last. Extremos. Some interpret this word of the chiefest, and most sightly: but Joseph seems rather to have chosen out such as had the meanest appearance, that Pharao might not think of employing them at court, with danger of their morals and religion; (Challoner) or in the army, where they might be distracted with many cares, and be too much separated from one another. (Haydock) ---
He took such of his brethren as came first at hand. (Vatable)

Haydock: Gen 47:7 - Blessed him Blessed him, Pharao; saying, perhaps, God save the king; or, O king live for ever: thus wishing that he might enjoy all sorts of blessings. (Men...
Blessed him, Pharao; saying, perhaps, God save the king; or, O king live for ever: thus wishing that he might enjoy all sorts of blessings. (Menochius) ---
It is generally taken in this sense, when men bless one another; but when they bless God, they mean to praise, supplicate, or thank him. (Calmet)

Haydock: Gen 47:9 - Pilgrimage Pilgrimage. He hardly deigns to style it life, as he was worn out with labour and sorrows, and was drawing fast to an end, so much sooner than his...
Pilgrimage. He hardly deigns to style it life, as he was worn out with labour and sorrows, and was drawing fast to an end, so much sooner than his ancestors. Isaac had lived 180 years, and was only dead the year before Joseph was made ruler of Egypt. Some had lived above 900 years. (Haydock)

Haydock: Gen 47:13 - Chanaan Chanaan. The whole world that was inhabited, and known to the Hebrews, felt perhaps the effect of this raging famine; but the countries here mention...
Chanaan. The whole world that was inhabited, and known to the Hebrews, felt perhaps the effect of this raging famine; but the countries here mentioned were the most afflicted. (Haydock)

Treasure, reserving nothing for himself. (Philo)

Haydock: Gen 47:15 - Wanted Wanted. Or "failed both in Egypt and Chanaan," as the Hebrew insinuates. (Haydock)
Wanted. Or "failed both in Egypt and Chanaan," as the Hebrew insinuates. (Haydock)

Haydock: Gen 47:18 - Second Second; or the next year after they had sold their cattle; the fourth of the famine, or perhaps the last, since they ask for seed, ver. 19. In tha...
Second; or the next year after they had sold their cattle; the fourth of the famine, or perhaps the last, since they ask for seed, ver. 19. In that year, Joseph gave back the cattle, &c., to the Egyptians, on condition that they should ever after pay the fifth part of the products of the land to the king, the sole proprietor, who had thus full authority to send them to till any part of his dominions. (Calmet)

Haydock: Gen 47:19 - Servants Servants. A person may part with his liberty, to preserve life. (Menochius)
Servants. A person may part with his liberty, to preserve life. (Menochius)

Haydock: Gen 47:21 - People People, "he transplanted" from, &c., as the Hebrew, Arabic, &c., now read, by the change of one letter. Herodotus, ii. 108, says, the same person ...
People, "he transplanted" from, &c., as the Hebrew, Arabic, &c., now read, by the change of one letter. Herodotus, ii. 108, says, the same person has never a field there two years together. Didorus 1, also attests, that individuals have no property in Egypt, the land being divided among the priests, the king, and the military. Tradesmen always follow their father's profession, which makes them very skilful.

Haydock: Gen 47:22 - Priests // Which had been given Priests. This was done by the king's direction, as they were probably idolaters. (Menochius) ---
The immunities of the sacred ministers have been ...
Priests. This was done by the king's direction, as they were probably idolaters. (Menochius) ---
The immunities of the sacred ministers have been respected both by Pagans, Jews, and Christians; by all who have had any sentiments of religion. Reason dictates that they should live by the altar. They have to labour for the truest interests of the people, and consequently are worthy of their hire. ---
Which had been given, &c. Inasmuch as their wants were supplied, and the king forebore to claim their land. Hebrew, "only the land of the priests he, Joseph, bought not." (Haydock) ---
If infidels did so much for their priests, ought we to do less for those of God? (St. Chrysostom, hom. 65.) (Worthington)

Haydock: Gen 47:26 - This day This day. When Moses wrote, and long after, as we learn from Josephus, Clement of Alexandria, Diodorus, &c. (Calmet)
This day. When Moses wrote, and long after, as we learn from Josephus, Clement of Alexandria, Diodorus, &c. (Calmet)

Haydock: Gen 47:29 - Thigh // Kindness and truth Thigh. To swear, as the steward of Abraham did, chap. xxiv. 2. ---
Kindness and truth. This act of real mercy; or, shew me mercy, by promising ...
Thigh. To swear, as the steward of Abraham did, chap. xxiv. 2. ---
Kindness and truth. This act of real mercy; or, shew me mercy, by promising freely to comply with my request; and truth, by fulfilling this oath. (Menochius)

Haydock: Gen 47:30 - Place Place. Hebron, where Sara, Abraham, and Isaac reposed. (Calmet) ---
Thus he manifested his belief in a future resurrection with his Saviour, who s...
Place. Hebron, where Sara, Abraham, and Isaac reposed. (Calmet) ---
Thus he manifested his belief in a future resurrection with his Saviour, who should be born in that land; and he admonished his descendants never to lose sight of it, nor forfeit the promises by their wicked conduct, chap. xxiii. 17. (Menochius) ---
He teaches us likewise, to be solicitous to obtain Christian burial. (Worthington)

Haydock: Gen 47:31 - To the bed's head To the bed's head. St. Paul, (Hebrews xi. 21,) following the Greek translation of the Septuagint, reads adored the top of his rod. Where note, th...
To the bed's head. St. Paul, (Hebrews xi. 21,) following the Greek translation of the Septuagint, reads adored the top of his rod. Where note, that the same word in the Hebrew, according to the different pointing of it, signifies both a bed and a rod. And to verify both these sentences, we must understand that Jacob, leaning on Joseph's rod, adored, turning towards the head of his bed: which adoration, inasmuch as it was referred to God, was an absolute, and sovereign worship: but inasmuch as it was referred to the rod of Joseph, as a figure of the sceptre, that is, of the royal dignity of Christ, was only an inferior and relative honour. (Challoner) ---
St. Augustine proposes another very probable explanation. He adored God, supporting himself on the top of his staff, or of Joseph's sceptre, q. 162. The Septuagint and Syriac intimate, that Jacob bowed down respectfully towards the sceptre of his son, and thus complied with the explication which he had given to his dream, chap. xxxvii. 10. Others, who understand the Hebrew Hamitta , in the sense given to it by St. Jerome, Aquila, and Symmachus, suppose that after he had given his last instructions to Joseph in a sitting posture, growing weaker, he laid his head again upon his pillow. (Calmet) ---God was pleased to have this recorded in a language subject to such various interpretations; as he, perhaps, would have us to understand, that Jacob literally bowed down both to the bed-head and to the top of the sceptre. For many believe, that the Scripture has often several literal meanings. (Tirinus) ---
If the Massoretic points had been known to the Septuagint, we should not have had this variation. But the learned generally agree, that they are of human, and even of very modern invention.
Gill -> Gen 47:1; Gen 47:2; Gen 47:3; Gen 47:4; Gen 47:5; Gen 47:6; Gen 47:7; Gen 47:8; Gen 47:9; Gen 47:10; Gen 47:11; Gen 47:12; Gen 47:13; Gen 47:14; Gen 47:15; Gen 47:16; Gen 47:17; Gen 47:18; Gen 47:19; Gen 47:20; Gen 47:21; Gen 47:22; Gen 47:23; Gen 47:24; Gen 47:25; Gen 47:26; Gen 47:27; Gen 47:28; Gen 47:29; Gen 47:30; Gen 47:31
Gill: Gen 47:1 - Then Joseph came and told Pharaoh // and said, my father, and my brethren, and their flocks, and their herds, and all that they have, are come out of the land of Canaan // and behold, they are in the land of Goshen Then Joseph came and told Pharaoh,.... After he had been with his father, had had an interview with him, and had took his leave of him for a time, he ...
Then Joseph came and told Pharaoh,.... After he had been with his father, had had an interview with him, and had took his leave of him for a time, he came to Pharaoh's court:
and said, my father, and my brethren, and their flocks, and their herds, and all that they have, are come out of the land of Canaan; Pharaoh had desired they might come, and Joseph now acquaints him they were come; not being willing it should be said that they were come in a private manner, and without his knowledge; nor to dispose of them himself without the direction and approbation of Pharaoh, who was superior to him; and he makes mention of their flocks and herds, and other substance, partly to show that they were not a mean beggarly family that came to live upon him, and partly that a proper place of pasturage for their cattle might be appointed to them:
and behold, they are in the land of Goshen; they are stopped at present, until they should have further directions and orders where to settle; and this is the rather mentioned, because it was the place Joseph proposed with himself to fix them in, if Pharaoh approved of it.

Gill: Gen 47:2 - And he took some of his brethren // even five men // and presented them, unto Pharaoh And he took some of his brethren,.... Along with him, when he left his father in Goshen; the word for "some" signifies the extremity of a thing: hence...
And he took some of his brethren,.... Along with him, when he left his father in Goshen; the word for "some" signifies the extremity of a thing: hence some have fancied that he took some of the meanest and most abject, so Jarchi, lest if they had appeared to Pharaoh strong and robust, he should have made soldiers of them; others on the contrary think he took those that excelled most in strength of body, and endowments of mind, to make the better figure; others, that he took of both sorts, or some at both ends, the first and last, elder and younger; but it may be, he made no choice at all, but took some that offered next:
even five men: whom the Targum of Jonathan names as follow, Zebulun, Dan and Naphtali, Gad and Asher; but Jarchi will have them to be Reuben, Simeon and Levi, Issachar and Benjamin; but on these accounts no dependence is to be had:
and presented them, unto Pharaoh; introduced them into his presence, that he might converse with them, and ask them what questions he thought fit.

Gill: Gen 47:3 - And Pharaoh said unto his brethren, what is your occupation // and they said unto Pharaoh, thy servants are shepherds, both we and also our fathers And Pharaoh said unto his brethren, what is your occupation?.... Which is the question he had told his brethren beforehand would be asked them, and p...
And Pharaoh said unto his brethren, what is your occupation?.... Which is the question he had told his brethren beforehand would be asked them, and prepared them to give an answer to it, Gen 46:33; which was perhaps an usual question Pharaoh asked of persons that came to settle in his dominions, that he might have no idle vagrants there, and that he might know of what advantage they were like to be of in his kingdom, and might dispose of them accordingly:
and they said unto Pharaoh, thy servants are shepherds, both we and also our fathers; see Gen 46:34.

Gill: Gen 47:4 - They said moreover unto Pharaoh, for to sojourn in the land are we come // for thy servants have no pasture for their flocks, for the famine is sore in the land of Canaan // now therefore, we pray thee, let thy servants dwell in the land of Goshen They said moreover unto Pharaoh, for to sojourn in the land are we come,.... Not to obtain possessions and inheritances, as if natives, and to abide t...
They said moreover unto Pharaoh, for to sojourn in the land are we come,.... Not to obtain possessions and inheritances, as if natives, and to abide there always, but to continue for a little time; for they kept in mind that the land of Canaan was given to them as an inheritance, and would be possessed by then, in due time, and therefore had no thought for the present of continuing here long:
for thy servants have no pasture for their flocks, for the famine is sore in the land of Canaan: they say nothing of the want of corn for themselves, because they could have it from Egypt, fetching it, and paying a price for it, but of pasture for their cattle; for the land of Canaan lying higher, was so scorched with the heat of the sun, and parched with drought, that scarce any grass grew upon it; whereas Egypt, and especially the land of Goshen, lying lower, and being marshy and fenny places, near the Nile, had some grass growing on it, even when the Nile did not overflow to make it so fruitful as it sometimes was:
now therefore, we pray thee, let thy servants dwell in the land of Goshen: which request Joseph, no doubt, directed them to make, it being the spot he had chosen for them in his own mind, and even had promised it to his father; and which his brethren, by their short stay in it as they came along, saw would be very convenient for them, and was the true reason why Joseph instructed them to be particular in the account of their trade and business, that Pharaoh might be inclined of himself to propose it to them or however to grant it when requested.

Gill: Gen 47:5 - And Pharaoh spake unto Joseph // saying, thy father and thy brethren are come unto thee And Pharaoh spake unto Joseph,.... Who was present at the conversation that passed between him and his brethren:
saying, thy father and thy brethre...
And Pharaoh spake unto Joseph,.... Who was present at the conversation that passed between him and his brethren:
saying, thy father and thy brethren are come unto thee; which is observed, not for Joseph's information, but to lead on to what he had to say further.

Gill: Gen 47:6 - The land of Egypt is before thee // in the best of the land make thy father and brethren to dwell, in the land of Goshen let them dwell // and if thou knowest any man of activity among them // then make them rulers over my cattle The land of Egypt is before thee,.... To choose what part of it he should judge most suitable and agreeable to his father and brethren:
in the bes...
The land of Egypt is before thee,.... To choose what part of it he should judge most suitable and agreeable to his father and brethren:
in the best of the land make thy father and brethren to dwell, in the land of Goshen let them dwell; as is requested; and which was, as Pharaoh here suggests, the best part of the land, the most fertile and fruitful, and the fittest for cattle, being full of pastures through the river Nile and the canals of it, and Goshen being the most fertile portion in the land of Rameses, as in Gen 47:11; this, Dr. Shaw observes k, could be no other than what lay within two or three leagues at the most from the Nile, because the rest of the Egyptian Arabia, which reaches beyond the influence of this river to the eastward, is a barren inhospitable wilderness:
and if thou knowest any man of activity among them; strong in body, and of great parts, and endowments of mind, and of great skill, and diligence, and industry in the management of flocks and herds:
then make them rulers over my cattle; or "rulers of cattle over those that are mine" l: that is, over his shepherds, to take care that they do their work well and faithfully: from whence it appears that Pharaoh had flocks and herds and shepherds; and therefore it cannot be thought that the Egyptians in those times abstained from eating of animals, or that all shepherds, without exception, were an abomination to them, only foreign ones that lived on spoil and plunder, and made excursions into their country for such purposes: the office he assigned to men of skill and industry was like that which Doeg the Edomite was in, who was the chief of the herdsmen of Saul, 1Sa 21:7.

Gill: Gen 47:7 - And Joseph brought in Jacob his father // and set him before Pharaoh // and Jacob blessed Pharaoh And Joseph brought in Jacob his father,.... That is, some time after he had introduced his five brethren, and had gotten the grant of Goshen for them,...
And Joseph brought in Jacob his father,.... That is, some time after he had introduced his five brethren, and had gotten the grant of Goshen for them, when he sent, for his father from thence, or he came quickly after to Tanis or Memphis, where Pharaoh's court was:
and set him before Pharaoh; presented Jacob to him, and placed his father right before Pharaoh, perhaps in a chair, or on a seat, by Pharaoh's order, because of his age, and in honour to him:
and Jacob blessed Pharaoh; wished him health and happiness, prayed for his welfare, and gave him thanks for all his kindness to him and his; and he blessed him not only in a way of civility, as was usual when men came into the presence of princes, but in an authoritative way, as a prophet and patriarch, a man divinely inspired of God, and who had great power in prayer with him: the Targum of Jonathan gives us his prayer thus,"may it be the pleasure (i.e. of God) that the waters of the Nile may be filled, and that the famine may remove from the world in thy days.''

Gill: Gen 47:8 - And Pharaoh said unto Jacob, how old art thou? And Pharaoh said unto Jacob, how old art thou? Or, "how many are the days of the years of thy life?" which way of speaking Jacob takes up, and very p...
And Pharaoh said unto Jacob, how old art thou? Or, "how many are the days of the years of thy life?" which way of speaking Jacob takes up, and very pertinently makes use of in his answer that follows: Dr. Lightfoot m thinks Pharaoh had never seen so old a man before, so grave a head, and so grey a beard, and in admiration asked this question.

Gill: Gen 47:9 - Jacob said unto Pharaoh, the days of the years of my pilgrimage are an hundred and thirty years // few and evil have the days of the years of my life been // and have not attained unto the days of the years of the life of my fathers in the days of their pilgrimage Jacob said unto Pharaoh, the days of the years of my pilgrimage are an hundred and thirty years,.... He calls his life a "pilgrimage"; as every good ...
Jacob said unto Pharaoh, the days of the years of my pilgrimage are an hundred and thirty years,.... He calls his life a "pilgrimage"; as every good man's is; they are not at home in their own country, they are seeking a better, even an heavenly one: Jacob's life was very emphatically and literally a pilgrimage; he first dwelt in Canaan, from thence he removed to Padanaram, and sojourned there awhile, and then came to Canaan again; for some time he dwelt at Succoth, and then at Shechem, and after that at Hebron, and now he was come down to Egypt, and he had spent one hundred and thirty years of his life in this way: and with this perfectly agrees the account of Polyhistor from Demetrius n, an Heathen writer, who makes the age of Jacob when he came into Egypt one hundred and thirty, and that year to be the third year of the famine, agreeably to Gen 45:6,
few and evil have the days of the years of my life been; see Job 14:1; he calls his days but "few", in comparison of the long lives of the patriarchs in former times, and especially in comparison of the days of eternity: and "evil", because of the many afflictions he had met with; as from Esau, from whose face he was obliged to flee lest he should kill him, Gen 27:41; and in Laban's house, where he served for a wife fourteen years, and endured great hardships, Gen 31:41; and at Shechem, where his daughter was ravished, Gen 34:2, and his sons made that slaughter of the Shechemites, Gen 34:25, which he feared would cause his name to stink, Gen 34:30; and at Ephrath, where he buried his beloved Rachel, Gen 35:16; and at Hebron, where his sons brought him such an account as if they believed his beloved son Joseph was destroyed by a wild beast, Gen 37:32,
and have not attained unto the days of the years of the life of my fathers in the days of their pilgrimage; his grandfather Abraham lived to be one hundred amnd seventy five years of age, Gen 25:7, and his father Isaac lived to the age of one hundred and eighty, Gen 35:28.

Gill: Gen 47:10 - And Jacob blessed Pharaoh, and went out from before Pharaoh. And Jacob blessed Pharaoh, and went out from before Pharaoh. When he took his leave of him, he blessed him, in like manner as when he came into his pr...
And Jacob blessed Pharaoh, and went out from before Pharaoh. When he took his leave of him, he blessed him, in like manner as when he came into his presence, by wishing all happiness to him, and giving him thanks for the honour he had done him, and the favours he had conferred on him and his.

Gill: Gen 47:11 - And Joseph placed his father and his brethren, and gave them a possession in the land of Egypt // in the best of the land, in the land of Rameses, as Pharaoh commanded And Joseph placed his father and his brethren, and gave them a possession in the land of Egypt,.... Houses to dwell in, lands to till, and pastures to...
And Joseph placed his father and his brethren, and gave them a possession in the land of Egypt,.... Houses to dwell in, lands to till, and pastures to feed their flocks and herds in:
in the best of the land, in the land of Rameses, as Pharaoh commanded; according to Jarchi and Aben Ezra, the land of Rameses was a part of the land of Goshen: Jerom o says, that Rameses was a city the children of Israel built in Egypt, and that the province was formerly so called in which Jacob and his sons dwelt; but if it is the same with the city which was built by them, it is here called so by anticipation: but Aben Ezra is of opinion that it is not the same, and indeed the names are differently pointed and pronounced; that built by the Israelites is Raamses, and was one of the treasure cities of Pharaoh, and never inhabited by the Israelites; the Targums of Jonathan and Jerusalem call this land the land of Pelusium; but this part of the country lay not in the Pelusiac, but rather in the Heliopolitan home: Sir John Marsham is of opinion p that Rameses is the name of Pharaoh, the then present king of Egypt, as there were several of the kings of Egypt of that name; and therefore he thinks this land was the king's land, the land of King Rameses, which Joseph placed his father and brethren in by the order of Pharaoh: but it seems rather to be the name of a place, and is thought by Dr. Shaw q to be the same with Cairo: a very learned man r takes this to be the name of the land of Goshen, after the coming of the Israelites into it, and observes, that, in the Egyptian language, "Remsosch" signifies men that live a pastoral life, and so this country was called Ramses or Remsosch, as being the country of the shepherds; and the same learned writer s is of opinion, that the land of Goshen is the same with the Heracleotic nome, or district, which lies in the great island the Nile makes above Memphis, and which is now called by the Arabs Fioum, it being the best and most fruitful part of all Egypt; which is confirmed by the testimony of Strabo, who says t it excels all the rest of the nomes, or districts; that it is the only one that produces olives, large and perfect, with fine fruit, which, if well gathered, make good oil, but all the rest of Egypt is without oil; moreover it produces wine not a little (whereas Herodotus says u vines were wanting in Egypt, i.e. in other parts of it), also corn and pulse, and other seeds: and that Fioum, as it is now called, is the most fruitful, and is the most pleasant part of all Egypt, having vines, olives, figs, and fruits of all sorts, the most excellent, and some of which are not to be found in other parts of the country, the same, writer proves from various travellers and historians w; particularly Leo Africanus says x, that the Sahidic nome, in which he places Fium, excels all the other parts of Egypt in plenty of pulse, as peas, beans, &c. and of animals and linen, though all Egypt is very fruitful: and Vansleb y says, the province of Fium has been always esteemed one of the most excellent in all Egypt, because of its fruitful fields, its great riches, and pleasant gardens,--all that grows here is of a better taste than in other provinces: here are fields full of rose trees, and woods of fig trees, which are not in other parts of Egypt; the gardens are full of all manner of trees, pears, oranges, lemons, peaches, plums, and apricots:--in Fium only, says he, of all the provinces of Egypt, are vineyards--nor is any province so much cut into channels as this: they all proceed from Joseph's river, and have bridges over them, made with burnt bricks very strong; and tradition says they were built in the days of the Pharaohs; and it is the opinion of the Coptics, that these kings employed the Israelites in making: bricks for those bridges, which is very probable, from the infinite number of men needful to make such a prodigious quantity: this part of Egypt where Israel dwelt, by all relations, being so excellent, the impudence of Celsus z the Heathen is very surprising, when he affirms that the nation of the Jews, becoming numerous in Egypt, were ordered to dwell apart as sojourners, and to feed their flocks in places vile and despicable.

Gill: Gen 47:12 - And. Joseph nourished his father, and his brethren, and his father's household, with bread // according to their families And. Joseph nourished his father, and his brethren, and his father's household, with bread,.... For though there might be in Rameses pasture sufficien...
And. Joseph nourished his father, and his brethren, and his father's household, with bread,.... For though there might be in Rameses pasture sufficient for their cattle, yet not corn for their families, the famine still continuing; during which time Joseph, as a dutiful and affectionate son, and as a kind brother, supplied them with all necessary provision, signified by bread:
according to their families; according to the number of them, some of his brethren having more and others less in their families; and in proportion to their number he distributed food unto them, so that there was no want: or "according to the mouth of an infant" a; he nourished them like infants, he put as it were the bread into their mouths, and fed them with as much care and tenderness as infants are fed; and they had no more care to provide food for themselves than children have, such a full and constant supply was handed forth to them: in this Joseph was an eminent type of Christ, who supplies the wants of his people.

Gill: Gen 47:13 - And there was no bread in all the land // for the famine was very sore // so that the land of Egypt, and all the land of Canaan, fainted by reason of the famine And there was no bread in all the land,.... The land of Egypt and the parts adjacent, but in Pharaoh's storehouses, all being consumed that were in p...
And there was no bread in all the land,.... The land of Egypt and the parts adjacent, but in Pharaoh's storehouses, all being consumed that were in private hands the first two years of the famine:
for the famine was very sore; severe, pressed very hard:
so that the land of Egypt, and all the land of Canaan, fainted by reason of the famine; that is, the inhabitants of both countries, their spirits sunk, as well as their flesh failed for want of food: or "raged" b; became furious, and were like madmen, as the word signifies; according to Kimchi c, they were at their wits' end, knew not what to do, as Aben Ezra interprets it, and became tumultuous; it is much they had not in a violent manner broke open the storehouses of corn, and took it away by force; that they did not must be owing to the providence of God, which restrained them, and to the care and prudence of Joseph as a means, who, doubtless, had well fortified the granaries; and very probably there were a body of soldiers placed everywhere, who were one of the three parts or states of the kingdom of Egypt, as Diodorus Siculus d relates; to which may be added, the mild and gentle address of Joseph to the people, speaking kindly to them, giving them hopes of a supply during the famine, and readily relieving them upon terms they could not object to.

Gill: Gen 47:14 - And Joseph gathered up all the money // that was found in the land of Egypt, and in the land of Canaan, for the corn which they bought // and Joseph brought the money into Pharaoh's house And Joseph gathered up all the money,.... Not that he went about to collect it, or employed men to do it, but he gathered it, being brought to him for...
And Joseph gathered up all the money,.... Not that he went about to collect it, or employed men to do it, but he gathered it, being brought to him for corn as follows: even all
that was found in the land of Egypt, and in the land of Canaan, for the corn which they bought: by which means those countries became as bare of money as of provisions:
and Joseph brought the money into Pharaoh's house: into his repository, as the Targum of Jonathan, into his treasury, not into his own house or coffers, in which he acted the faithful part to Pharaoh; for it was with his money he bought the corn, built storehouses, kept men to look after them to sell the corn; wherefore the money arising from thence belonged to him; nor did he do any injury to the people: they sold their corn in the time of plenty freely; he gave them a price for it, it then bore, and he sold it out again to them, at a price according to the season; nor was it ever complained of, that it was an exorbitant one; it was highly just and necessary it should be at a greater price than when it was bought in, considering the great expense in the collection, preservation, and distribution of it: it must be a vast sum of money he amassed together, and Dr. Hammond e thinks it probable that this Pharaoh, who, by Joseph's advice, got all this wealth, is the same with Remphis, of whom Diodorus Siculus f says, that he spent his time in minding the taxes and heaping up riches from all quarters, and left more behind him than any of the kings that reigned before, even in silver and gold four million talents, the same that Herodotus g calls Rhampsinitus, who, he says, had the greatest quantity of money of any of the kings of Egypt.

Gill: Gen 47:15 - And when money failed in the land of Egypt, and in the land of Canaan // all the Egyptians came unto Joseph, and said, give us bread // for why should we die in thy presence // for the money faileth And when money failed in the land of Egypt, and in the land of Canaan,.... It had been all spent in the third, fourth, and fifth years of the famine; ...
And when money failed in the land of Egypt, and in the land of Canaan,.... It had been all spent in the third, fourth, and fifth years of the famine; for it seems to be at the end of the fifth, or beginning of the sixth year of the famine, that this was the case, since we after read of a second or following year, which was very plainly the last, since seed was given them to sow the land with, which shows the time of drought to be near at an end:
all the Egyptians came unto Joseph, and said, give us bread; freely, for nothing, since they had no money to buy any with: no mention is made of the Canaanites, who could not presume to come and ask for corn on such a footing:
for why should we die in thy presence? before his eyes, he not relieving them when it was in his power to do it; they knew such an argument as this would work upon a mind so humane, tender, and generous as was Joseph's:
for the money faileth; all was gone, they had none left to purchase corn with; or they suggest they should not have desired to have had it at free cost.

Gill: Gen 47:16 - And Joseph said, give your cattle // and I will give you for your cattle, if money fail And Joseph said, give your cattle,.... Oxen, sheep, horses, asses, as follows:
and I will give you for your cattle, if money fail; that is, corn fo...
And Joseph said, give your cattle,.... Oxen, sheep, horses, asses, as follows:
and I will give you for your cattle, if money fail; that is, corn for cattle, if they had no money to give.

Gill: Gen 47:17 - And they brought their cattle unto Joseph // and Joseph gave them bread in exchange for horses // and for the flocks, and for the cattle of the herds // and for the asses // and he fed them with bread for all their cattle, for that year And they brought their cattle unto Joseph,.... Which they might the more readily do, since there was scarce any grass to feed them with; and though so...
And they brought their cattle unto Joseph,.... Which they might the more readily do, since there was scarce any grass to feed them with; and though some of them were creatures used for food, yet might be so lean and poor for want of grass, as not to be fit to eat; and besides, they could do better without flesh than without bread:
and Joseph gave them bread in exchange for horses; with which Egypt abounded, to which many places of Scripture have respect, Deu 17:16,
and for the flocks, and for the cattle of the herds; the sheep and the oxen; which shows that these creatures were bred and fed by them, and were, no doubt, slain, and used for food:
and for the asses; which were used for carrying burdens:
and he fed them with bread for all their cattle, for that year; which seems to be the sixth year of the famine: one would wonder what Joseph should do with all their cattle, where put them, and feed them, in such a time of drought; though it is probable the number was not exceeding large, since they only fetched one year's provision of bread.

Gill: Gen 47:18 - When the year was ended, they came unto him the second year // and said unto him, we will not hide it from my lord, how that our money is spent; my lord also hath our herds of cattle // there is not enough left in the sight of my lord, but our bodies and our lands When the year was ended, they came unto him the second year,.... Which seems to be the seventh and last year of the years of famine; not the second ye...
When the year was ended, they came unto him the second year,.... Which seems to be the seventh and last year of the years of famine; not the second year of the famine, as Jarchi, but the second year of their great distress, when having spent all their money they parted with their cattle; for it cannot be thought that they should be drained of their money and cattle too in one year:
and said unto him, we will not hide it from my lord, how that our money is spent; my lord also hath our herds of cattle; both these were well known to Joseph, and therefore cannot be the things which they say they would not hide: Musculus thinks it should be rendered in the past tense, "we have not hid"; this they told him the last year, that their money was gone, and he knew he had their cattle for their last year's provision: the sense seems to be this, that seeing their money was spent, and their cattle were in the hands of Joseph, they would not, and could not conceal from him what follows:
there is not enough left in the sight of my lord, but our bodies and our lands; and the one were starving and the other desolate.

Gill: Gen 47:19 - Wherefore shall we die before thine eyes, both we and our land // buy us and our land for bread // and we and our land will be servants unto Pharaoh // and give us seed, that we may live, and not die, that the land may not be desolate Wherefore shall we die before thine eyes, both we and our land?.... Beholding their miserable condition, and not helping them; die they must unless th...
Wherefore shall we die before thine eyes, both we and our land?.... Beholding their miserable condition, and not helping them; die they must unless they had bread to eat, and their land die also if they had not seed to sow; that is, would become desolate, as the Septuagint version renders it; so Ben Melech observes, that land which is desolate is as if it was dead, because it produces neither grass nor fruit, whereas when it does it looks lively and cheerful:
buy us and our land for bread; they were willing to sell themselves and their land too for bread to support their lives, nothing being dearer to a man than life:
and we and our land will be servants unto Pharaoh; both should be his; they would hold their land of him, and be tenants to him:
and give us seed, that we may live, and not die, that the land may not be desolate; entirely so; some parts of it they could sow a little upon, as on the banks of the Nile, or perhaps that river might begin to overflow, or they had some hopes of it, especially from Joseph's prediction they knew this was the last year of famine, and therefore it was proper to sow the ground some time in this, that they might have a crop for the provision of the next year; and they had no seed to sow, and if they were not furnished with it, the famine must unavoidably continue, notwithstanding the flow of the Nile.

Gill: Gen 47:20 - And Joseph bought all the land of Egypt for Pharaoh // for the Egyptians sold every man his field, because the famine prevailed over them // so the land became Pharaoh's And Joseph bought all the land of Egypt for Pharaoh,.... Not for himself, nor did he entail it on his posterity, but for Pharaoh, who became sole prop...
And Joseph bought all the land of Egypt for Pharaoh,.... Not for himself, nor did he entail it on his posterity, but for Pharaoh, who became sole proprietor of it:
for the Egyptians sold every man his field, because the famine prevailed over them; everyone that had a field sold it to buy bread for his family, so great was the famine; no mention is made of their houses, either because these went with their lands, or they were so mean that they were of little account, and would scarce bear any price; for as Diodorus Siculus h reports of the Egyptians, they were less careful of the structure of their houses, and exceeded all bounds in the magnificence of their sepulchres:
so the land became Pharaoh's; not only with respect to dominion and government, so it was before, but with respect to property; before, every man's field, and garden, and vineyard were his own, and he was in possession thereof for his own use, but now being sold, were Pharaoh's; and they held them of him, and paid a rent for them in a manner hereafter directed by a law.

Gill: Gen 47:21 - And as for the people, he removed them // to cities, from one end of the borders of Egypt, even unto the other end thereof And as for the people, he removed them,.... From the places where they dwelt, that it might appear they had no more property there, and might forget i...
And as for the people, he removed them,.... From the places where they dwelt, that it might appear they had no more property there, and might forget it, and be more willing to pay rent elsewhere; and their posterity hereafter could have no notion of its being theirs, or plead prescription; and besides, by such a removal and separation of the inhabitants of cities, some to one place, and some to another, sedition and mutiny might be prevented: he had them
to cities, from one end of the borders of Egypt, even unto the other end thereof; according to the Targums of Jonathan and Jerusalem, those that dwelt in provinces, or in country towns and villages, he removed to cities, and those that dwelt in cities he removed into provinces, and placed them at the utmost distance from their former habitations, for the reasons before given; and the above Targums suggest another reason, to teach the Egyptians not to reproach the Israelites with being exiles and strangers, when they were all of them removed from their native places, and were strangers, where they were.

Gill: Gen 47:22 - Only the land of the priests bought he not // for the priests had a portion assigned them, by Pharaoh, and did eat their portion which Pharaoh gave them // wherefore they sold not their lands Only the land of the priests bought he not,.... Not from any special affection for them, or any superstitious veneration of them, which can never be t...
Only the land of the priests bought he not,.... Not from any special affection for them, or any superstitious veneration of them, which can never be thought of so good a man, but for a reason following, which shows they had no need to sell them:
for the priests had a portion assigned them, by Pharaoh, and did eat their portion which Pharaoh gave them; they had a certain allowance by the day of provision granted them, on which they lived; so Herodotus says i of the priests of Egypt, that they spend nothing of their own, but sacred food is provided for them, and great plenty of the flesh of geese and oxen is given daily to everyone of them. And this was a delicate affair, which Joseph could not intermeddle with, but in prudence must leave it as he found it, and do as had been used to be done; this depending on the will and pleasure of Pharaoh, if not upon the constitution of the land, as it seems to be from Diodorus Siculus k, who divides Egypt into three parts; and the first part he assigns to the priests, who, according to him, were maintained out of their own revenues. Some understand this of "princes" l, the word sometimes being used of them, and interpret it of the officers and courtiers of Pharaoh, his nobles, that dwelt in his palace, and had their portion of food from him; but the former sense seems best:
wherefore they sold not their lands; they were not obliged to it, having provision from the king's table, or by his appointment.

Gill: Gen 47:23 - Then Joseph said unto the people // behold, I have bought you this day, and your land, for Pharaoh // lo, here is seed for you, and ye shall sow the land Then Joseph said unto the people,.... After he had bought their land, and before the removal of them to distant parts:
behold, I have bought you th...
Then Joseph said unto the people,.... After he had bought their land, and before the removal of them to distant parts:
behold, I have bought you this day, and your land, for Pharaoh: which he observes to them, that they might take notice of it, and confirm it, or object if they had anything to say to the contrary:
lo, here is seed for you, and ye shall sow the land: by which it should seem that they were not removed from the spot where they lived, but retained their own land under Pharaoh, and had seed given them to sow it with, which may seem contrary to Gen 47:21; wherefore that must be understood of a purpose and proposal to remove them, and not that it was actually done; or, as Musculus gives the sense, Joseph by a public edict called all the people from the extreme parts of Egypt to the cities nearest to them, and there proclaimed the subjection of them, and their lands to Pharaoh, but continued them to them as tenants of his; unless it should be said, that in those distant parts to which they were sent, land was put into their hands to till and manure for the king, and have seed given them to sow it with; but this seems to be said to them at the same time the bargain was made.

Gill: Gen 47:24 - And it shall come to pass, in the increase // that you shall give the fifth part unto Pharaoh // and four parts shall be your own // for seed of the field // for your food // for them of your household // for food for your little ones And it shall come to pass, in the increase,.... When the land shall produce an increase, and it shall be gathered in:
that you shall give the fifth...
And it shall come to pass, in the increase,.... When the land shall produce an increase, and it shall be gathered in:
that you shall give the fifth part unto Pharaoh; a fifth part of the increase:
and four parts shall be your own; for the following uses, one part
for seed of the field: to sow again with for the next year: a second part
for your food; for food for themselves: a third part
for them of your household; their servants and maids: and the fourth part
for food for your little ones; for their children, be they young or old; or however four parts of five he proposed they should have for their own use, and for the maintenance of their families, which was a kind and generous proposal, when all might have been demanded, and they and theirs treated as slaves.

Gill: Gen 47:25 - And they said, thou hast saved our lives // let us find grace in the sight of my lord, and we will be Pharaoh's servants And they said, thou hast saved our lives,.... Preserved them from death through famine, by laying up stores of corn, which he had sold out to them for...
And they said, thou hast saved our lives,.... Preserved them from death through famine, by laying up stores of corn, which he had sold out to them for their money, cattle, and land, or otherwise they must have perished, they and theirs, and this favour they thankfully acknowledge:
let us find grace in the sight of my lord, and we will be Pharaoh's servants; signifying, that they esteemed it a great favour to be so on the foot of the bargain made with them, and they desired a continuance in it.

Gill: Gen 47:26 - And Joseph made it a law over the land of Egypt unto this day // that Pharaoh should have the fifth part // except the land of the priests only, which became not Pharaoh's And Joseph made it a law over the land of Egypt unto this day,.... With the consent of Pharaoh, his nobles, and all the people of the land, who readil...
And Joseph made it a law over the land of Egypt unto this day,.... With the consent of Pharaoh, his nobles, and all the people of the land, who readily came into it; and so it became, a fundamental law of their constitution, and which continued to the times of Moses, the writer of this history:
that Pharaoh should have the fifth part; that is, of the increase the whole land of Egypt produced:
except the land of the priests only, which became not Pharaoh's; it not being bought by him; so Diodorus Siculus m, as he assigns the first part of the land to the priests, so he says they were free from all taxes and tribute, and next to the king were possessed of honour and authority.

Gill: Gen 47:27 - And Israel dwelt in the land of Egypt, in the country of Goshen // and they had possessions therein // and grew, and multiplied exceedingly And Israel dwelt in the land of Egypt, in the country of Goshen,.... The historian returns to the account of the Israelites, having before observed th...
And Israel dwelt in the land of Egypt, in the country of Goshen,.... The historian returns to the account of the Israelites, having before observed the placing of them in Goshen by Joseph, at the direction of Pharaoh, in compliance with their own request; and here they continued until they were grown more numerous, when they were obliged to spread themselves further in this same country:
and they had possessions therein; fields and vineyards, as the Targum of Jonathan; all the land was Pharaoh's, and they rented of him as his people did, it may be supposed:
and grew, and multiplied exceedingly; even in Jacob's lifetime they grew rich and numerous.

Gill: Gen 47:28 - And Jacob lived in the land of Egypt seventeen years // so the whole age of Jacob was an hundred forty and seven years And Jacob lived in the land of Egypt seventeen years,.... He lived just the same term of years with Joseph in Egypt as he had lived with him in Syria ...
And Jacob lived in the land of Egypt seventeen years,.... He lived just the same term of years with Joseph in Egypt as he had lived with him in Syria and Canaan, Gen 37:2; about two hours' walk from Fium are now to be seen the ruins of an ancient town, which the Coptics say was inhabited by the patriarch Jacob, and for this cause they name it, yet, Modsellet Jacub, or the tabernacle of Jacob n, which place is supposed to be in the land of Goshen, see Gen 47:11,
so the whole age of Jacob was an hundred forty and seven years; he was one hundred and thirty when he stood before Pharaoh, Gen 47:9; and now had lived in Egypt seventeen years, as in the above clause, which together make up the sum; and this exact time of the years of his life is given by Polyhistor from Demetrius, an Heathen writer o.

Gill: Gen 47:29 - And the time drew nigh that Israel must die // and he called his son Joseph // and said unto him // if now I have found grace in thy sight // put, I pray thee, thy hand under my thigh // and deal kindly and truly with me // bury me not, I pray thee, in Egypt And the time drew nigh that Israel must die,.... As all men must, by the appointment of God, even good men, the Israel of God; though they shall not d...
And the time drew nigh that Israel must die,.... As all men must, by the appointment of God, even good men, the Israel of God; though they shall not die a spiritual death, nor an eternal one, yet a corporeal one, which is for their good, and is a blessing to them; the sting being removed, and so not a penal evil, which is owing to Christ's dying for them, who has abolished death as such; and there is a time fixed for their death, beyond which they must not live, and before which they must not die, but when the time comes there is no avoiding it; the time of Jacob's death was drawing on, as he perceived by the great decline of his natural strength, and perhaps by a divine impulse on his mind:
and he called his son Joseph; sent for him, by a messenger, to come to him:
and said unto him; when he was come:
if now I have found grace in thy sight; which is not spoken in a way of submission, as from an inferior to a superior, as the phrase is sometimes used; or as signifying what would be esteemed as a favour should it be granted, but it is as if he should say, if thou hast any filial affection for me as a parent, and art willing to show love and respect to me, do as follows:
put, I pray thee, thy hand under my thigh: a gesture in swearing, as Jarchi observes, Gen 24:2; adding, for explanation's sake:
and deal kindly and truly with me; "kindly", by promising and swearing to do what he after desires; and "truly", by observing his oath, and fulfilling his promise:
bury me not, I pray thee, in Egypt; not choosing to lie among idolaters at death, with whom he cared not to have any fellowship in life.

Gill: Gen 47:30 - But I will lie with my fathers // and thou shalt carry me out of Egypt // and bury me in their burying place // and he said, I will do as thou hast said But I will lie with my fathers,.... Abraham and Isaac, whose bodies lay in the land of Canaan, where Jacob desired to be buried; partly to express his...
But I will lie with my fathers,.... Abraham and Isaac, whose bodies lay in the land of Canaan, where Jacob desired to be buried; partly to express his faith in the promised land, that it should be the inheritance of his posterity; and partly to draw off their minds from a continuance in Egypt, and to incline them to think of removing thither at a proper time, and to confirm them in the belief of their enjoyment of it; as well as to intimate his desire after, and faith in the heavenly glory he was going to, of which Canaan was a type:
and thou shalt carry me out of Egypt; into the land of Canaan:
and bury me in their burying place; in the burying place of his fathers, in the cave of Machpelah, near Hebron; see Gen 49:30,
and he said, I will do as thou hast said; Joseph promised his father to fulfil his request, and do as he had desired of him.

Gill: Gen 47:31 - And he said, swear unto me // and he sware unto him // and Israel bowed himself upon the bed's head And he said, swear unto me,.... This he required, not from any distrust of Joseph, but to show his own eagerness, and the intenseness of his mind abou...
And he said, swear unto me,.... This he required, not from any distrust of Joseph, but to show his own eagerness, and the intenseness of his mind about this thing, how much he was set upon it, and what an important thing it was with him; as also, that if he should have any objections made to it, or arguments used with him to divert him from it, by Pharaoh or his court, he would be able to say his father had bound him by an oath to do it, which would at once stop their mouths, and be judged a sufficient reason for what he did, see Gen 50:5,
and he sware unto him; not only gave his promise, but confirmed it with an oath:
and Israel bowed himself upon the bed's head: not in a way of civil respect to Joseph, giving him thanks for the assurance he had given him, that he would bury him, not in Egypt, but in Canaan; but in a religious way to God, giving thanks to him that he had lived to see his son Joseph, who, according to the promise, would close his eyes, and that he had inclined his heart to fulfil his request; though some think that no more is meant, than that after Jacob had spent himself in discoursing with Joseph, he sunk down and reclined on his pillow at his bed's head, to take some rest; for as for what the apostle says in Heb 11:21; that refers to another thing at another time; See Gill on Heb 11:21.

buka semuaTafsiran/Catatan -- Catatan Ayat / Catatan Kaki
NET Notes -> Gen 47:1; Gen 47:2; Gen 47:3; Gen 47:3; Gen 47:4; Gen 47:4; Gen 47:6; Gen 47:6; Gen 47:6; Gen 47:7; Gen 47:7; Gen 47:8; Gen 47:9; Gen 47:9; Gen 47:9; Gen 47:9; Gen 47:9; Gen 47:10; Gen 47:11; Gen 47:11; Gen 47:13; Gen 47:14; Gen 47:14; Gen 47:15; Gen 47:15; Gen 47:16; Gen 47:16; Gen 47:17; Gen 47:18; Gen 47:19; Gen 47:19; Gen 47:19; Gen 47:19; Gen 47:20; Gen 47:20; Gen 47:21; Gen 47:21; Gen 47:23; Gen 47:24; Gen 47:24; Gen 47:24; Gen 47:25; Gen 47:25; Gen 47:26; Gen 47:26; Gen 47:28; Gen 47:29; Gen 47:29; Gen 47:29; Gen 47:30; Gen 47:30; Gen 47:31; Gen 47:31; Gen 47:31; Gen 47:31; Gen 47:31; Gen 47:31
NET Notes: Gen 47:1 Heb “Look they [are] in the land of Goshen.” Joseph draws attention to the fact of their presence in Goshen.

NET Notes: Gen 47:2 Heb “and from the whole of his brothers he took five men and presented them before Pharaoh.”

NET Notes: Gen 47:4 Heb “for there.” The Hebrew uses a causal particle to connect what follows with what precedes. The translation divides the statement into ...

NET Notes: Gen 47:6 Put them in charge of my livestock. Pharaoh is, in effect, offering Joseph’s brothers jobs as royal keepers of livestock, a position mentioned o...

NET Notes: Gen 47:7 The precise meaning of the Hebrew verb translated “blessed” is difficult in this passage, because the content of Jacob’s blessing is...

NET Notes: Gen 47:9 Heb “and they have not reached the days of the years of my fathers in the days of their sojournings.”

NET Notes: Gen 47:11 The land of Rameses is another designation for the region of Goshen. It is named Rameses because of a city in that region (Exod 1:11; 12:37). The use ...

NET Notes: Gen 47:19 The disjunctive clause structure (vav [ו] + subject + negated verb) highlights the statement and brings their argument to a conclusion.

NET Notes: Gen 47:20 The Hebrew text adds “upon them.” This has not been included in the translation for stylistic reasons.

NET Notes: Gen 47:21 The MT reads “and the people he removed to the cities,” which does not make a lot of sense in this context. The Samaritan Pentateuch and t...

NET Notes: Gen 47:23 The perfect verbal form with the vav consecutive is equivalent to a command here.

NET Notes: Gen 47:26 The words “which is in effect” have been supplied in the translation for stylistic reasons.

NET Notes: Gen 47:30 Heb “he”; the referent (Joseph) has been specified in the translation for clarity.

Geneva Bible: Gen 47:2 And he took some of his brethren, [even] ( a ) five men, and presented them unto Pharaoh.
( a ) That th...

Geneva Bible: Gen 47:6 The ( b ) land of Egypt [is] before thee; in the best of the land make thy father and brethren to dwell; in the land of Goshen let th...

Geneva Bible: Gen 47:11 And Joseph placed his father and his brethren, and gave them a possession in the land of Egypt, in the best of the land, in the land of ( c...

Geneva Bible: Gen 47:12 And Joseph nourished his father, and his brethren, and all his father's household, with bread, ( d ) according to [their] families. ...

Geneva Bible: Gen 47:14 And Joseph gathered up all the money that was found in the land of Egypt, and in the land of Canaan, for the corn which they bought: and ( ...

Geneva Bible: Gen 47:19 Wherefore shall we die before thine eyes, both we and our ( f ) land? buy us and our land for bread, and we and our land will be serv...

Geneva Bible: Gen 47:21 And as for the people, he ( g ) removed them to cities from [one] end of the borders of Egypt even to the [other] end thereof. ...

Geneva Bible: Gen 47:26 And Joseph made it a law over the land of Egypt unto this day, [that] Pharaoh should have the fifth [part]; ( h ) except the land of ...

Geneva Bible: Gen 47:30 But I will ( i ) lie with my fathers, and thou shalt carry me out of Egypt, and bury me in their buryingplace. And he said, I will do...

Geneva Bible: Gen 47:31 And he said, Swear unto me. And he sware unto him. And Israel ( k ) bowed himself upon the bed's head.
( k )...

buka semuaTafsiran/Catatan -- Catatan Rentang Ayat
Maclaren -> Gen 47:1-12; Gen 47:9
Maclaren: Gen 47:1-12 - Growth By Transplanting Genesis 47:1-12
1. The Conduct Of Joseph In Reference To The...

Maclaren: Gen 47:9 - Two Retrospects Of One Life Genesis 47:9
These are two strangely different estimates of the...
MHCC: Gen 47:1-6 - --Though Joseph was a great man, especially in Egypt, yet he owned his brethren. Let the rich and great in the world not overlook or despise poor rel...

MHCC: Gen 47:7-12 - --With the gravity of old age, the piety of a true believer, and the authority of a patriarch and a prophet, Jacob besought the Lord to bestow a bles...

MHCC: Gen 47:13-26 - --Care being taken of Jacob and his family, which mercy was especially designed by Providence in Joseph's advancement, an account is given of the sav...

MHCC: Gen 47:27-31 - --At last the time drew nigh that Israel must die. Israel, a prince with God, had power over the Angel, and prevailed, yet must die. Joseph supplied ...
Matthew Henry: Gen 47:1-12 - -- Here is, I. The respect which Joseph, as a subject, showed to his prince. Though he was his favourite, and prime-minister of state, and had had p...

Matthew Henry: Gen 47:13-26 - -- Care being taken of Jacob and his family, the preservation of which was especially designed by Providence in Joseph's advancement, an account is ...

Keil-Delitzsch -> Gen 47:1-2; Gen 47:3-6; Gen 47:7-9; Gen 47:10; Gen 47:11-12; Gen 47:13-27; Gen 47:28-31
Keil-Delitzsch: Gen 47:1-2 - --
When Joseph had announced to Pharaoh the arrival of his relations in Goshen, he presented five out of the whole number of his brethren (...

Keil-Delitzsch: Gen 47:3-6 - --
Pharaoh asked them about their occupation, and according to Joseph's instructions they replied that they were herdsmen ( צאן...

Keil-Delitzsch: Gen 47:7-9 - --
Joseph then presented his father to Pharaoh, but not till after the audience of his brothers had been followed by the royal permission to settle,...

Keil-Delitzsch: Gen 47:10 - --
After this probably short interview, of which, however, only the leading incidents are given, Jacob left the king with a blessing....

Keil-Delitzsch: Gen 47:11-12 - --
Joseph assigned to his father and his brethren, according to Pharaoh's command, a possession ( אחזּה ) for a dwellin...

Keil-Delitzsch: Gen 47:13-27 - --
To make the extent of the benefit conferred by Joseph upon his family, in providing them with the necessary supplies during the years of famine, ...

Keil-Delitzsch: Gen 47:28-31 - --
Jacob lived in Egypt for 17 years. He then sent for Joseph, as he felt that his death was approaching; and having requested him, as a mark of lov...
Constable: Gen 11:27--Exo 1:1 - --II. PATRIARCHAL NARRATIVES 11:27--50:26
One of the significant chang...

Guzik -> Gen 47:1-31
Guzik: Gen 47:1-31 - Jacob Meets Pharaoh; the Family Settles In Egypt Genesis 47 - Jacob Meets Pharaoh; the Family Settles In Egypt
A. Jacob meets P...

buka semuaTafsiran/Catatan -- Lainnya
Bible Query: Gen 47:11 Q: In Gen 47:11, how could Jacob’s family live in the region of Rameses, when the city of R...

Bible Query: Gen 47:20-21 Q: In Gen 47:20-21, how could God approve of Joseph enslaving the people of Egypt to...