bema <968>

bhma bema

Asal Mula:from the base of 939
Jenis Kata:n n (noun neuter)
Dalam Yunani:bhma 2, bhmati 1, bhmatov 9
Dalam TB:pengadilan 3, takhta pengadilan 2, kursi pengadilan 2, sidang pengadilan 2, setapak tanahpun 1, takhta 1, ruang pengadilan 1
Dalam AV:judgment seat 10, throne 1, to set (one's) foot on + 4128 1
Definisi : [neuter] tempat pengadilan; takhta pengadilan; b. podov tapak (Kis 7.5)
kursi/ruang pengadilan, selangkah
1) a step, pace, the space which a foot covers, a foot-breath
2) a raised place mounted by steps
2a) a platform, tribune
2a1) of the official seat of a judge
2a2) of the judgment seat of Christ
2a3) Herod built a structure resembling a throne at Caesarea, from
which he viewed the games and made speeches to the people

from the base of 939; a step, i.e. foot-breath; by implication, a rostrum, i.e. a tribunal: KJV -- judgment-seat, set (foot) on, throne.
see GREEK for 939
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