Phelix <5344>

fhlix Phelix

Asal Mula:of Latin origin
Jenis Kata:n pr m (noun pronoun masculine)
Dalam Yunani:fhlika 1, fhliki 1, fhlikov 1, fhlix 6
Dalam TB:Feliks 7
Dalam AV:Felix 9
Definisi : ikov [maskulin] Feliks (gubernur atau wali negeri dari Palestina, yakni Yudea dari daerah lain di tanah suci)
Felix = "happy"

1) a Roman procurator of Judea appointed by the emperor Claudius in
A.D. 53. He ruled the province in a mean, cruel, and profligate
manner. His period of office was full of troubles and seditions.
Paul was brought before Felix at Caesarea. He was remanded in
prison, and kept there two years in hopes of extorting money from
him. Ac 24:26,27. At the end of that time Porcius Festus was
appointed to supersede Felix, who, on his return to Rome, was
accused by the Jews in Caesarea, and would have suffered the
penalty due to his atrocities had not his brother Pallas prevailed
with the emperor Nero to spare him. The wife of Felix was
Drusilla, daughter of Herod Agrippa I., who was his third wife and
whom he persuaded to leave her husband and marry him.

of Latin origin; happy; Phelix (i.e. Felix), a Roman: KJV -- Felix.
Ibrani Terkait:-
dlm Alkitab
:Fejlikis (LDKR)
Felek (BABA)
Felik (KL1863)
Felika (ENDE)
Pelik (TL, KL1870, SB)

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