sundoulos <4889>

sundoulov sundoulos

Asal Mula:from 4862 and 1401
Referensi:TDNT - 2:261,182
Jenis Kata:n m (noun masculine)
Dalam Yunani:sundouloi 2, sundoulon 1, sundoulou 1, sundoulouv 1, sundoulov 4, sundoulwn 1
Dalam TB:kawan pelayan 2, hamba 2, hamba-hamba lain 1, hamba lain 1, kawan-kawan pelayan 1, kawanmu 1, kawan-kawannya yang lain 1, kawannya 1
Dalam AV:fellowservant 10
Definisi : ou [maskulin] sesama budak, sama-sama hamba
sesama hamba, kawan pelayan
1) a fellow servant, one who serves the same master with another
1a) the associate of a servant (or slave)
1b) one who with others serves (ministers to) a king
1c) a colleague of one who is Christ's servant in publishing
the gospel
1d) one who with others acknowledges the same Lord, Jesus, and
obeys his commands
1e) one who with others is subject to the same divine
authority in the Messianic economy
1e1) of angels as the fellow servants of Christians

from 4862 and 1401; a co-slave, i.e. servitor or ministrant of the same master (human or divine): KJV -- fellowservant.
see GREEK for 4862
see GREEK for 1401
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