stephanoo <4737>
stefanow stephanoo
Pelafalan | : | stef-an-o'-o |
Asal Mula | : | from 4735 |
Referensi | : | TDNT - 7:615,1078 |
Jenis Kata | : | v (verb) |
Dalam Yunani | : | estefanwmenon 1, estefanwsav 1, stefanoutai 1 |
Dalam TB | : | dapat memperoleh mahkota 1, dimahkotai 1, telah memahkotainya 1 |
Dalam AV | : | crown 3 |
Jumlah | : | 3 |
Definisi | : |
memahkotai; menghadiahi, memberi ganjar
1) to encircle with a crown, to crown: the victor in a contest 2) to adorn, to honour from 4735; to adorn with an honorary wreath (literally or figuratively): KJV -- crown. see GREEK for 4735 |
Ibrani Terkait | : | עתר <06279> |
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