Stephanos <4736>

stefanov Stephanos

Asal Mula:the same as 4735
Jenis Kata:n pr m (noun pronoun masculine)
Dalam Yunani:stefanon 3, stefanou 1, stefanov 1, stefanw 2
Dalam TB:Stefanus 7
Dalam AV:Stephen 7
Definisi : ou [maskulin] Stefanus
Stephen = "crowned"

1) one of the seven deacons in Jerusalem and the first Christian martyr

the same as 4735; Stephanus, a Christian: KJV -- Stephen.
see GREEK for 4735
Ibrani Terkait:-
dlm Alkitab
:Istefanus (LDKR)
Istepanoes (KL1870)
Stefanoes (KL1863)
Stefanus (TB, BIS, FAYH, WBTC, ENDE)
Stepanus (TL, SB)
Stifanus (BABA)

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