plesion <4139>

plhsion plesion

Asal Mula:neuter of a derivative of pelas (near)
Referensi:TDNT - 6:311,872
Jenis Kata:adv (adverb)
Dalam Yunani:plhsion 17
Dalam TB:sesamamu manusia 9, sesama manusia 3, sesama 2, dekat 1, sesamaku manusia 1, temannya 1
Dalam AV:neighbour 16, near 1
Definisi : (1) kata depan dengan genetif: dekat; (2) o p. sesama manusia, tetangga
di dekat; subst.: tetangga, teman
1) a neighbour
1a) a friend
1b) any other person, and where two are concerned, the other
(thy fellow man, thy neighbour), according to the Jews, any
member of the Hebrew nation and commonwealth
1c) according to Christ, any other man irrespective of nation or
religion with whom we live or whom we chance to meet

neuter of a derivative of pelas (near); (adverbially) close by; as noun, a neighbor, i.e. fellow (as man, countryman, Christian or friend): KJV -- near, neighbour.
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