perisseuo <4052>

perisseuw perisseuo

Asal Mula:from 4053
Referensi:TDNT - 6:58,828
Jenis Kata:v (verb)
Dalam Yunani:eperisseuon 1, eperisseusan 1, eperisseusen 4, perisseuei 3, perisseuein 5, perisseuete 1, perisseuh 2, perisseuhte 4, perisseuomen 1, perisseuon 2, perisseuontai 1, perisseuontev 2, perisseuontov 2, perisseuousa 1, perisseusai 2, perisseusan 1, perisseusanta 1, perisseush 2, perisseuw 1, perisseuyhsetai 2
Dalam TB:lebih 3, berlimpah-limpah 3, ia berkelimpahan 2, kamu kaya 2, kelimpahan 2, melimpah 2, kelimpahannya 2, melimpahkan 2, yang sisa 2, bersungguh-sungguh 1, berkelimpahan 1, dilimpahkan-Nya 1, kamu berkelebihan 1, giatlah 1, kami mendapat bagian berlimpah-limpah 1, kaya 1, lebih bersungguh-sungguh 1, untung 1, yang berlimpah-limpah 1, yang lebih 1, semakin melimpahnya 1, semakin melimpah 1, makin bertambah 1, makin bertambah besar 1, malahan lebih 1, yang sisa sebanyak 1
Dalam AV:abound 17, abundance 3, remain 3, exceed 2, increase 2, be left 1, redound 1, misc 10
Definisi : intransitif: tersisa, lebih dari cukup, (to p. yang tersisa, kekayayaan); bertambah banyak, melimpah-limpah, meluap; mengungguli, melampaui; berkelimpahan; beruntung (1Kor 8.8); p. mallon berbuat lebih banyak lagi (1Tes 4.1, 10); transitif: menambah, membuat berlimpah-limpah; menyediakan sampai berlimpah
melampaui, melimpah
1) to exceed a fixed number of measure, to be left over and
above a certain number or measure
1a) to be over, to remain
1b) to exist or be at hand in abundance
1b1) to be great (abundant)
1b2) a thing which comes in abundance, or overflows unto one,
something falls to the lot of one in large measure
1b3) to redound unto, turn out abundantly for, a thing
1c) to abound, overflow
1c1) to be abundantly furnished with, to have in abundance,
abound in (a thing), to be in affluence
1c2) to be pre-eminent, to excel
1c3) to excel more than, exceed
2) to make to abound
2a) to furnish one richly so that he has abundance
2b) to make abundant or excellent

"Abounding" is used of a flower going from a bud to full bloom.

from 4053; to superabound (in quantity or quality), be in excess, be superfluous; also (transitively) to cause to superabound or excel: KJV -- (make, more) abound, (have, have more) abundance (be more) abundant, be the better, enough and to spare, exceed, excel, increase, be left, redound, remain (over and above).
see GREEK for 4053
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