enopion <1799>

enwpion enopion

Asal Mula:neuter of a compound of 1722 and a derivative of 3700
Jenis Kata:prep (preposition)
Dalam Yunani:enwpion 94
Dalam TB:di hadapan 38, di depan 14, di depan mata 6, Di hadapan 4, di hadapan-Nya 3, kepada 3, kepada-Nya 2, terhadap 2, bagi 1, di depan-Nya 1, depanku 1, dilupakan 1, oleh 1, pada 1, mendahului 1, ke hadapan 1, hadapan-Mu 1, di mata 1
Dalam AV:before 64, in the sight of 16, in the presence of 7, in (one's) sight 5, in (one's) presence 2, to 1, not tr 2
Definisi : kata depan dengan genetif: di depan; di hadapan; di antara; amartanw e. berdosa terhadap (Luk 15.18,21)
sebelum, di hadapan: KKet: di depan
1) in the presence of, before
1a) of occupied place: in that place which is before, or over against,
opposite, any one and towards which another turns his eyes

neuter of a compound of 1722 and a derivative of 3700; in the face of (literally or figuratively): KJV -- before, in the presence (sight) of, to.
see GREEK for 1722
see GREEK for 3700
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