'Eliy`ezer <0461>

rzeyla 'Eliy`ezer

Asal Mula:from 0410 and 05828, Greek 1663 eliezer
Jenis Kata:n pr m (noun proper masculine)
Dalam Ibrani:rzeyla 6, rzeylaw 5, rzeylal 3
Dalam TB:Eliezer 14
Dalam AV:Eliezer 14
Definisi : Eliezer = "God is help" 1) Abraham's Damascene servant 2) a son of Moses 3) a Benjamite 4) a priest who helped move the ark 5) a Reubenite 6) a prophet who spoke to Jehoshaphat 7) a Levite chief 8) son of Harim 9) priest with foreign wife
from 410 and 5828; God of help; Eliezer, the name of a Damascene and of ten Israelites: KJV -- Eliezer.
see HEBREW for 0410
see HEBREW for 05828
Yunani Terkait:-
dlm Alkitab
:Eliazar (TL)
Eliezar (TL)
Eliezer (TB, BIS, FAYH)

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