Chalchuwl <02478>

lwxlx Chalchuwl

Asal Mula:by reduplication from 02342
Jenis Kata:n pr loc (noun proper locative)
Dalam Ibrani:lwxlx 1
Dalam TB:Halhul 1
Dalam AV:Halhul 1
Definisi : Halhul = "trembling" 1) a town on a hill in the mountains of Judah to the left of the road from Jerusalem to Hebron and about 3-4 (5-7 km) miles from Hebron
by reduplication from 2342; contorted; Chalchul, a place in Palestine: KJV -- Halhul.
see HEBREW for 02342
Yunani Terkait:-
dlm Alkitab
:Halhul (TB, BIS, TL)

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