cheyl <02426>

lyx cheyl or (shortened) lx chel

Pelafalan:khale khale
Asal Mula:a collateral form of 02428
Referensi:TWOT - 623d
Jenis Kata:n m (noun masculine)
Dalam Ibrani:lyx 11, wlyx 4, lyxb 2, wlyxl 1, lyxw 1, Mlyx 1, Klyxb 1, ylyx 1, wlyxw 1, lxw 1, lxh 1, lxb 1, lx 1
Dalam TB:tentara 10, pasukannya 3, tentaranya 2, kekayaannya 1, benteng 1, balatentara 1, lingkungan tembokmu 1, bala tentaranya 1, tembok 1, tentara-Nya 1, tentara-Ku 1, tembok luar 1, tembok kotanya 1, pasukan 1
Dalam AV:wall 2, rampart 2, host 2, trench 1, poor 1, bulwark 1, army 1
Definisi : 1) rampart, fortress, wall 1a) rampart 1b) fortress
or (shortened) chel {khale}; a collateral form of 2428; an army; also (by analogy,) an intrenchment: KJV -- army, bulwark, host, + poor, rampart, trench, wall.
see HEBREW for 02428
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