bikkuwr <01061>

rwkb bikkuwr

Asal Mula:from 01069
Referensi:TWOT - 244e
Jenis Kata:n m pl (noun masculine plural)
Dalam Ibrani:yrwkb 8, Myrwkb 4, Myrwkbh 2, yrwkbw 1, Myrwkblw 1, hrwkbk 1, Kyrwkb 1
Dalam TB:hulu hasil 7, buah bungaran 4, buah ara yang masak 1, buah sulung 1, Hulu hasil 1, hasil yang pertama 1, masak duluan 1, hasil-hasil yang pertama 1, sulung 1
Dalam AV:firstfruit 14, firstripe 2, firstripe figs 1,hasty fruit 1
Definisi : 1) first-fruits 1a) the first of the crops and fruit that ripened, was gathered, and offered to God according to the ritual of Pentecost 1b) the bread made of the new grain offered at Pentecost 1c) the day of the first-fruits (Pentecost)
from 1069; the first-fruits of the crop: KJV -- first fruit (-ripe (figuratively)), hasty fruit.
see HEBREW for 01069
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