TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

Yesaya 5:12


5:12 They have stringed instruments, 1  tambourines, flutes,

and wine at their parties.

So they do not recognize what the Lord is doing,

they do not perceive what he is bringing about. 2 

Yesaya 10:18


10:18 The splendor of his forest and his orchard

will be completely destroyed, 3 

as when a sick man’s life ebbs away. 4 

Yesaya 10:26

10:26 The Lord who commands armies is about to beat them 5  with a whip, similar to the way he struck down Midian at the rock of Oreb. 6  He will use his staff against the sea, lifting it up as he did in Egypt. 7 

Yesaya 11:12


11:12 He will lift a signal flag for the nations;

he will gather Israel’s dispersed people 8 

and assemble Judah’s scattered people

from the four corners of the earth.

Yesaya 11:16


11:16 There will be a highway leading out of Assyria

for the remnant of his people, 9 

just as there was for Israel,

when 10  they went up from the land of Egypt.

Yesaya 14:32


14:32 How will they respond to the messengers of this nation? 11 

Indeed, the Lord has made Zion secure;

the oppressed among his people will find safety in her.

Yesaya 15:9


15:9 Indeed, the waters of Dimon 12  are full of blood!

Indeed, I will heap even more trouble on Dimon. 13 

A lion will attack 14  the Moabite fugitives

and the people left in the land.

Yesaya 19:16-17


19:16 At that time 15  the Egyptians 16  will be like women. 17  They will tremble and fear because the Lord who commands armies brandishes his fist against them. 18  19:17 The land of Judah will humiliate Egypt. Everyone who hears about Judah will be afraid because of what the Lord who commands armies is planning to do to them. 19 

Yesaya 19:22

19:22 The Lord will strike Egypt, striking and then healing them. They will turn to the Lord and he will listen to their prayers 20  and heal them.

Yesaya 26:1

Judah Will Celebrate

26:1 At that time 21  this song will be sung in the land of Judah:

“We have a strong city!

The Lord’s 22  deliverance, like walls and a rampart, makes it secure. 23 

Yesaya 30:27


30:27 Look, the name 24  of the Lord comes from a distant place

in raging anger and awesome splendor. 25 

He speaks angrily

and his word is like destructive fire. 26 

Yesaya 40:22


40:22 He is the one who sits on the earth’s horizon; 27 

its inhabitants are like grasshoppers before him. 28 

He is the one who stretches out the sky like a thin curtain, 29 

and spreads it out 30  like a pitched tent. 31 

Yesaya 49:13


49:13 Shout for joy, O sky! 32 

Rejoice, O earth!

Let the mountains give a joyful shout!

For the Lord consoles his people

and shows compassion to the 33  oppressed.

Yesaya 59:2


59:2 But your sinful acts have alienated you from your God;

your sins have caused him to reject you and not listen to your prayers. 34 

Yesaya 59:16

The Lord Intervenes

59:16 He sees there is no advocate; 35 

he is shocked 36  that no one intervenes.

So he takes matters into his own hands; 37 

his desire for justice drives him on. 38 

Yesaya 62:6


62:6 I 39  post watchmen on your walls, O Jerusalem;

they should keep praying all day and all night. 40 

You who pray to 41  the Lord, don’t be silent!

Yesaya 63:14


63:14 Like an animal that goes down into a valley to graze, 42 

so the Spirit of the Lord granted them rest.

In this way 43  you guided your people,

gaining for yourself an honored reputation. 44 

Yesaya 65:15


65:15 Your names will live on in the curse formulas of my chosen ones. 45 

The sovereign Lord will kill you,

but he will give his servants another name.

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[5:12]  1 tn Two types of stringed instruments are specifically mentioned in the Hebrew text, the כִּנּוֹר (kinnor, “zither”) and נֶבֶל (nevel, “harp”).

[5:12]  2 tn Heb “the work of the Lord they do not look at, and the work of his hands they do not see.” God’s “work” can sometimes be his creative deeds, but in this context it is the judgment that he is planning to bring upon his people (cf. vv. 19, 26; 10:12; 28:21).

[10:18]  3 tn Heb “from breath to flesh it will destroy.” The expression “from breath to flesh” refers to the two basic components of a person, the immaterial (life’s breath) and the material (flesh). Here the phrase is used idiomatically to indicate totality.

[10:18]  4 tn The precise meaning of this line is uncertain. מָסַס (masas), which is used elsewhere of substances dissolving or melting, may here mean “waste away” or “despair.” נָסַס (nasas), which appears only here, may mean “be sick” or “stagger, despair.” See BDB 651 s.v. I נָסַס and HALOT 703 s.v. I נסס. One might translate the line literally, “like the wasting away of one who is sick” (cf. NRSV “as when an invalid wastes away”).

[10:26]  5 tn Heb “him” (so KJV, ASV, NASB); the singular refers to the leader or king who stands for the entire nation. This is specified by NCV, CEV as “the Assyrians.”

[10:26]  6 sn According to Judg 7:25, the Ephraimites executed the Midianite general Oreb at a rock which was subsequently named after the executed enemy.

[10:26]  7 tc The Hebrew text reads literally, “and his staff [will be] against the sea, and he will lift it in the way [or “manner”] of Egypt.” If the text is retained, “the sea” symbolizes Assyria’s hostility, the metaphor being introduced because of the reference to Egypt. The translation above assumes an emendation of עַל הַיָּם (’al hayyam, “against the sea”) to עַלֵיהֶם (’alehem, “against them”). The proposed shift from the third singular pronoun (note “beat him” earlier in the verse) to the plural is not problematic, for the singular is collective. Note that a third plural pronoun is used at the end of v. 25 (“their destruction”). The final phrase, “in the way/manner of Egypt,” probably refers to the way in which God used the staff of Moses to bring judgment down on Egypt.

[11:12]  8 tn Or “the banished of Israel,” i.e., the exiles.

[11:16]  9 tn Heb “and there will be a highway for the remnant of his people who remain, from Assyria.”

[11:16]  10 tn Heb “in the day” (so KJV).

[14:32]  11 sn The question forces the Philistines to consider the dilemma they will face – surrender and oppression, or battle and death.

[15:9]  12 tc The Qumran scroll 1QIsaa reads “Dibon” instead of “Dimon” in this verse.

[15:9]  13 tn Heb “Indeed I will place on Dimon added things.” Apparently the Lord is speaking.

[15:9]  14 tn The words “will attack” are supplied in the translation for clarification.

[19:16]  15 tn Heb “in that day” (so KJV), likewise at the beginning of vv. 18 and 19.

[19:16]  16 tn Heb “Egypt,” which stands by metonymy for the country’s inhabitants.

[19:16]  17 sn As the rest of the verse indicates, the point of the simile is that the Egyptians will be relatively weak physically and will wilt in fear before the Lord’s onslaught.

[19:16]  18 tn Heb “and he will tremble and be afraid because of the brandishing of the hand of the Lord who commands armies [traditionally, the Lord of hosts], which he brandishes against him.” Since according to the imagery here the Lord’s “hand” is raised as a weapon against the Egyptians, the term “fist” has been used in the translation.

[19:17]  19 tn Heb “and the land of Judah will become [a source of] shame to Egypt, everyone to whom one mentions it [i.e., the land of Judah] will fear because of the plan of the Lord who commands armies [traditionally, the Lord of hosts] which he is planning against him.”

[19:22]  20 tn Heb “he will be entreated.” The Niphal has a tolerative sense here, “he will allow himself to be entreated.”

[26:1]  21 tn Heb “In that day” (so KJV).

[26:1]  22 tn Heb “his”; the referent (the Lord) has been specified in the translation for clarity.

[26:1]  23 tn Heb “deliverance he makes walls and a rampart.”

[30:27]  24 sn The “name” of the Lord sometimes stands by metonymy for the Lord himself, see Exod 23:21; Lev 24:11; Pss 54:1 (54:3 HT); 124:8. In Isa 30:27 the point is that he reveals that aspect of his character which his name suggests – he comes as Yahweh (“he is present”), the ever present helper of his people who annihilates their enemies and delivers them. The name “Yahweh” originated in a context where God assured a fearful Moses that he would be with him as he confronted Pharaoh and delivered Israel from slavery in Egypt. See Exod 3.

[30:27]  25 tn Heb “his anger burns, and heaviness of elevation.” The meaning of the phrase “heaviness of elevation” is unclear, for מַשָּׂאָה (masaah, “elevation”) occurs only here. Some understand the term as referring to a cloud (elevated above the earth’s surface), in which case one might translate, “and in heavy clouds” (cf. NAB “with lowering clouds”). Others relate the noun to מָשָׂא (masa’, “burden”) and interpret it as a reference to judgment. In this case one might translate, “and with severe judgment.” The present translation assumes that the noun refers to his glory and that “heaviness” emphasizes its degree.

[30:27]  26 tn Heb “his lips are full of anger, and his tongue is like consuming fire.” The Lord’s lips and tongue are used metonymically for his word (or perhaps his battle cry; see v. 31).

[40:22]  27 tn Heb “the circle of the earth” (so KJV, NIV, NRSV, NLT).

[40:22]  28 tn The words “before him” are supplied in the translation for clarification.

[40:22]  29 tn The otherwise unattested noun דֹּק (doq), translated here “thin curtain,” is apparently derived from the verbal root דקק (“crush”) from which is derived the adjective דַּק (daq, “thin”; see HALOT 229 s.v. דקק). The nuance “curtain” is implied from the parallelism (see “tent” in the next line).

[40:22]  30 tn The meaning of the otherwise unattested verb מָתַח (matakh, “spread out”) is determined from the parallelism (note the corresponding verb “stretch out” in the previous line) and supported by later Hebrew and Aramaic cognates. See HALOT 654 s.v. *מתה.

[40:22]  31 tn Heb “like a tent [in which] to live”; NAB, NASB “like a tent to dwell (live NIV, NRSV) in.”

[49:13]  32 tn Or “O heavens.” The Hebrew term שָׁמַיִם (shamayim) may be translated “heavens” or “sky” depending on the context.

[49:13]  33 tn Heb “his” (so KJV, NAB, NASB, NIV, NRSV).

[59:2]  34 tn Heb “and your sins have caused [his] face to be hidden from you so as not to hear.”

[59:16]  35 tn Heb “man” (so KJV, ASV); TEV “no one to help.”

[59:16]  36 tn Or “appalled” (NAB, NIV, NRSV), or “disgusted.”

[59:16]  37 tn Heb “and his arm delivers for him.”

[59:16]  38 tn Heb “and his justice [or “righteousness”] supports him.”

[62:6]  39 sn The speaker here is probably the prophet.

[62:6]  40 tn Heb “all day and all night continually they do not keep silent.” The following lines suggest that they pray for the Lord’s intervention and restoration of the city.

[62:6]  41 tn Or “invoke”; NIV “call on”; NASB, NRSV “remind.”

[63:14]  42 tn The words “to graze” are supplied in the translation for clarification.

[63:14]  43 tn Or “so” (KJV, ASV), or “thus” (NAB, NRSV).

[63:14]  44 tn Heb “making for yourself a majestic name.”

[65:15]  45 tn Heb “you will leave your name for an oath to my chosen ones.”

[65:15]  sn For an example of such a curse formula see Jer 29:22.

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