TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

Yesaya 3:16

Washing Away Impurity

3:16 The Lord says,

“The women 1  of Zion are proud.

They walk with their heads high 2 

and flirt with their eyes.

They skip along 3 

and the jewelry on their ankles jingles. 4 

Yesaya 7:3

7:3 So the Lord told Isaiah, “Go out with your son Shear-jashub 5  and meet Ahaz at the end of the conduit of the upper pool which is located on the road to the field where they wash and dry cloth. 6 

Yesaya 19:25

19:25 The Lord who commands armies will pronounce a blessing over the earth, saying, 7  “Blessed be my people, Egypt, and the work of my hands, Assyria, and my special possession, 8  Israel!”

Yesaya 20:3

20:3 Later the Lord explained, “In the same way that my servant Isaiah has walked around in undergarments and barefoot for the past three years, as an object lesson and omen pertaining to Egypt and Cush,

Yesaya 23:4


23:4 Be ashamed, O Sidon,

for the sea 9  says this, O fortress of the sea:

“I have not gone into labor

or given birth;

I have not raised young men

or brought up young women.” 10 

Yesaya 24:16


24:16 From the ends of the earth we 11  hear songs –

the Just One is majestic. 12 

But I 13  say, “I’m wasting away! I’m wasting away! I’m doomed!

Deceivers deceive, deceivers thoroughly deceive!” 14 

Yesaya 29:22


29:22 So this is what the Lord, the one who delivered Abraham, says to the family of Jacob: 15 

“Jacob will no longer be ashamed;

their faces will no longer show their embarrassment. 16 

Yesaya 30:12


30:12 For this reason this is what the Holy One of Israel says:

“You have rejected this message; 17 

you trust instead in your ability to oppress and trick, 18 

and rely on that kind of behavior. 19 

Yesaya 30:15


30:15 For this is what the master, the Lord, the Holy One of Israel says:

“If you repented and patiently waited for me, you would be delivered; 20 

if you calmly trusted in me you would find strength, 21 

but you are unwilling.

Yesaya 43:6


43:6 I will say to the north, ‘Hand them over!’

and to the south, ‘Don’t hold any back!’

Bring my sons from distant lands,

and my daughters from the remote regions of the earth,

Yesaya 45:11


45:11 This is what the Lord says,

the Holy One of Israel, 22  the one who formed him,

concerning things to come: 23 

“How dare you question me 24  about my children!

How dare you tell me what to do with 25  the work of my own hands!

Yesaya 46:10


46:10 who announces the end from the beginning

and reveals beforehand 26  what has not yet occurred,

who says, ‘My plan will be realized,

I will accomplish what I desire,’

Yesaya 56:4


56:4 For this is what the Lord says:

“For the eunuchs who observe my Sabbaths

and choose what pleases me

and are faithful to 27  my covenant,

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[3:16]  1 tn Heb “daughters” (so KJV, NAB, NRSV).

[3:16]  2 tn Heb “with an outstretched neck.” They proudly hold their heads high so that others can see the jewelry around their necks.

[3:16]  3 tn Heb “walking and skipping, they walk.”

[3:16]  4 tn Heb “and with their feet they jingle.”

[7:3]  5 tn The name means “a remnant will return.” Perhaps in this context, where the Lord is trying to encourage Ahaz, the name suggests that only a few of the enemy invaders will return home; the rest will be defeated.

[7:3]  6 tn Heb “the field of the washer”; traditionally “the fuller’s field” (so KJV, NAB, NASB, NRSV); NIV “the Washerman’s Field.”

[19:25]  7 tn Heb “which the Lord who commands armies [traditionally, the Lord of hosts] will bless [it], saying.” The third masculine singular suffix on the form בֵּרֲכוֹ (berakho) should probably be emended to a third feminine singular suffix בֵּרֲכָהּ (berakhah), for its antecedent would appear to be the feminine noun אֶרֶץ (’erets, “earth”) at the end of v. 24.

[19:25]  8 tn Or “my inheritance” (NAB, NASB, NIV).

[23:4]  9 tn J. N. Oswalt (Isaiah [NICOT], 1:430-31) sees here a reference to Yam, the Canaanite god of the sea. He interprets the phrase מָעוֹז הַיָּם (maoz hayyam, “fortress of the sea”) as a title of Yam, translating “Mighty One of the Sea.” A more traditional view is that the phrase refers to Sidon.

[23:4]  10 tn Or “virgins” (KJV, ASV, NAB, NASB).

[23:4]  sn The sea is personified here as a lamenting childless woman. The foreboding language anticipates the following announcement of Tyre’s demise, viewed here as a child of the sea, as it were.

[24:16]  11 sn The identity of the subject is unclear. Apparently in vv. 15-16a an unidentified group responds to the praise they hear in the west by exhorting others to participate.

[24:16]  12 tn Heb “Beauty belongs to the just one.” These words may summarize the main theme of the songs mentioned in the preceding line.

[24:16]  13 sn The prophet seems to contradict what he hears the group saying. Their words are premature because more destruction is coming.

[24:16]  14 tn Heb “and [with] deception deceivers deceive.”

[24:16]  tn Verse 16b is a classic example of Hebrew wordplay. In the first line (“I’m wasting away…”) four consecutive words end with hireq yod ( ִי); in the second line all forms are derived from the root בָּגַד (bagad). The repetition of sound draws attention to the prophet’s lament.

[29:22]  15 tn Heb “So this is what the Lord says to the house of Jacob, the one who ransomed Abraham.” The relative pronoun must refer back to “the Lord,” not to the immediately preceding “Jacob.” It is uncertain to what event in Abraham’s experience this refers. Perhaps the name “Abraham” stands here by metonymy for his descendants through Jacob. If so, the Exodus is in view.

[29:22]  16 tn Heb “and his face will no longer be pale.”

[30:12]  17 tn The sentence actually begins with the word “because.” In the Hebrew text vv. 12-13 are one long sentence.

[30:12]  18 tn Heb “and you trust in oppression and cunning.”

[30:12]  19 tn Heb “and you lean on it”; NAB “and depend on it.”

[30:15]  20 tn Heb “in returning and in quietness you will be delivered.” Many English versions render the last phrase “shall be saved” or something similar (e.g., NAB, NASB, NRSV).

[30:15]  21 tn Heb “in quietness and in trust is your strength” (NASB and NRSV both similar).

[45:11]  22 sn See the note on the phrase “the Holy One of Israel” in 1:4.

[45:11]  23 tc The Hebrew text reads “the one who formed him, the coming things.” Among various suggestions, some have proposed an emendation of יֹצְרוֹ (yotsÿro, “the one who formed him”) to יֹצֵר (yotser, “the one who forms”; the suffixed form in the Hebrew text may be influenced by vv. 9-10, where the same form appears twice) and takes “coming things” as the object of the participle (either objective genitive or accusative): “the one who brings the future into being.”

[45:11]  24 tn Heb “Ask me” The rhetorical command sarcastically expresses the Lord’s disgust with those who question his ways.

[45:11]  25 tn Heb “Do you command me about…?” The rhetorical question sarcastically expresses the Lord’s disgust with those who question his ways.

[46:10]  26 tn Or “from long ago”; KJV, NASB, NIV, NRSV “from ancient times.”

[56:4]  27 tn Heb “and take hold of” (so KJV); NASB “hold fast.”

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