TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

Roma 16:1-27

Akwila : the husband of Priscilla

Ampliatus : a Roman man who was converted to Christianity

Andronikus : an apostle of Christ; a male relative of Paul at Rome

Apeles : a man from Rome who had endured much for Christ

Aristobulus : a man in Rome to whose household Paul sent greetings

Asia : A Roman province on the west side of Asia Minor.
(39° 13´, 32° 43´)

Asinkritus : a Roman Christian man whom Paul greets

Erastus : a man who was a friend of Paul

Febe : a Christian woman whom Paul recommends to the church at Rome

Filologus : a Christian man in Rome to whom Paul sends greetings

Flegon : a Christian man in Rome to whom Paul sends greetings

Gayus : a man or men who were involved with the apostles Paul and John

Hermas : a man in Rome to whom Paul sent greetings

Hermes : a pagan god known as a messenger of the gods and associated with eloquence

Herodion : a Jewish Christian man in Rome, whom Paul called a relative

Iblis : a person, male (evil angelic),an angel that has rebelled against God

Kwartus : a man in Rome to whom Paul sent greetings

Lukius : a Christian prophet and /or teacher from Cyrene (Acts 13:1); a relative of Paul (Rom. 16:21)

Maria : mother of Jesus and wife of Joseph,a woman from Magdala in Galilee,the mother of James and Joses,the wife of Cleophas,the sister of Lazarus and Martha in Bethany,the mother of John Mark who was a nephew of Barnabas,a Christian woman in Rome who helped Paul

Narkisus : a man in Rome to whose household Paul sends greeting

Nereus : a man in Rome to whom Paul sent greetings

Olimpas : a person in Rome to whom Paul sends greetings

Patrobas : a man in Rome to whom Paul sent greetings

Persis : a woman in Rome to whom Paul sends greetings

Priskila : the wife of Aquila

Rufus : a son of Simon of Cyrene and the brother of Alexander

Sosipater : a man listed by Paul as his relative

Stakhis : a man in Rome to whom Paul sent greetings

Tertius : the man who was Paul's secretary for writing the book of Romans

Timotius : a young man of Lystra who travelled with Paul and to whom two epistles were addressed

Trifosa : a woman in Rome to whom Paul sent greetings

Urbanus : a man in Rome to whom Paul sent greetings

wilayah bangsa-bangsa lain : a non-Jewish person

Yason : a Christian man in Thessalonica to whom Paul sent greetings

Yulia : a person, female

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