TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

Nehemia 4:1

Sanbalat : a man who was an enemy of Nehemiah

Yahudi : the Jewish religion/beliefs
(31° 42´, 35° 12´); (31° 42´, 35° 12´); (32° 44´, 35° 11´); (31° 46´, 35° 14´)

Nehemia 4:3

Amon : a son of Manasseh; the father of Josiah and an ancestor of Jesus,governor of the Town of Samaria under King Ahab,son and successor of King Manasseh,a man who, with his sons, were servants of Solomon
(31° 57´, 35° 55´)

bani Amon : the tribe/nation of people descended from Ben-Ammi, Lot's son,Territory of the tribe/nation of Ammon
(31° 57´, 35° 55´)

orang Amon : member(s) of the tribe/nation of Ammon
(31° 57´, 35° 55´)

orang-orang Amon : the tribe/nation of people descended from Ben-Ammi, Lot's son,Territory of the tribe/nation of Ammon
(31° 57´, 35° 55´)

perempuan Amon : the tribe/nation of people descended from Ben-Ammi, Lot's son,Territory of the tribe/nation of Ammon
(31° 57´, 35° 55´)

seorang perempuan Amon : member(s) of the tribe/nation of Ammon
(31° 57´, 35° 55´)

Tobia : a Levite whom King Jehoshaphat sent to teach around Judah,a chief of the priests who returned from exile with Zerubbabel

Nehemia 4:17

Tidak ada Nama yang terkait dengan ayat-ayat ini.

Nehemia 7:70-72

Tidak ada Nama yang terkait dengan ayat-ayat ini.

Nehemia 9:3

Tidak ada Nama yang terkait dengan ayat-ayat ini.

Nehemia 10:30

Tidak ada Nama yang terkait dengan ayat-ayat ini.

Nehemia 10:32

Tidak ada Nama yang terkait dengan ayat-ayat ini.

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