TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

Mazmur 13:2-4


13:2 How long must I worry, 1 

and suffer in broad daylight? 2 

How long will my enemy gloat over me? 3 

13:3 Look at me! 4  Answer me, O Lord my God!

Revive me, 5  or else I will die! 6 

13:4 Then 7  my enemy will say, “I have defeated him!”

Then 8  my foes will rejoice because I am upended.

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[13:2]  1 tn Heb “How long will I put counsel in my being?”

[13:2]  2 tn Heb “[with] grief in my heart by day.”

[13:2]  3 tn Heb “be exalted over me.” Perhaps one could translate, “How long will my enemy defeat me?”

[13:3]  4 tn Heb “see.”

[13:3]  5 tn Heb “Give light [to] my eyes.” The Hiphil of אוּר (’ur), when used elsewhere with “eyes” as object, refers to the law of God giving moral enlightenment (Ps 19:8), to God the creator giving literal eyesight to all people (Prov 29:13), and to God giving encouragement to his people (Ezra 9:8). Here the psalmist pictures himself as being on the verge of death. His eyes are falling shut and, if God does not intervene soon, he will “fall asleep” for good.

[13:3]  6 tn Heb “or else I will sleep [in?] the death.” Perhaps the statement is elliptical, “I will sleep [the sleep] of death,” or “I will sleep [with the sleepers in] death.”

[13:4]  7 tn Heb “or else.”

[13:4]  8 tn Heb “or else.”

TIP #04: Coba gunakan range (OT dan NT) pada Pencarian Khusus agar pencarian Anda lebih terfokus. [SEMUA]
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