TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

Matius 22:21

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Berikanlah(TB)/bayarlah(TL) <591> [Render.]

Gambar dan Kaisar Kaisar ......... Kaisar .... Kaisar .... Kaisar Kaisar(TB)/Kaisar ............. Kaisar .... Kaisar(TL) <2541 3588> [are Caesar's.]

This conclusion is drawn from their own maxims and premises. They held that "wherever the money of any king is current, there the inhabitants acknowledge that king for their lord." Now, by admitting that this was C‘sar's coin, and by consenting to receive it as the current coin of their country, they in fact acknowledged their subjection to his government, and of course their obligation to pay the tribute demanded of them. This answer was full of consummate wisdom, and it completely defeated the insidious designs of his enemies. He avoided rendering himself odious to the Jewish people by opposing their notions of liberty, or appearing to pay court to the emperor, without exposing himself to the charge of sedition and disaffection to the Roman government.

dan(TB/TL) <2532> [and.]


kepada Kaisar

Rom 13:7

TIP #26: Perkuat kehidupan spiritual harian Anda dengan Bacaan Alkitab Harian. [SEMUA]
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