Lukas 18:24-25
TSK | Full Life Study Bible |
Alangkah(TB/TL) <4459> [How.] |
Kerajaan Allah. |
seekor unta(TB)/unta(TL) <2574> [a camel.] Some render a cable; but it may justly be doubted whether [kamelos <\\See definition 2574\\>] ever was so translated before, for the word for a cable, as the scholiast on Aristophanes expressly affirms, is written [kamilos,] not with an "e" [eta], but with an "i" [iota.] Some few MSS., it is true, have got the word [kamilos] into the text, but it is evidently an attempted improvement. |
Catatan Frasa: SEORANG KAYA ... KERAJAAN. |