TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

2 Samuel 14:26

TSK Full Life Study Bible


mencukur ........ mencukurnya(TB)/diguntingnya ......... diguntingnya ......... diguntingnya(TL) <01548> [when he polled.]

dua ratus syikal ........ syikal(TB)/ratus syikal(TL) <08255 03967> [two hundred shekels.]

If the shekel be allowed to mean the common shekel, the amount will be utterly incredible; for Josephus says that "two hundred shekels make five {min‘:}" and the {mina,} he says, "weighs two pounds and a half;" which calculation makes Absalom's hair weigh twelve pounds and a half! But it is probable that the king's shekel was that which Epiphanius and Hesychius say was the fourth part of an ounce, half a {stater,} or two drachms: the whole amount, therefore, of the 200 shekels is about 50 ounces, which make 4 lb. 2 oz. troy weight, or 3 lb. 2 oz. avoirdupois. This need not be accounted incredible, especially as abundance of oil and ointment was used by the ancients in dressing their heads. Josephus informs us, that the Jews also put gold dust in their hair.


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2Sam 18:9

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