TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

2 Raja-raja 3:9

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Edom(TB/TL) <0123> [Edom.]

air(TB/TL) <04325> [no water.]

mengikuti(TB)/mengikut(TL) <07272> [that followed them. Heb. at their feet.]


raja Edom.

1Raj 22:47; [Lihat FULL. 1Raj 22:47]

2 Raja-raja 6:23

TSK Full Life Study Bible


Disediakannyalah(TB)/Maka diperbuatlah(TL) <03739> [he prepared.]

gerombolan-gerombolan(TB)/pasukan(TL) <01416> [So the bands.]

That is, for a considerable time. What is mentioned in the next verse was more than a year afterwards. See on ver.


lagi gerombolan-gerombolan

2Raj 5:2; [Lihat FULL. 2Raj 5:2]

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