TB NETBible YUN-IBR Ref. Silang Nama Gambar Himne

1 Raja-raja 1:2

1:2 His servants advised 1  him, “A young virgin must be found for our master, the king, 2  to take care of the king’s needs 3  and serve as his nurse. She can also sleep with you 4  and keep our master, the king, warm.” 5 

1 Raja-raja 1:21

1:21 If a decision is not made, 6  when my master the king is buried with his ancestors, 7  my son Solomon and I 8  will be considered state criminals.” 9 

1 Raja-raja 1:42

1:42 As he was still speaking, Jonathan 10  son of Abiathar the priest arrived. Adonijah said, “Come in, for 11  an important man like you must be bringing good news.” 12 

1 Raja-raja 1:48

1:48 and said 13  this: ‘The Lord God of Israel is worthy of praise because 14  today he has placed a successor on my throne and allowed me to see it.’” 15 

1 Raja-raja 2:17

2:17 He said, “Please ask King Solomon if he would give me Abishag the Shunammite as a wife, for he won’t refuse you.” 16 

1 Raja-raja 2:23-24


2:23 King Solomon then swore an oath by the Lord, “May God judge me severely, 17  if Adonijah does not pay for this request with his life! 18  2:24 Now, as certainly as the Lord lives (he who made me secure, allowed me to sit on my father David’s throne, and established a dynasty 19  for me as he promised), Adonijah will be executed today!”

1 Raja-raja 3:12

3:12 I 20  grant your request, 21  and give 22  you a wise and discerning mind 23  superior to that of anyone who has preceded or will succeed you. 24 

1 Raja-raja 3:14

3:14 If you follow my instructions 25  by obeying 26  my rules and regulations, just as your father David did, 27  then I will grant you long life.” 28 

1 Raja-raja 4:27

4:27 The district governors acquired supplies for King Solomon and all who ate in his royal palace. 29  Each was responsible for one month in the year; they made sure nothing was lacking.

1 Raja-raja 5:3-4

5:3 “You know that my father David was unable to build a temple to honor the Lord 30  his God, for he was busy fighting battles on all fronts while the Lord subdued his enemies. 31  5:4 But now the Lord my God has made me secure on all fronts; there is no adversary or dangerous threat.

1 Raja-raja 6:16

6:16 He built a wall 30 feet in from the rear of the temple as a partition for an inner sanctuary that would be the most holy place. 32  He paneled the wall with cedar planks from the floor to the rafters. 33 

1 Raja-raja 10:25

10:25 Year after year visitors brought their gifts, which included items of silver, items of gold, clothes, perfume, spices, horses, and mules. 34 

1 Raja-raja 11:13

11:13 But I will not tear away the entire kingdom; I will leave 35  your son one tribe for my servant David’s sake and for the sake of my chosen city Jerusalem.”

1 Raja-raja 11:16

11:16 For six months Joab and the entire Israelite army 36  stayed there until they had exterminated every male in Edom. 37 

1 Raja-raja 11:21

11:21 While in Egypt Hadad heard that David had passed away 38  and that Joab, the commander of the army, was dead. So Hadad asked Pharaoh, “Give me permission to leave 39  so I can return to my homeland.”

1 Raja-raja 11:28

11:28 Jeroboam was a talented man; 40  when Solomon saw that the young man was an accomplished worker, he made him the leader of the work crew from the tribe 41  of Joseph.

1 Raja-raja 12:4

12:4 “Your father made us work too hard. 42  Now if you lighten the demands he made and don’t make us work as hard, we will serve you.” 43 

1 Raja-raja 12:14

12:14 and followed 44  the advice of the younger ones. He said, “My father imposed heavy demands on you; I will make them even heavier. 45  My father punished you with ordinary whips; I will punish you with whips that really sting your flesh.” 46 

1 Raja-raja 13:9

13:9 For the Lord gave me strict orders, 47  ‘Do not eat or drink 48  there and do not go home the way you came.’”

1 Raja-raja 13:16

13:16 But he replied, “I can’t go back with you 49  or eat and drink 50  with you in this place.

1 Raja-raja 14:24

14:24 There were also male cultic prostitutes 51  in the land. They committed the same horrible sins as the nations 52  that the Lord had driven out from before the Israelites.

1 Raja-raja 16:24

16:24 He purchased the hill of Samaria 53  from Shemer for two talents 54  of silver. He launched a construction project there 55  and named the city he built after Shemer, the former owner of the hill of Samaria.

1 Raja-raja 17:20-21

17:20 Then he called out to the Lord, “O Lord, my God, are you also bringing disaster on this widow I am staying with by killing her son?” 17:21 He stretched out over the boy three times and called out to the Lord, “O Lord, my God, please let this boy’s breath return to him.”

1 Raja-raja 18:1

Elijah Meets the King’s Servant

18:1 Some time later, in the third year of the famine, the Lord told Elijah, 56  “Go, make an appearance before Ahab, so I may send rain on the surface of the ground.”

1 Raja-raja 18:4

18:4 When Jezebel was killing 57  the Lord’s prophets, Obadiah took one hundred prophets and hid them in two caves in two groups of fifty. He also brought them food and water.)

1 Raja-raja 18:19

18:19 Now send out messengers 58  and assemble all Israel before me at Mount Carmel, as well as the 450 prophets of Baal and 400 prophets of Asherah whom Jezebel supports. 59 

1 Raja-raja 18:29

18:29 Throughout the afternoon they were in an ecstatic frenzy, 60  but there was no sound, no answer, and no response. 61 

1 Raja-raja 18:31

18:31 Then Elijah took twelve stones, corresponding to the number of tribes that descended from Jacob, to whom the Lord had said, “Israel will be your new 62  name.” 63 

1 Raja-raja 19:8

19:8 So he got up and ate and drank. That meal gave him the strength to travel forty days and forty nights until he reached Horeb, the mountain of God.

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[1:2]  1 tn Heb “said to.”

[1:2]  2 tn Heb “let them seek for my master, the king, a young girl, a virgin.” The third person plural subject of the verb is indefinite (see GKC 460 §144.f). The appositional expression, “a young girl, a virgin,” is idiomatic; the second term specifically defines the more general first term (see IBHS 230 §12.3b).

[1:2]  3 tn Heb “and she will stand before the king.” The Hebrew phrase “stand before” can mean “to attend; to serve” (BDB 764 s.v. עָמַד).

[1:2]  4 tn Heb “and she will lie down in your bosom.” The expression might imply sexual intimacy (see 2 Sam 12:3 [where the lamb symbolizes Bathsheba] and Mic 7:5), though v. 4b indicates that David did not actually have sex with the young woman.

[1:2]  5 tn Heb “and my master, the king, will be warm.”

[1:21]  6 tn The words “if a decision is not made” are added for clarification.

[1:21]  7 tn Heb “lies down with his fathers.”

[1:21]  8 tn Heb “I and my son Solomon.” The order has been reversed in the translation for stylistic reasons.

[1:21]  9 tn Heb “will be guilty”; NASB “considered offenders”; TEV “treated as traitors.”

[1:42]  10 tn The Hebrew text has “look” at this point. The particle הִנֵּה (hinneh), “look draws attention to Jonathan’s arrival and invites the audience to view the scene through the eyes of the participants.

[1:42]  11 tn Or “surely.”

[1:42]  12 tn Heb “you are a man of strength [or “ability”] and you bring a message [that is] good.” Another option is to understand the phrase אִישׁ חַיִל (’ish khayil) in the sense of “a worthy man,” that is “loyal.” See also 1 Kgs 1:52 and HALOT 311 s.v. חַיִל.

[1:48]  13 tn The Hebrew text reads, “and the king said.”

[1:48]  14 tn Or “Blessed be the Lord God of Israel, who….” In this blessing formula אֲשֶׁר (’asher, “who; because”) introduces the reason why the one being blessed deserves the honor.

[1:48]  15 tn Heb “and my eyes are seeing.”

[2:17]  16 tn Heb “Say to Solomon the king, for he will not turn back your face, that he might give to me Abishag the Shunammite for a wife.”

[2:23]  17 tn Heb “So may God do to me, and so may he add.”

[2:23]  18 tn Heb “if with his life Adonijah has not spoken this word.”

[2:24]  19 tn Heb “house.”

[3:12]  20 tn This statement is introduced in the Hebrew text by the particle הִנֵּה (hinneh, “look”) which draws attention to and emphasizes what follows.

[3:12]  21 tn Heb “I am doing according to your words.” The perfect tense is sometimes used of actions occurring at the same time a statement is made.

[3:12]  22 tn This statement is introduced by the particle הִנֵּה (hinneh, “look”) which draws attention to and emphasizes what follows. The translation assumes that the perfect tense here indicates that the action occurs as the statement is made (i.e., “right now I give you”).

[3:12]  23 tn Heb “heart.” (The Hebrew term translated “heart” often refers to the mental faculties.)

[3:12]  24 tn Heb “so that there has not been one like you prior to you, and after you one will not arise like you.”

[3:14]  25 tn Heb “walk in my ways.”

[3:14]  26 tn Or “keeping.”

[3:14]  27 tn Heb “walked.”

[3:14]  28 tn Heb “I will lengthen your days.”

[4:27]  29 tn Heb “everyone who drew near to the table of King Solomon.”

[5:3]  30 tn Heb “a house for the name of the Lord.” The word “name” sometimes refers to one’s reputation or honor. The “name” of the Lord sometimes designates the Lord himself, being indistinguishable from the proper name.

[5:3]  31 tn Heb “because of the battles which surrounded him until the Lord placed them under the soles of his feet.”

[6:16]  32 tn Heb “He built twenty cubits from the rear areas of the temple with cedar planks from the floor to the walls, and he built it on the inside for an inner sanctuary, for a holy place of holy places.”

[6:16]  33 tc The MT has קְלָעִים (qÿlaim, “curtains”), but this should be emended to קוֹרוֹת (qorot, “rafters”). See BDB 900 s.v. קוֹרָה.

[10:25]  34 tn Heb “and they were bringing each one his gift, items of silver…and mules, the matter of a year in a year.”

[11:13]  35 tn Heb “give.”

[11:16]  36 tn Heb “and all Israel.”

[11:16]  37 tn Heb “until he had cut off every male in Edom.”

[11:21]  38 tn Heb “lay down with his fathers.”

[11:21]  39 tn Heb “send me away.”

[11:28]  40 tn Heb “man of strength.”

[11:28]  41 tn Heb “house.”

[12:4]  42 tn Heb “made our yoke burdensome.”

[12:4]  43 tn Heb “but you, now, lighten the burdensome work of your father and the heavy yoke which he placed on us, and we will serve you.” In the Hebrew text the prefixed verbal form with vav (וְנַעַבְדֶךָ, [vÿnaavdekha] “and we will serve you”) following the imperative (הָקֵל [haqel], “lighten”) indicates purpose (or result). The conditional sentence used in the translation above is an attempt to bring out the logical relationship between these forms.

[12:14]  44 tn Heb “and spoke to them according to.”

[12:14]  45 tn Heb “My father made your yoke heavy, but I will add to your yoke.”

[12:14]  46 tn Heb “My father punished you with whips, but I will punish you with scorpions.” See the note on the same phrase in v. 11.

[13:9]  47 tn Heb “for this he commanded me by the word of the Lord, saying.”

[13:9]  48 tn Heb “eat food and drink water.”

[13:16]  49 tn Heb “I am unable to return with you or to go with you.”

[13:16]  50 tn Heb “eat food and drink water.”

[14:24]  51 tc The Old Greek translation has “a conspiracy” rather than “male cultic prostitutes.”

[14:24]  52 tn Heb “they did according to all the abominable acts of the nations.”

[16:24]  53 map For location see Map2 B1; Map4 D3; Map5 E2; Map6 A4; Map7 C1.

[16:24]  54 tn The Hebrew term כִּכָּר (kikkar, “circle”) refers generally to something that is round. When used of metals it can refer to a disk-shaped weight made of the metal or to a standard unit of weight, generally regarded as a talent. Since the accepted weight for a talent of metal is about 75 pounds, this would have amounted to about 150 pounds of silver.

[16:24]  55 tn Heb “he built up the hill.”

[18:1]  56 tn Heb “the word of the Lord came to Elijah.”

[18:4]  57 tn Heb “cutting off.”

[18:19]  58 tn The word “messengers” is supplied in the translation both here and in v. 20 for clarification.

[18:19]  59 tn Heb “who eat at the table of Jezebel.”

[18:29]  60 tn Heb “when noon passed they prophesied until the offering up of the offering.”

[18:29]  61 tc The Old Greek translation and Syriac Peshitta include the following words here: “When it was time to offer the sacrifice, Elijah the Tishbite spoke to the prophets of the abominations: ‘Stand aside for the time being, and I will offer my burnt offering.’ So they stood aside and departed.”

[18:29]  sn In 2 Kgs 4:31 the words “there was no sound and there was no response” are used to describe a dead boy. Similar words are used here to describe the god Baal as dead and therefore unresponsive.

[18:31]  62 tn The word “new” is implied but not actually present in the Hebrew text.

[18:31]  63 sn Israel will be your new name. See Gen 32:28; 35:10.

TIP #32: Gunakan Pencarian Khusus untuk melakukan pencarian Teks Alkitab, Tafsiran/Catatan, Studi Kamus, Ilustrasi, Artikel, Ref. Silang, Leksikon, Pertanyaan-Pertanyaan, Gambar, Himne, Topikal. Anda juga dapat mencari bahan-bahan yang berkaitan dengan ayat-ayat yang anda inginkan melalui pencarian Referensi Ayat. [SEMUA]
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