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Daftar Isi
HEBREW: 6820 reu Tso`ar


Dalam versi-versi Alkitab:

kecil. Kej 13:10.
NETBible Maps:
Map11 E2
Map12 E3
Map8 B1
OT2 C8
Indo1 C3

Peta Google: Zoar (30° 55´, 35° 25´);


Strongs #06820: reu Tso`ar

Zoar = "insignificance"

1) a city at the southeast end of the Dead Sea grouped with Sodom and
Gomorrah as being one of the 5 cities slated for destruction by God;
spared at Lot's plea as his place of refuge

6820 Tso`ar tso'ar

from 6819; little; Tsoar, a place East of the Jordan: KJV -- Zoar.
see HEBREW for 06819

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