Lihat definisi kata "Daughter" dalam Studi Kata
Daftar Isi
NAVE: Daughter
EBD: Daughter


Daughter [nave]

Forbidden to be wife of her mother's husband, Lev. 20:14.
Sold in concubinage, Ex. 21:7-10.
Given in marriage by parents, Judg. 1:12, 13; 1 Sam. 17:25; 18:20, 21.
Property rights of, Num. 27:1-11; 36; Josh. 17:3-6; Ruth 4:3.
Used also for granddaughter, Gen. 36:2.

Daughter [ebd]

This word, besides its natural and proper sense, is used to designate, (1.) A niece or any female descendant (Gen. 20:12; 24:48; 28:6). (2.) Women as natives of a place, or as professing the religion of a place; as, "the daughters of Zion" (Isa. 3:16), "daughters of the Philistines" (2 Sam. 1:20). (3.) Small towns and villages lying around a city are its "daughters," as related to the metropolis or mother city. Tyre is in this sense called the daughter of Sidon (Isa. 23:12). (4.) The people of Jerusalem are spoken of as "the daughters of Zion" (Isa. 37:22). (5.) The daughters of a tree are its boughs (Gen. 49:22). (6.) The "daughters of music" (Eccl. 12:4) are singing women.

DAUGHTER [smith]

The word is used in Scripture not only for daughter, but for granddaughter or other female descendant. (Genesis 24:48) It is used of the female inhabitants of a place or country, (Genesis 6:2; Luke 23:28) and of cities in general, (Isaiah 10:32; 23:12) but more specifically of dependent towns or hamlets, while to the principal city the correlative "mother" is applied. (Numbers 21:25) "Daughters of music," i.e. singing birds, (Ecclesiastes 12:4) refers to the power of making and enjoying music.


DAUGHTER - do'-ter (bath; thugater): Used in Scriptures in several more or less distinct senses: (a) for daughter in the ordinary, literal sense (Gen 46:25; Ex 1:16); (b) daughter-in-law (Ruth 2:2); (c) grand-daughter or other female descendant (Ex 21; Lk 1:5; 13:16); (d) the women of a country, or of a place, taken collectively (Lk 23:28), of a particular religion (Mal 2:11); (e) all the population of a place, taken collectively, especially in Prophets and poetic books (Ps 9:14; Isa 23:10; Jer 46:24; Mt 21:5); (f) used in familiar address, "Daughter, be of good comfort" (Mt 9:22 the King James Version; Mk 5:34; Lk 8:48); (g) women in general (Prov 31:29); (h) the personification of towns or cities, as of the female sex (Isa 47:1; Ezek 16:44,46; compare Nah 3:4,7), especially of dependent towns and villages (Ps 48:11; Nu 21:25 margin; Jdg 1:27 margin); (i) in Hebrew idiom for person or thing belonging to or having the characteristics of that with which it is joined, as "daughter of ninety years," of Sarah, ninety years old (Gen 17:17); "daughters of music," singing birds, or singing women (Eccl 12:4); daughters of a tree, i.e. branches; daughter of the eye, i.e. the pupil.

Daughters were not so highly prized as sons, not being usually mentioned by name. A father might sometimes sell his daughter as bondwoman (Ex 21:7); though not to a foreigner (Ex 21:8); daughters might sometimes inherit as did sons, but could not take the inheritance outside of the tribe (Nu 36:1-12).

Edward Bagby Pollard

Lihat definisi kata "Daughter" dalam Studi Kata

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