Lihat definisi kata "Yakobus" dalam Studi Kamus Alkitab
Other Portraits of James, Son of Alphaeus
Other Portraits of James, Son of Zebedee
Portraits of Mary, Mother of James and Joseph
Portraits of James, Author of New Testament Letter
The Death of James the Less
James and Hermogenes
James, Son of Alphaeus, in Various Compositions
James, Son of Zebedee, in Various Compositions
Portraits of Jude, Brother of James
The Correspondence of James
Various Subjects Connected to James
St. James the Less with a book
Apostle James the Less, The
Apostle St. James the Less
St. James the Less

(35 Gambar)
Nama Terkait:
St. James with two children
St. James, steadfastness
Madonna and child with St.s
St. James the Great holding a book and a staff

(81 Gambar)
Nama Terkait:
Ezekiel's vision of the mystic wheel

(6 Gambar)
Martyrdom of the apostle James, The
Apostle James the Less
Martyrdom of St. James the Less, The: He is stoned and beaten to death
Martyrdom of the apostle James, The
(4 Gambar)
Meeting between St. James the Great and Hermogenes, The
Conversion of Hermogenes by St. James the Great
(2 Gambar)
Nama Terkait:
Mother of God enthroned with the Christ child, angels and St.s, The
Madonna and child with angels, St.s and a donor, The
Virgin and child with St.s and donors
Virgin and child between St. James and St. Dominic, presenting the donors and their families, The

(12 Gambar)
Nama Terkait:
St. Peter and St. James with Dante and Beatrice
St. Peter and St. James with Dante and Beatrice and with St. John also
(2 Gambar)
Biodata Yakobus
YAKOBUS (Rasul) [Biodata]
Ayah | : | Zebedeus. Mat 4:21 |
Ibu | : | Salome. Mark 15:40 |
Disebut pertama | : | Mat 4:21 |
Namanya disebut | : | 9 X |
Kitab yang menyebut | : | Matius, Markus, Lukas dan Kisah Para Rasul |
Pekerjaan | : | Nelayan, sebelum jadi rasul. |
Tempat kelahiran | : | Betsaida |
Terakhir disebut | : | Kis 12:2 |
Fakta penting | : | Ia dibunuh oleh raja Herodes dengan pedang. |
Ringkasan | : | |
YAKOBUS (Saudara Yesus) [Biodata]
Ayah | : | Yusuf, Mat 13:55 |
Ibu | : | Maria |
Disebut pertama | : | Mat 13:55 |
Namanya disebut | : | 11 X |
Kitab yang menyebut | : | Matius, Markus,Yohanes,Kisah Para Rasul, I Kor, Galatia,Yakobus dan Yudas. |
Pekerjaan | : | Rasul dan Gembala |
Tempat kelahiran | : | Nazaret |
Tempat kematian | : | Tradisi, menyebutnya, di lembah Kidron, di luar Yerusalem. |
Terakhir disebut | : | Yudas 1 |
Fakta penting | : | Ia adalah Gembala salah satu Gereja di Yerusalem. Dan penulis Kitab Yakobus. |
Ringkasan | : | |
YAKOBUS (Anak Alfius) [Biodata]
Ayah | : | Alfius |
Disebut pertama | : | Mat 10:3 |
Namanya disebut | : | 4 X |
Kitab yang menyebut | : | Matius, Markus, Lukas, Kisah Para Rasul. |
Pekerjaan | : | Rasul, melayani Yesus. |
Terakhir disebut | : | Kis 1:13 |
Fakta penting | : | Dia adalah salah satu dari ke dua belas rasul. |
Ringkasan | : | |
Lihat definisi kata "Yakobus" dalam Studi Kamus Alkitab