Lihat definisi kata "Murid" dalam Studi Kamus Alkitab
- Sending Out the Apostles (Matius 10:5-42; Markus 6:7-11; Lukas 9:1-5;14:25-35)
- Appointing the Apostles (Matius 10:1-4; Markus 3:13-19; Lukas 6:12-16)
- The Teacher and His Disciples
- The Apostles and Their Hosts (Matius 10:11-15; Markus 6:10; Lukas 9:4; Lukas 10:5-12)
- Apostles of Christ (1 Korintus 4)
- The Apostle's Hardships (2 Korintus 6:1-13)
- Paul and the False Apostles (2 Korintus 11:1-15)
Twelve sent out, The
Exhortation of Christ to the apostles, The
Jesus sending out the apostles
Jesus sends out the apostles
(9 Gambar)
Topik Terkait:
At the Return of the Seventy ;
Higher Worth than Sparrows ;
Lambs among Wolves ;
Receiving a Disciple ;
The Apostles and Their Hosts
Pasal Terkait:
Matius 10 ;
Markus 6 ;
Lukas 9 ;
Lukas 14
Jesus appointing the apostles
Christ teaching his disciples on the last things
St. Peter confesses Jesus to be the Christ
Christ's appearence on the mountain
Crucifixion, The
(32 Gambar)
Nama Terkait:
Peace be to this house
As you enter the home, give it your greeting
(2 Gambar)
Topik Terkait:
Sending Out the Apostles ;
Sending Out the Seventy
Pasal Terkait:
Matius 10 ;
Markus 6 ;
Lukas 9 ;
Lukas 10
Both hunger, and thirst, and … have no certain dwellingplace
Cross, The
(2 Gambar)
Nama Terkait:
Pasal Terkait:
1 Korintus 4
In watchings, in fastings
Although punished, we are not killed *
(2 Gambar)
Pasal Terkait:
2 Korintus 6
Satan transformed into an angel of light
Satan can change himself *
(2 Gambar)
Nama Terkait:
Pasal Terkait:
2 Korintus 11
Lihat definisi kata "Murid" dalam Studi Kamus Alkitab
Murid: (penganut sesuatu ajaran). Para pengikut Kristus, Mat 10:24. murid-murid Yohanes; Mat 9:14. murid-murid orang farisi, Mat 12:16. teristimewa keduabelas murid Tuhan, Mat 10:1; 11:1; 20:17. dalam arti kata yang luas, ialah orang yang percaya pada Kristus dan pengajaranNya.