Resource > 1001 Jawaban >  Kehidupan dan Kematian Yesus >  Buku 555 > 
230. Berapa Lama Yesus Berada di Salib? 

Pertanyaan: 230. Berapa Lama Yesus Berada di Salib?

Tidak pasti berapa lama Yesus hidup setelah dia dipaku di salib. Paling lama tidak mungkin lebih dari enam jam. Markus berkata (15:25), Pada jam ketiga (atau pukul sembilan), mereka menyalibkan-Nya; dan lagi (15:34), Dan pada jam kesembilan (pukul 3 sore), Yesus berseru, dll. Yohanes, di sisi lain, menggambarkan proses di hadapan Pilatus (19:14), berkata: Sekitar jam keenam. Tetapi Yohanes mungkin menghitung jam dengan metode Romawi dari tengah malam, yang, dengan memperhitungkan sandiwara pengadilan selanjutnya dan perjalanan ke Golgota, akan membawanya sejalan dengan Markus. Matius juga (27:46), menggambarkan Yesus masih hidup pada jam kesembilan (pukul tiga sore). Matius, Markus, dan Lukas, yang merujuk pada kegelapan, mengatakan bahwa kegelapan itu berlangsung dari jam keenam (tengah hari), hingga jam kesembilan (pukul 3 sore), tetapi tampaknya tidak dimulai sampai Yesus sudah beberapa saat berada di atas salib. Orang-orang kuno tidak memiliki cara yang kita miliki untuk menghitung waktu dengan akurat; sehingga kita tidak dapat yakin tentang jamnya, dan mungkin sudah lebih dari jam sembilan ketika Yesus dipaku di salib. Dia jelas tidak hidup lama setelah pukul tiga, mungkin hanya beberapa menit.

Question: 230. How Many Hours Was Jesus on the Cross?

It is uncertain how long Jesus lived after he was nailed to the cross. At the longest it could not have been more than six hours. Mark says (15:25), "It was the third hour (or nine o'clock), and they crucified him"; and again (15:34), "And at the ninth hour (3 p. m.), Jesus cried," etc. John, on the other hand, describing the proceedings before Pilate (19:14), says: "It was about the sixth hour." But John was probably reckoning the hours by the Roman method from midnight, which, allowing for the subsequent judicial farce and the journey to Golgotha, would bring him into accord with Mark. Matthew also (27:46), represents Jesus as being alive at the ninth hour (three o'clock). Matthew, Mark and Luke, referring to the darkness, say that it lasted from the sixth hour (noon), till the ninth hour (3 p. m.), but it does not appear to have begun until Jesus had been some time on the cross. The ancients had not the means that we have of accurately reckoning time; so that we cannot be certain of the hour, and it may have been later than nine when Jesus was nailed to the cross. He evidently did not live long after three, probably not many minutes.


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