Artemis <735>

Artemiv Artemis

Asal Mula:probably from the same as 736
Jenis Kata:n pr f (noun proper feminime)
Dalam Yunani:artemidov 3, artemiv 2
Dalam TB:Artemis 4, dewi Artemis 1
Dalam AV:Diana 5
Definisi : idov [feminin] Artemis
Diana = "complete light: flow restrained"

1) Artemis, that is to say the so called Tauric or Persian or
Ephesian Artemis, the goddess of many Asiatic people, to be
distinguished from the Artemis of the Greeks, the sister of
Apollo. A very splendid temple was built to her at Ephesus, which
was set on fire by Herostratus and reduced to ashes; but
afterwards in the times of Alexander the Great, it was rebuilt in
a style of greater magnificence.

probably from the same as 736; prompt; Artemis, the name of a Grecian goddess borrowed by the Asiatics for one of their deities: KJV -- Diana.
see GREEK for 736
Ibrani Terkait:-
dlm Alkitab
:Artemis (BIS, TL, FAYH, WBTC, ENDE)
Artemis-agung (ENDE)
Artimis (BABA)
dewi Artemis (TB, WBTC)
Diana (KL1863, KL1870, SB)
Hilalat (LDKR)
Hilalet (LDKR)

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