Sinonim untuk: Fleshly, Fleshy, Sensual.

Lihat Definisi untuk sarkikov 4559
Lihat Definisi untuk sarkinov 4560
Lihat Definisi untuk qucikov 5591

sarkikov means fleshly, that which is controlled by the wrong
desires which rule in the flesh, flesh often being understood in its
broad sense, see sarx. It describes a man who gives the flesh the
dominion in his life, a place which does not belong to it by right. It
means distinctly opposed to the Spirit of God, anti-spiritual.

sarkinov properly means fleshy, made of flesh, flesh being the
material of which it is composed. When given a bad meaning, however, it
is plainly similar to sarkikov, but according to Trench not so
strong, denoting one as unspiritual, undeveloped, rather than anti-
spiritual. Others, as Cremer and Thayer, with more probability make
sarkinov the stronger, it describes one who is flesh, wholly given
up to the flesh, rooted in the flesh, rather than one who simply acts
according to the flesh (sarkikov). There is much confusion between
the two in the N.T. manuscripts.

qucikov has a meaning somewhat similar to sarkikov. Both are
used in contrast with pneumatikov. But qucikov has really a
distinct meaning, describing the life which is controlled by the
quch. It denotes, therefore, that which belongs to the animal
life, or that which is controlled simply by the appetites and passions
of the sensuous nature.

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