hoste <5620>

wste hoste

Asal Mula:from 5613 and 5037
Jenis Kata:particle (particle)
Dalam Yunani:wste 83
Dalam TB:sehingga 37, Karena itu 9, Jadi 7, Sebab itu 5, Demikianlah 4, Karena 3, Maka 2, bahkan 2, Apakah 1, Bahkan 1, Hai 1, Maka demikianlah 1, jadi 1, hingga 1, dan untuk 1, Tetapi 1, untuk 1
Dalam AV:so that 25, wherefore 17, insomuch that 16, therefore 9, that 6, so then 5, to 3, as 1, insomuch as 1
Definisi : bahwa, sehingga (dengan infinitif);
karena itu, supaya
1) so that, insomuch that
2) so then, therefore, wherefore

from 5613 and 5037; so too, i.e. thus therefore (in various relations of consecution, as follow): KJV -- (insomuch) as, so that (then), (insomuch) that, therefore, to, wherefore.
see GREEK for 5613
see GREEK for 5037
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