pule <4439>

pulh pule

Asal Mula:apparently a primary word
Referensi:TDNT - 6:921,974
Jenis Kata:n f (noun feminime)
Dalam Yunani:pulai 1, pulav 1, pulh 3, pulhn 1, pulhv 3
Dalam TB:pintu gerbang 4, pintu 2, pintu gerbang kota 1
Dalam AV:gate 10
Definisi : hv [feminin] gerbang, pintu
gerbang, pintu
1) a gate
1a) of the larger sort
1a1) in the wall of either a city
1a2) a palace
1a3) a town
1a4) the temple
1a5) a prison
2) the gates of hell (likened to a vast prison)
3) metaph. the access or entrance into any state

apparently a primary word; a gate, i.e. the leaf or wing of a folding entrance (literally or figuratively): KJV -- gate.
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