anakainoo <341>

anakainow anakainoo

Asal Mula:from 303 and a derivative of 2537
Referensi:TDNT - 3:452,388
Jenis Kata:v (verb)
Dalam Yunani:anakainoumenon 1, anakainoutai 1
Dalam TB:dibaharui 1, yang terus-menerus diperbaharui 1
Dalam AV:renew 2
Definisi : memperbaharui
1) to cause to grow up, new, to make new
1a) new strength and vigour is given to one
1b) to be changed into a new kind of life as opposed to the
former corrupt state

from 303 and a derivative of 2537; to renovate: KJV -- renew.
see GREEK for 303
see GREEK for 2537
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