loipoy <3062>

loipov loipoy

Asal Mula:masculine plural of a derivative of 3007
Jenis Kata:adv (adverb)
Dalam Yunani:loipa 3, loipai 2, loipav 2, loipoi 15, loipoiv 8, loipouv 3, loipwn 7
Dalam TB:lain 17, yang lain 10, orang-orang lain 6, masih tinggal 1, akan hal-hal lain 1, orang lain 1, perempuan-perempuan lain 1, semua orang lain 1, saudara yang lain 1, yang lainpun 1
Dalam AV:other 15, rest 12, others 7, remnant 4, residue 1, which remains 1, other things 1
Definisi : sisa, yang lain, akhirnya
1) remaining, the rest
1a) the rest of any number or class under consideration
1b) with a certain distinction and contrast, the rest, who are not
of a specific class or number
1c) the rest of the things that remain

masculine plural of a derivative of 3007; remaining ones: KJV -- other, which remain, remnant, residue, rest.
see GREEK for 3007
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