kopetos <2870>
kopetov kopetos
Pelafalan | : | kop-et-os' |
Asal Mula | : | from 2875 |
Referensi | : | TDNT - 3:830,453 |
Jenis Kata | : | n m (noun masculine) |
Dalam Yunani | : | kopeton 1 |
Dalam TB | : | meratapinya 1 |
Dalam AV | : | lamentation 1 |
Jumlah | : | 1 |
Definisi | : |
ou [maskulin] ratap
1) lamentation with beating of the breast as a sign of grief from 2875; mourning (properly, by beating the breast): KJV -- lamentation. see GREEK for 2875 |
Ibrani Terkait | : | בכי <01065>; מספד <04553>; נחי <05092> |
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Lihat definisi kata "kopetos" () dalam Studi Kamus Alkitab