koniao <2867>

koniaw koniao

Asal Mula:from konia (dust, by analogy, lime)
Referensi:TDNT - 3:827,453
Jenis Kata:v (verb)
Dalam Yunani:kekoniamene 1, kekoniamenoiv 1
Dalam TB:dilabur putih 1, yang dikapur putih-putih 1
Dalam AV:whited 2
Definisi : mengapur, melabur putih
1) to cover with lime, plaster over, whitewash
1a) the Jews were accustomed to whitewash the entrances to their
sepulchres, as a warning against defilement by touching them
1b) term applied to a hypocrite who conceals his malice under an
outward assumption of piety

from konia (dust; by analogy, lime); to whitewash: KJV -- whiten.
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