koilia <2836>

koilia koilia

Asal Mula:from koilos ("hollow")
Referensi:TDNT - 3:786,446
Jenis Kata:n f (noun feminime)
Dalam Yunani:koilia 10, koiliai 1, koilian 4, koiliav 7
Dalam TB:perut 6, rahim 3, lahirnya 1, mengandung 1, kandungan 1, hatinya 1, dikandung 1, dilahirkan 1, perutku 1, rahimmu 1, rahimnya 1, rahimku 1, perutnya 1, perutmu 1, yang rahimnya 1
Dalam AV:womb 12, belly 11
Definisi : av [feminin] perut, rahim; (ek thv k. autou dari dalam hatinya Yoh 7.38); nafsu (Rm 16.18; Flp 3.19)
hati, perut, rahim
1) the whole belly, the entire cavity
1a) the upper [i.e. stomach] and the lower belly are distinguished
2) the lower belly, the lower region, the receptacle of the excrement
3) the gullet
3a) to be given up to the pleasures of the palate, to gluttony
4) the womb, the place where the foetus is conceived and
nourished until birth
4a) of the uterus of animals
5) the innermost part of a man, the soul, heart as the seat of
thought, feeling, choice

from koilos ("hollow"); a cavity, i.e. (especially) the abdomen; by implication, the matrix; figuratively, the heart: KJV -- belly, womb.
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