Ioseph <2501>
Iwshf Ioseph
Pelafalan | : | ee-o-safe' |
Asal Mula | : | of Hebrew origin 03130 Powy |
Referensi | : | - |
Jenis Kata | : | n pr m (noun pronoun masculine) |
Dalam Yunani | : | iwshc 1, iwshf 35 |
Dalam TB | : | Yusuf 34, Yosekh 1 |
Dalam AV | : | Joseph (husband of Mary) 16, Joseph (son of Jacob) 9, Joseph of Arimathaea 6, Joseph (son of Judas) 1, Joseph of Barsabas 1, Joseph son of Jonan 1, Joseph (son of Mattathias) 1 |
Jumlah | : | 35 |
Definisi | : |
[maskulin] Yusuf: (1) anak dari bapa leluhur Yakub (2) suami dari Maria ibu Yesus; (3) orang Arimatea; (4) saudara Yesus (Mat 13.55); (5) Yusuf yang disebut Barnabas; (6) anak dari seorang ibu bernama Maria (Mat 27.56); (7,8) nama-nama dalam silsilah Yesus (Luk 3.24,30)
Yusuf Joseph = "let him add" 1) the patriarch, the eleventh son of Jacob 2) the son of Jonan or Jonam, one of the ancestors of Christ, Lu 3:30 3) the son of Judah [or Judas; better Joda] another ancestor of Jesus, Lu 3:26 4) the son of Mattathias, another ancestor of Christ, Lu 3:24 5) the husband of Mary, the mother of Jesus 6) a half-brother of Jesus Mt 13:55 7) Joseph of Arimathaea, a member of the Sanhedrin, who favoured Jesus. Mt 27:57,59; Mr 15:43,45 8) Joseph surnamed Barnabas Ac 4:36 9) Joseph call Barsabas and surnamed Justus, Ac 1:23 of Hebrew origin (3130); Joseph, the name of seven Israelites: KJV -- Joseph. see HEBREW for 03130 |
Ibrani Terkait | : | - |
Variasi dlm Alkitab | : | Jesoes (KL1863) Joesoep (KL1863) Josech (ENDE) Josef (ENDE) Josep (ENDE) Joses (KL1863) Josis (KL1870) Jusa (LDKR) Jusof (LDKR) Yosekh (TB, BIS, WBTC) Yoses (BIS, TL, FAYH, WBTC) Yosias (TL) Yosis (TL, SB, BABA) Yusich (SB) Yusik (BABA) Yusikh (TL) Yusis (BABA) Yusof (SB, BABA) Yusuf (TB, BIS, TL, FAYH, WBTC, SB) Yusup (SB) |
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