eusebeo <2151>

eusebew eusebeo

Asal Mula:from 2152
Referensi:TDNT - 7:175,1010
Jenis Kata:v (verb)
Dalam Yunani:eusebein 1, eusebeite 1
Dalam TB:berbakti 1, kamu sembah 1
Dalam AV:worship 1, show piety 1
Definisi : beribadah, menyembah; berbakti kepada (1Tim 5.4)
1) to act piously or reverently
1a) towards God, one's country, magistrates, relations, and all to
whom dutiful regard or reverence is due

from 2152; to be pious, i.e. (towards God) to worship, or (towards parents) to respect (support): KJV -- show piety, worship.
see GREEK for 2152
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