hairesis <139>

airesiv hairesis

Asal Mula:from 138
Referensi:TDNT - 1:180,27
Jenis Kata:n f (noun feminime)
Dalam Yunani:aireseiv 3, airesewv 3, airesin 2, airesiv 1
Dalam TB:mazhab 3, golongan 1, dari sekte 1, pengajaran-pengajaran sesat 1, roh pemecah 1, perpecahan 1, sekte 1
Dalam AV:sect 5, heresy 4
Definisi : esewv [feminin] mazhab, aliran agama, fraksi, perpecahan, skisma
1) act of taking, capture: e.g. storming a city
2) choosing, choice
3) that which is chosen
4) a body of men following their own tenets (sect or party)
4a) of the Sadducees
4b) of the Pharisees
4c) of the Christians
5) dissensions arising from diversity of opinions and aims

Sinonim : Lihat Definisi 5916

from 138; properly, a choice, i.e. (specially) a party or (abstractly) disunion: KJV -- heresy (which is the Greek word itself), sect.
see GREEK for 138
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