t@'en <08384>

Nat t@'en or (in the sing., fem.) hnat t@'enah

Pelafalan:teh-ane' teh-ay-naw'
Asal Mula:perhaps of foreign derivation
Referensi:TWOT - 2490
Jenis Kata:n f (noun feminime)
Dalam Ibrani:Mynat 8, hnat 5, wtnat 4, hnath 2, Mynath 2, hnatb 2, hnatw 2, hnathw 2, hnatm 1, Mynatkw 1, Mkynatw 1, Ktnatw 1, Myresh 1, htnatw 1, Mynatw 1, ynatk 1, ytnatw 1, hnatl 1, Mtnatw 1, Mynatk 1
Dalam TB:pohon ara 16, buah ara 10, pohon aranya 5, Buah ara 2, ara 2, Pohon ara 1, pohon-pohon ara 1, pohon aramu 1, pohon araku 1
Dalam AV:fig tree 23, fig 16
Definisi : 1) fig, fig tree
or (in the singular, feminine) t:enah {teh-ay- naw'}; perhaps of foreign derivation; the fig (tree or fruit): KJV -- fig (tree).
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