soreq <08321>

qrs soreq or qrws sowreq and (fem.) hqrs soreqah

Pelafalan:so-rake' so-rake' so-ray-kaw'
Asal Mula:from 08319 in the sense of redness (compare 08320)
Referensi:TWOT - 2294c
Jenis Kata:n m (noun masculine)
Dalam Ibrani:qrv 2, hqrvlw 1
Dalam TB:pokok anggur pilihan 2, pohon anggur pilihan 1
Dalam AV:choice wine 2, noble wine 1
Definisi : 1) choice species of vine, choice grapes
or sowreq {so-rake'}; and (feminine) soreqah {so- ray-kaw'}; from 8319 in the sense of redness (compare 8320); a vine stock (properly, one yielding purple grapes, the richest variety): KJV -- choice(-st, noble) wine. Compare 8291.
see HEBREW for 08319
see HEBREW for 08320
see HEBREW for 08291
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