'arubbah <0699>

hbra 'arubbah

Asal Mula:participle passive of 0693 (as if for lurking)
Referensi:TWOT - 156d
Jenis Kata:n f (noun feminime)
Dalam Ibrani:twbra 4, tbraw 2, hbram 1, twbrab 1, Mhytbra 1
Dalam TB:tingkap-tingkap 6, jendela 1, tingkap 1, pintu kandangnya 1
Dalam AV:windows 8, chimney 1
Definisi : 1) lattice, window, sluice 2) (CLBL) chimney (lattice opening where smoke escapes)
feminine participle passive of 693 (as if for lurking); a lattice; (by implication) a window, dove-cot (because of the pigeon-holes), chimney (with its apertures for smoke), sluice (with openings for water): KJV -- chimney, window.
see HEBREW for 0693
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