`athaq <06277>
qte `athaq
Pelafalan | : | aw-thawk' |
Asal Mula | : | from 06275 in the sense of license |
Referensi | : | TWOT - 1721a |
Jenis Kata | : | adj (adjective) |
Dalam Ibrani | : | qte 4 |
Dalam TB | : | bertegang 1, caci maki 1, kurang ajar 1, mencaci maki 1 |
Dalam AV | : | arrogancy 1, grievous things 1, stiff 1, hard things 1 |
Jumlah | : | 4 |
Definisi | : |
1) forward, bold, arrogant
1a) of speech
from 6275 in the sense of license; impudent: KJV -- arrogancy, grievous (hard) things, stiff. see HEBREW for 06275 |
Yunani Terkait | : | - |
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