`Ashtarowth <06252>

twrtve `Ashtarowth or trtve `Ashtaroth

Pelafalan:ash-taw-roth' ash-taw-roth'
Asal Mula:pl. of 06251
Referensi:TWOT - 1718b
Jenis Kata:n pr f deity, n pr loc (noun proper feminime deity, noun proper locative)
Dalam Ibrani:twrtseb 3, twrtseh 2, twrtse 2, trtseb 1, twrtsehw 1, trtseh 1, twrtsew 1, twrtselw 1
Dalam TB:Asytarot 6, Asytoret 6
Dalam AV:Ashtaroth 11, Astaroth 1
Definisi : Ashtaroth or Astaroth = "star" n pr f deity 1) false goddesses in the Canaanite religion, usually related to fertility cult n pr loc 2) a city in Bashan east of the Jordan given to Manasseh 2a) same as 06255
or bAshtaroth {ash-taw-roth'}; plural of 6251; Ashtaroth, the name of a Sidonian deity, and of a place East of the Jordan: KJV -- Asharoth, Astaroth. See also 1045, 6253, 6255.
see HEBREW for 06251
see HEBREW for 01045
see HEBREW for 06253
see HEBREW for 06255
Yunani Terkait:-
dlm Alkitab
:Astarot (TL)
Asytarot (BIS, FAYH)
Asytoret (TB, BIS, FAYH)

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